Presidential UFO Photos
George W. Bush

Like President Clinton before him, candidate George W. Bush received the
endorsement of the famous "Weekly World News" space alien. As with Clinton
in 1992, the alien correctly predicted the eventual election winner - in this case Bush. |

In May 2000, after receiving the alien's endorsement, Bush holds up the
alien picture on Air Force One to show the reporters his expanding Republican Party
Appeal."New faces, new voices," said Bush. "It goes to show I'm willing to
reach across certain demographic lines." |
Lara Johnstone who went on a hunger strike trying to
force George W. Bush to keep his promise made on the campaign trail to UFO researcher
Charles Huffer to release all the withheld information on UFOs. The hunger strike lasted
44 days without forcing Bush to even address the subject. The hunger strike did however
generate a lot of media attention about the Bush UFO promise. |
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