-----Original Message-----
From: Menna [mailto:contact@gnosticmedia.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 5:54 AM
To: contact@gnosticmedia.com
Subject: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
From: Menna
Subject: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Message Body:
Hey there,
I Found you on YT recently. You are very impressive. I have two friends (Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson) who have done a lot in the field of 9/11 research and I was wondering if you might be interested in interviewing them. They don't know I am asking you, but they would be happy to, if you were interested. I think their subject matter would interest you.
Dr Wood took the NIST Report contractors to court for science fraud over the destruction of the WTC complex. She has since written a book called 'Where Did The Towers Go?' which is a forensic study to examine what destroyed the WTC complex. She does not discuss who did it, merely examines the extraordinary evidence surrounding the destruction. Here is a link to her lecture- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vadSaWyiozg
Andrew Johnson has written a book uncovering the '911 Truth Movement', which is really just controlled opposition and further psyops to aid the cover up. Here is his lecture on the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oizx1hKU3tY
He also talks about other subjects too, including energy cover-up, Agenda 21, consciousness etc. Here is his website- http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/
And here is Dr Judy Wood's website-
I hope you will find their important research compelling enough to cover on your awesome podcast.
Let me know what you think when you have time, Cheers, Menna
P.S- Feel free to contact them directly. But I do know Dr Judy has got an email problem, where they bounce back when you send to her, so you might want to talk to me or Andrew about contact with her. We three keep in regular contact with each other via skype. Talk soon!! I hope! x
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Gnostic Media (http://www.gnosticmedia.com)
From: contact@gnosticmedia.com
To: menna
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 15:59:24 +0000
Thanks, but I don't think Judy Wood would be a good fit, as she appears to be part of the controlled op you talk about with Andrew Johnson.
Judy makes a lot of speculations, and right where she should be meeting the onus of proof, she falters and argues the arbitrary. Maybe her book is better than her awful presentations. She's also Jewish and most of the evidence points to Israel as being behind 911 - probably why she avoids discussing this and Zionism.
I've had former friends, such as Richard Grove, who was totally dirty and peddled the lies about 911. But I've not read Johnson's book to know if he'd be a good guest.
Thanks for your interest. Much appreciated.
From: Menna [mailto:menna]
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 10:39 AM
To: contact@gnosticmedia.com
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Hey there,
Have you read Dr Wood's book? I doubt it. Have you read Andrew's book? I doubt it. Are you interested in learning truth, through the study of evidence?
Your response to my message makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist, mentioning Jews and Zionism, when you don't even seem to understand what happened on 911. How can you solve a crime and find the guilty party when you aren't even interested in the evidence?! ! How disappointing, considering your 'gnostic media' claims to be about finding the truth, which you seem to be avoiding in making these assumptions.
Dr Wood took the contractors of the NIST report to court. You can't do that on speculation. You can though, make podcasts based on speculation, which seems to be your area of interest. Sorry to have misunderstood your intentions. Good luck with your 'cause', what ever it is. It certainly isn't about evidence or truth.
Cheers, Menna
From: contact@gnosticmedia.com
To: menna
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:44:18 +0000
You clearly didn’t read the email carefully.
Wood couldn’t understand the onus of proof if it smacked her in the face. I said I hadn’t studied Johnson to know if he’d be a good guest. Read more carefully.
If you actually don’t understand Zionism and Jewish involvement in 911 you’re either stupid, or dirty, or Jewish. Where did the term “conspiracy theorist” even come from? It was CIA. Why the hell are you using CIA terms and ad hominem attacks in place of critical thinking? I’m a real researcher who deals with documents and facts, not wild speculations and unsupportable theories – like Wood’s.
From: Menna [mailto:menna]
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 11:07 AM
To: contact@gnosticmedia.com
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Hey again,
I assume you haven't read Dr Wood's book, so you aren't in a position to assume what's in it. To solve a crime, and find a culprit you must find out what happened first. I thought you were an advocate of critical thinking?! But instead you choose to talk about Jewish people, and Zionism, without even knowing what happened. And 'conspiracy theorist' could accurately describes anyone who thinks 9/11 was 'an inside job', or even anyone who thinks that '19 bad Muslims with box cutters did it'. None of these conspiracy theories can be backed up with evidence. Whether the term is an invention of the CIA or not, it can describe certain people very well.
I am not interested in entering into a slanging match with you. I saw an interview you did with someone, and based on what you said, about critical thinking, and the fact that people get angry with you for speaking the truth, and having evidence to back it up, then I thought you would be open minded enough to find the truth of what destroyed the WTC complex. I misjudged what you meant, and I am sorry I contacted you, and have wasted my time and yours.
On another note- I registered with your website. I have tried to unregister from it, but it doesn't have that option. Could you take me off please, or perhaps point me in the right direction?!
Thanks again for your time and prompt responses,
From: contact@gnosticmedia.com
To: menna
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:12:07 +0000
Send me a copy of her book and I’ll read it and look for her onus of proof. If she meets the onus of proof I’ll consider an interview:
PO Box 3819
Crestline, CA 92325 USA
I have watched a number of Judy’s presentations and her logic and ability to meet the onus of proof was horrific.
ALL of her fans that I’ve spoken to react the same way you do – exactly like the flat earth people - emotionally, and are unable to consider the facts and how Judy moves people away from investigating Israel as the key factor behind 911. It was Israel, Saudi Arabia and US government – combined.
I’ve also read the reviews of Judy’s book and others say the same thing – no onus of proof.
Again, all of Judy’s work that I’ve seen didn’t meet the onus of proof. -It’s a concept you likely don’t even understand.
Thanks for sending the book.
From: Menna [mailto:menna]
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 11:19 AM
To: contact@gnosticmedia.com
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Hey there,
How do I unsubscribe from your website please?
Thanks, Menna
From: contact@gnosticmedia.com
To: menna
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:20:10 +0000
By using your email settings on the website.
I take it you’re afraid to send a copy of the book and be proved wrong. That’s too bad.
Like I said, it’s a concept you likely don’t understand.
From: Menna [mailto:menna]
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 11:36 AM
To: contact@gnosticmedia.com
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Hey there,
Thanks for the 'unsubscribe' information. It's a shame though, that you have to be so abrupt with me.
Of course I am not going to send you Dr Wood's book. It costs $40.00 and is a very heavy hardback textbook, consisting of 500 pages of empirical evidence. Therefore the shipping alone would cost about $20.00 in the U.S, and I am outside of the U.S.A. So I am not 'afraid' to send you a copy. I don't need to prove you wrong. I know you are wrong on this one. I have the benefit of having read the book several times.
As I said before, thanks for your timely responses to my original query, and sorry to have misjudged the situation. But it has taught me something valuable, so thanks to for that too. We all live and learn. I hope we can just agree that we both see things differently.
All the best, Menna
From: contact@gnosticmedia.com
To: menna
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:44:49 +0000
You obviously know I run on donations. If you want me to read the book, send it. You can have it shipped directly from Amazon.com
I’d love to see her “empirical evidence”. She didn’t present any at all in her videos. It was all hearsay and speculation.
Again, I said I’d look at it. You can send it, or not.
It’s a shame that every single Judy Wood fan I’ve EVER spoken to has the exact same reaction as you – they’re all emotionally driven, lack critical thinking, and don’t understand Jewish / Israeli involvement in 911. Israel is the #01 terrorist country on the planet.
A contradiction is a lie or an error. Not just “see things differently”. Unfortunately you won’t send the book to see if it’s my error or yours, and you don’t seem open enough to consider the possibility that Wood’s a fraud – as most of this mis-informants also happen to be Jewish. If you’ve not figured out Jewish / Zionist ties to 911 / MKULTRA / and the degradation of society, I wish you well and hope for you to wake up some day. Hitler didn’t kill 6 million Jews, the Bolshevik Jews murdered 60 million Russians, and have covered it up for decades. WAKE UP!
I was once like you, and believed the Jews did no wrong. You do realize that they’re behind most of this occult mind control stuff, too?
Sure, some Jews are legitimate researchers, but very few – unfortunately. As the children of Satan, their goal is to fool the gentiles. The work I studied of Judy’s was just simply awful.
Here’s a whole bunch of other people exposing Wood’s fraud:
From: Menna [mailto:menna]
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 11:50 AM
To: contact@gnosticmedia.com
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Hey again,
I don't want you to read the book. I haven't said at any point that I want that. There are more enjoyable ways of spending $60 of my own money. I asked if you had read it, which you haven't. I am not 'emotionally driven' in my correspondence with you. I have been polite and level headed.
Again, thanks for your time.
From: contact@gnosticmedia.com
To: menna
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:52:59 +0000
Very untrue.
You attacked me for not reading it, though I’ve watched many of her videos what were vacuums without evidence. You claim the evidence is in the book and that it’s “empirical”.
Its funny how you back down. Why not address all the others who expose Wood as a Zionist fraud?
Good luck pretending the Jews weren’t behind 911 and didn’t murder 60 million in Russia and blamed the Nazis to cover it up.
Good luck also with your “conspiracy theorist” name calling with CIA jingles.
Be well.
From: Menna [mailto:menna]
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 11:54 AM
To: contact@gnosticmedia.com
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
'Attacked'? Come on! Anyway, thanks for your time.
From: contact@gnosticmedia.com
To: menna
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:55:57 +0000
“I assume you haven't read Dr Wood's book, so you aren't in a position to assume what's in it. To solve a crime, and find a culprit you must find out what happened first.”
From: menna
To: contact@gnosticmedia.com
Subject: RE: Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 19:57:08 +0100
O.K thanks for your time.