Mark Conlon
Short Introduction by Andrew Johnson [ADJ]
Below, Mark has carefully documented some further errors made by Markus Allen in a recent response to another error he made in an earlier video. The thrust of what Markus Allen appears to be trying to say is that “the videos of Flight 175 crashing into the WTC are fake”. This, of course, has been a topic much discussed on 9/11 “truth” websites. I have come to the conclusion, partly because of what I have covered in this article, that there has been a deliberate attempt to promote the 911 video fakery position in order to obscure or cover up the knowledge of the use of some type of image projection technology, which was used to create a very powerful illusion of plane crashes (for those chuckling about this idea, simply try and account for the physical evidence that plane wings cannot cut through steel box-girders and also account for the fact that some witnesses did not see or hear any planes at the WTC site, whilst others did).
This is an article following on from Markus Allen’s ‘Fight 175 (Rare Video)’ You-tube video, where Markus Allen has now acknowledged his “error” about the building location, which he misrepresented in his You-tube video, alleging that ‘Flight 175’s’ wing passed behind the building. Markus Allen claimed this shouldn’t have happened because the buildings in question were behind the South Tower, which was proof of ‘video fakery’. Now that we have sorted out this ‘error’ by Mr Allen regarding the building location and the fact that ‘Flight 175’s’ wing should’ve passed behind the building, this should put the matter to rest. Well NO, in fact it has opened the door for yet another theory by Markus Allen, that Michael Herzarkhani’s video location is impossible? Hmmm.
Below is Markus Allen’s acknowledgement of his error regarding the building location and also his new theory about Michael Herzarkhani’s impossible video location? On this page
he writes:
Many commenters on this video have (rightly) pointed out that this video has a whopper of an error...
The two buildings that appear look like they're next to (or even behind) the Twin Towers:
But in reality, these buildings (at both 17 Battery Place and 28 Washington Street) are indeed WAY in front of the viewing area as we see in this view from Battery Park:
Also, the perspective of the view makes those two buildings appear to be taller than the Twin Towers (even though they're less than half the height).
In addition, coming out of the Battery Tunnel (next to Battery Park where this video is alleged to have been taken) looks nothing like what is shown in this video… you'd have to be in the middle of a bunch of trees in the park. It's an impossible shot from on the ground.
Analysis of Markus Allen’s New Theory of Impossible Herzarkhani Location
Markus now claims that Michael Herzarkhani’s video location cannot be correct or achieved. He also incorrectly states that Michael Herzarkhani was coming out of the Battery Tunnel when he videoed his historic video of ‘Flight 175’ hitting the South Tower. Michael Herzarkhani has never disclosed his location where he took his video from. It is speculated that Mr. Herzarkhani took his video from the ferry.
Michael Herzarkhani happened to be in close proximity to Carmen Taylor who also captured ‘Flight 175’ with her camera. Carmen was stationed on a ferry, which she spoke about during a telephone conversation with Jeff Hill [1,2].
Here’s a comparison of Carmen Taylor’s Photograph and Michael Herzarkhani’s video below.
Carmen Taylor’s Photograph
Michael Herzarkhani Video
Carmen Taylor and Michael Herzarkhani were in close proximity of each other when they captured ‘Flight 175’ hitting the South Tower.
[ADJ notes, some people have pointed out the strange correspondence between these two images – and the fact that in each image, the plane shows no appreciable motion blur. However, if what was moving was actually some type of image projection, not a physical object, we can image that any motion blur might be absent – this is speculation, of course…]
Let’s take a closer look at the photograph that Markus Allen has used to prove impossible location of Michael Herzarkhani’s video.
Carmen Taylor was located on the top deck of the Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty ferry when she took her pictures. This is why unless Markus is using a picture from the location on the ferry you will not capture the location correctly. It is believed that Mr. Herzarkhani was stationed on the ferry along with Carmen Taylor.
Unknown: Picture from ferry.
Here’s another comparison of a video from 1997.
View the Rinaldi v Herzarkhani video here:
Let’s deal with Markus Allen’s other claim about the ‘height’ of the ‘Twin Towers’ against the other building in the fore-ground.
Markus Allen said:
Also, the perspective of the view makes those two buildings appear to be taller than the Twin Towers (even though they're less than half the height).
In addition, coming out of the Battery Tunnel (next to Battery Park where this video is alleged to have been taken) looks nothing like what is shown in this video… you'd have to be in the middle of a bunch of trees in the park. It's an impossible shot from on the ground.
The following photo was taken by Eeney Minnie Moe in 2007 from approximately the same position taken from about the middle of the top deck. (Follow the link below for sourced research to this analysis of the Eeney Minnie Moe photograph).
For comparison, here is a frame from the Hezarkhani video:
Judging by the buildings, Taylor and Hezarkhani were both a little to the right of this position (so the trees are not seen from exactly the same angle), and a little farther back. (This would make the trees appear somewhat shorter relative to the buildings, and of course the trees have had six years of additional growth since 2001). I believe this indicates that Eeney Minnie Moe's ferry was probably at the same dock as the Taylor/Hezarkhani ferry, but they were both farther toward the stern and farther back from the railing.
(Carmen Taylor’s 4 photographs) comparisons to the (Eeney Minnie Moe 2007 photo)
(Eeney Minnie Moe photo 2007)
It seems that the location where Mr Herzarkhani recorded his historic footage of Flight 175 hitting the South Tower was the top deck of the Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty 7ferry. He was in close proximity to Carmen Taylor who also photographed her historic picture of Flight 175 hitting the South Tower.