Bill Cooper - Sedona Arizona Speech 24 Sep 1989 - YouTube AutoTranscript
1. 00:00:25:65 / 00:00:33:51 - good yeah okay good
2. 00:00:33:51 / 00:00:36:39 - ladies and gentlemen I'm here tonight to
3. 00:00:36:39 / 00:00:42:98 - bring you some revelations so to speak
4. 00:00:42:98 / 00:00:45:85 - we've been asleep for many many years
5. 00:00:45:85 / 00:00:51:55 - and it's time now for us to wake up and
6. 00:00:51:55 / 00:00:53:80 - it's time for us to wake up not in
7. 00:00:53:80 / 00:00:57:34 - fright not to look around and jump back
8. 00:00:57:34 / 00:01:01:80 - from the shadows but to come away with
9. 00:01:01:80 / 00:01:05:95 - our eyes open realizing what stands in
10. 00:01:05:95 / 00:01:13:60 - front of us and what we must do so that
11. 00:01:13:60 / 00:01:17:59 - we can live our lives again in peace and
12. 00:01:17:59 / 00:01:22:00 - transfer tranquility and we must at all
13. 00:01:22:00 / 00:01:22:61 - cost
14. 00:01:22:61 / 00:01:25:17 - guard against drifting back into the
15. 00:01:25:17 / 00:01:27:36 - slumber that we have been in for the
16. 00:01:27:36 / 00:01:30:72 - last 40 to 50 years that has really
17. 00:01:30:72 / 00:01:33:78 - created the situation that we find
18. 00:01:33:78 / 00:01:39:22 - ourselves in today we're going to be
19. 00:01:39:22 / 00:01:41:20 - discussing a lot of subjects tonight and
20. 00:01:41:20 / 00:01:43:09 - I would like for you to hold your
21. 00:01:43:09 / 00:01:45:31 - questions until the end at which time I
22. 00:01:45:31 / 00:01:49:09 - will be happy to answer them the harder
23. 00:01:49:09 / 00:01:51:78 - the question the more I like it there's
24. 00:01:51:78 / 00:01:53:25 - no such thing as a dumb or stupid
25. 00:01:53:25 / 00:01:57:94 - question and while I'm imparting this
26. 00:01:57:94 / 00:02:00:70 - information to you tonight I want you to
27. 00:02:00:70 / 00:02:02:73 - try to come up with questions to poke
28. 00:02:02:73 / 00:02:05:70 - holes in it and I'm going to answer
29. 00:02:05:70 / 00:02:07:95 - every one of those questions because
30. 00:02:07:95 / 00:02:10:33 - when you leave here tonight I don't want
31. 00:02:10:33 / 00:02:12:48 - you to have any doubts in your mind
32. 00:02:12:48 / 00:02:17:52 - whatsoever about the truthfulness of
33. 00:02:17:52 / 00:02:21:37 - what you're about to hear because it's
34. 00:02:21:37 / 00:02:23:08 - so important not only that you
35. 00:02:23:08 / 00:02:26:96 - understand it and believe it
36. 00:02:26:96 / 00:02:30:92 - that you act upon it so that we can do
37. 00:02:30:92 / 00:02:33:61 - something about it
38. 00:02:44:20 / 00:02:47:06 - we try to get a large television set
39. 00:02:47:06 / 00:02:50:09 - tonight and lo and behold in the entire
40. 00:02:50:09 / 00:02:52:04 - city of Sedona this is the largest we
41. 00:02:52:04 / 00:02:56:34 - could get so if you'll bear with us I'm
42. 00:02:56:34 / 00:02:59:29 - going to be showing you some videotapes
43. 00:02:59:29 / 00:03:01:50 - most of them we're going to play through
44. 00:03:01:50 / 00:03:04:20 - once because the audio will be enough
45. 00:03:04:20 / 00:03:06:33 - for those of you who aren't able to see
46. 00:03:06:33 / 00:03:08:70 - it from the back when I get to the
47. 00:03:08:70 / 00:03:11:15 - Kennedy tape if you are unable to see
48. 00:03:11:15 / 00:03:14:70 - what you need to see after we play it
49. 00:03:14:70 / 00:03:16:68 - the first time let me know
50. 00:03:16:68 / 00:03:18:72 - we will then ask the people in the front
51. 00:03:18:72 / 00:03:20:73 - to stand up and move back and those of
52. 00:03:20:73 / 00:03:22:10 - you in the back come forward we will
53. 00:03:22:10 / 00:03:25:79 - play it through as many times as we need
54. 00:03:25:79 / 00:03:29:94 - to it is important that you know that
55. 00:03:29:94 / 00:03:32:16 - you've been lied to that your own
56. 00:03:32:16 / 00:03:34:14 - government assassinated one of our
57. 00:03:34:14 / 00:03:37:41 - presidents and we're going to show that
58. 00:03:37:41 / 00:03:44:06 - to you tonight I would like to thank
59. 00:03:44:06 / 00:03:48:78 - some people now and talk about some
60. 00:03:48:78 / 00:03:49:88 - material that you're going to be seeing
61. 00:03:49:88 / 00:03:52:48 - here in the future
62. 00:03:54:31 / 00:03:58:04 - I would like to thank especially Eve
63. 00:03:58:04 / 00:04:00:79 - Bruce who through long distance all
64. 00:04:00:79 / 00:04:04:04 - phone conversations really started this
65. 00:04:04:04 / 00:04:08:42 - rolling and was the one who put it
66. 00:04:08:42 / 00:04:10:54 - together for you I would like to also
67. 00:04:10:54 / 00:04:16:51 - thank mr. Edie damar who was sort of in
68. 00:04:16:51 / 00:04:18:38 - partnership with Eve to bring this about
69. 00:04:18:38 / 00:04:21:51 - and did an awful lot of work on it and
70. 00:04:21:51 / 00:04:25:30 - who has written a book called
71. 00:04:25:30 / 00:04:33:74 - lese-majeste it's by Edie Tamar and it
72. 00:04:33:74 / 00:04:36:05 - covers our concerns a lot of the
73. 00:04:36:05 / 00:04:37:19 - material that I'm going to discuss
74. 00:04:37:19 / 00:04:39:25 - tonight and a lot of the things that
75. 00:04:39:25 / 00:04:43:69 - Colonel James Polk writes is talking
76. 00:04:43:69 / 00:04:46:82 - about across the nation I read a good
77. 00:04:46:82 / 00:04:49:46 - portion of mr. Kumar's book this morning
78. 00:04:49:46 / 00:04:51:97 - and I have to tell you it is one of the
79. 00:04:51:97 / 00:04:56:36 - most in-depth most well researched most
80. 00:04:56:36 / 00:05:00:19 - well reference works of its kind that I
81. 00:05:00:19 / 00:05:02:05 - have seen and includes the best
82. 00:05:02:05 / 00:05:04:49 - bibliography on the subject which is
83. 00:05:04:49 / 00:05:06:34 - available for all of you here tonight
84. 00:05:06:34 / 00:05:09:59 - you can pick up this bibliography from
85. 00:05:09:59 / 00:05:12:68 - the table back here and the reason we
86. 00:05:12:68 / 00:05:15:34 - put it out for you to pick up is because
87. 00:05:15:34 / 00:05:17:24 - most of what I'm going to tell you
88. 00:05:17:24 / 00:05:19:78 - tonight you can find out for yourselves
89. 00:05:19:78 / 00:05:22:31 - through your own research most of the
90. 00:05:22:31 / 00:05:23:90 - information that I'm going to give you
91. 00:05:23:90 / 00:05:27:83 - is not secret it has been in the public
92. 00:05:27:83 / 00:05:31:63 - domain for many years however we have
93. 00:05:31:63 / 00:05:36:62 - been extremely trying to think of a nice
94. 00:05:36:62 / 00:05:38:69 - word for it but I can't where it is
95. 00:05:38:69 / 00:05:41:69 - really negligent asleep
96. 00:05:41:69 / 00:05:44:53 - we have abdicated our role as the
97. 00:05:44:53 / 00:05:45:47 - watchdogs of our
98. 00:05:45:47 / 00:05:49:61 - government instead of reading instead of
99. 00:05:49:61 / 00:05:53:30 - questioning we watch television we
100. 00:05:53:30 / 00:05:55:16 - believe everything that Dan Rather tells
101. 00:05:55:16 / 00:06:02:90 - us amongst others he is just one there
102. 00:06:02:90 / 00:06:04:64 - are many and I'm going to tell you a
103. 00:06:04:64 / 00:06:07:31 - little bit about that later who lied to
104. 00:06:07:31 / 00:06:09:14 - you every night on the six o'clock ins
105. 00:06:09:14 / 00:06:16:34 - and the 11 o'clock news so that we get
106. 00:06:16:34 / 00:06:21:41 - started off on the right foot I'd like
107. 00:06:21:41 / 00:06:27:56 - to preface my talk with something I
108. 00:06:27:56 / 00:06:29:69 - think you need to hear to put you in the
109. 00:06:29:69 / 00:06:37:12 - proper frame of mind and keep you I hope
110. 00:06:37:12 / 00:06:41:48 - from your coming afraid fear is a worse
111. 00:06:41:48 / 00:06:43:79 - enemy than any other thing that we have
112. 00:06:43:79 / 00:06:47:78 - to face ladies and gentlemen the world
113. 00:06:47:78 / 00:06:50:75 - needs to hear the truth it's long
114. 00:06:50:75 / 00:06:53:90 - overdue the world also needs more peace
115. 00:06:53:90 / 00:06:58:07 - compassion and cooperation we already
116. 00:06:58:07 / 00:07:01:34 - have too much fear and confusion too
117. 00:07:01:34 / 00:07:03:55 - many people are feeling hopeless and
118. 00:07:03:55 / 00:07:06:86 - victimized what is offered here
119. 00:07:06:86 / 00:07:10:34 - startling information and what we ask is
120. 00:07:10:34 / 00:07:12:26 - that if you choose to accept it you do
121. 00:07:12:26 / 00:07:13:88 - so with the understanding that it would
122. 00:07:13:88 / 00:07:16:94 - not come to our attention now if we did
123. 00:07:16:94 / 00:07:19:52 - not have the ability to successfully
124. 00:07:19:52 / 00:07:24:29 - respond but successful only if we bring
125. 00:07:24:29 / 00:07:27:02 - our highest thoughts energies and
126. 00:07:27:02 / 00:07:32:22 - feelings to take positive action
127. 00:07:32:83 / 00:07:35:87 - we are not here to create more confusing
128. 00:07:35:87 / 00:07:39:71 - fear or negative energies of any kind
129. 00:07:39:71 / 00:07:42:74 - and it is important that we not give in
130. 00:07:42:74 / 00:07:45:68 - to these and ourselves as it would only
131. 00:07:45:68 / 00:07:48:72 - add to what the world have already has
132. 00:07:48:72 / 00:07:54:44 - fearing and fighting is the old way we
133. 00:07:54:44 / 00:07:58:28 - tried to change the world and the result
134. 00:07:58:28 / 00:07:59:84 - has been that those who managed to be
135. 00:07:59:84 / 00:08:01:40 - the victors brought the same
136. 00:08:01:40 / 00:08:03:38 - constrictive and negative patterns back
137. 00:08:03:38 / 00:08:06:86 - into power we have now come to the
138. 00:08:06:86 / 00:08:10:09 - threshold of a new understanding that we
139. 00:08:10:09 / 00:08:12:91 - must fight fear with confidence hatred
140. 00:08:12:91 / 00:08:17:16 - with love separateness with unity and
141. 00:08:17:16 / 00:08:19:84 - beliefs of being a helpless victim with
142. 00:08:19:84 / 00:08:21:59 - the acknowledgement and acceptance for
143. 00:08:21:59 / 00:08:23:33 - the power we have to create our own
144. 00:08:23:33 / 00:08:30:53 - lives and then the world it can only go
145. 00:08:30:53 / 00:08:33:40 - in that order fourth we are still
146. 00:08:33:40 / 00:08:35:45 - creating confusion and negativity in our
147. 00:08:35:45 / 00:08:37:30 - own experience we can only contribute
148. 00:08:37:30 / 00:08:41:89 - that to the world we can change the
149. 00:08:41:89 / 00:08:45:44 - world but it will not be by outward
150. 00:08:45:44 / 00:08:48:80 - action alone to the extent we can bring
151. 00:08:48:80 / 00:08:50:87 - truthfulness compassion and peace and
152. 00:08:50:87 / 00:08:55:01 - our own lives is the exact extent to
153. 00:08:55:01 / 00:08:58:12 - which we will bring them into the world
154. 00:08:58:12 / 00:09:00:58 - this does not mean that we have to sit
155. 00:09:00:58 / 00:09:02:45 - in our rooms until we perfect our own
156. 00:09:02:45 / 00:09:05:14 - lives but to realize that if we see
157. 00:09:05:14 / 00:09:08:51 - ourselves as victims we will be
158. 00:09:08:51 / 00:09:13:57 - victimized if we perceive part of the
159. 00:09:13:57 / 00:09:16:45 - world as separate rolla Martin bull that
160. 00:09:16:45 / 00:09:20:75 - is exactly what we will have the story
161. 00:09:20:75 / 00:09:23:32 - was beautifully played out on Star Wars
162. 00:09:23:32 / 00:09:25:70 - Luke advocating his own inner power
163. 00:09:25:70 / 00:09:28:02 - first by his belief in his kind
164. 00:09:28:02 / 00:09:31:86 - with all things it could only succeed in
165. 00:09:31:86 / 00:09:35:00 - battle by not giving in to any feelings
166. 00:09:35:00 / 00:09:37:68 - the problems that have arisen in our
167. 00:09:37:68 / 00:09:39:75 - world have come as a reflection of our
168. 00:09:39:75 / 00:09:42:75 - own collective fears policing
169. 00:09:42:75 / 00:09:46:68 - separateness and refusal to accept our
170. 00:09:46:68 / 00:09:49:70 - own power and responsibility for the
171. 00:09:49:70 / 00:09:53:97 - events in our lives if we give in to
172. 00:09:53:97 / 00:09:57:69 - these same feelings again the battle
173. 00:09:57:69 / 00:10:02:67 - will be lost before it is begun I want
174. 00:10:02:67 / 00:10:06:77 - you to bear that in mind I want you to
175. 00:10:06:77 / 00:10:09:08 - bear in mind that what has happened over
176. 00:10:09:08 / 00:10:16:23 - the years we bear a major part our
177. 00:10:16:23 / 00:10:19:92 - portion of the responsibility and it is
178. 00:10:19:92 / 00:10:24:36 - up to us and the application of others
179. 00:10:24:36 / 00:10:27:92 - to correct the situation to correct it
180. 00:10:27:92 / 00:10:32:36 - we are powerful each and every one of us
181. 00:10:32:36 / 00:10:40:70 - is worthy is powerful has great
182. 00:10:40:70 / 00:10:45:39 - potential to change the world if you
183. 00:10:45:39 / 00:10:48:92 - look back through history you will find
184. 00:10:48:92 / 00:10:54:20 - at least 27 instance incidences that I
185. 00:10:54:20 / 00:10:57:80 - can pinpoint where one man or one woman
186. 00:10:57:80 / 00:11:03:45 - has changed the entire world if you
187. 00:11:03:45 / 00:11:06:51 - doubt your ability to successfully act
188. 00:11:06:51 / 00:11:11:45 - and change the world I challenge you to
189. 00:11:11:45 / 00:11:14:49 - reexamine that belief and I challenge
190. 00:11:14:49 / 00:11:19:62 - you to stand up take action
191. 00:11:19:62 / 00:11:22:47 - and I guarantee you that you will be
192. 00:11:22:47 / 00:11:25:20 - amazed at the power that you really
193. 00:11:25:20 / 00:11:30:77 - really have ladies and gentlemen what
194. 00:11:30:77 / 00:11:32:18 - I'm talking about
195. 00:11:32:18 / 00:11:40:56 - tonight began many years ago 250 years
196. 00:11:40:56 / 00:11:43:40 - ago to be exact
197. 00:11:43:40 / 00:11:45:69 - this is not something that has happened
198. 00:11:45:69 / 00:11:49:80 - overnight this is not something that's
199. 00:11:49:80 / 00:11:53:97 - going to go away overnight but it is
200. 00:11:53:97 / 00:11:58:02 - something that we can begin to work on
201. 00:11:58:02 / 00:12:00:87 - and we can make we can make major
202. 00:12:00:87 / 00:12:04:71 - changes before the end of this year and
203. 00:12:04:71 / 00:12:07:17 - before the night is over that is going
204. 00:12:07:17 / 00:12:11:07 - to be my challenge to you and my
205. 00:12:11:07 / 00:12:14:76 - commission to you is to help us bring
206. 00:12:14:76 / 00:12:18:15 - about those changes and I'll tell you
207. 00:12:18:15 / 00:12:21:02 - exactly what those are
208. 00:12:32:04 / 00:12:33:89 - I'm gonna brush over the brief history
209. 00:12:33:89 / 00:12:35:88 - of this because what I want to do is get
210. 00:12:35:88 / 00:12:37:39 - to the meat of math meat of the matter
211. 00:12:37:39 / 00:12:39:72 - that's happening today because that's
212. 00:12:39:72 / 00:12:41:69 - really what concerns us but you need to
213. 00:12:41:69 / 00:12:45:06 - know how it all started about 250 years
214. 00:12:45:06 / 00:12:50:36 - ago there was a man who was contacted by
215. 00:12:50:72 / 00:12:53:57 - you might call it a channel you might
216. 00:12:53:57 / 00:12:56:88 - call it an alien being you might call it
217. 00:12:56:88 / 00:12:59:36 - a spirit whatever you call it
218. 00:12:59:36 / 00:13:02:88 - this entity the contact of this person
219. 00:13:02:88 / 00:13:05:73 - set in motion one of the most
220. 00:13:05:73 / 00:13:08:12 - far-reaching longest-lasting
221. 00:13:08:12 / 00:13:13:11 - conspiracies known to man it began with
222. 00:13:13:11 / 00:13:16:25 - the Illuminati it began with the
223. 00:13:16:25 / 00:13:19:25 - Illuminati right from the inception of
224. 00:13:19:25 / 00:13:22:92 - the Illuminati as a plot to depose the
225. 00:13:22:92 / 00:13:24:64 - rulers of the countries of the world
226. 00:13:24:64 / 00:13:28:58 - take down the national barriers create a
227. 00:13:28:58 / 00:13:32:50 - one-world government with the core
228. 00:13:32:50 / 00:13:35:33 - members or executive members of the
229. 00:13:35:33 / 00:13:39:87 - Illuminati at Gateshead concentrating
230. 00:13:39:87 / 00:13:42:44 - the power of the world and the wealth of
231. 00:13:42:44 / 00:13:44:91 - the world in their hands and subjugating
232. 00:13:44:91 / 00:13:47:67 - the rest of the human race literally to
233. 00:13:47:67 / 00:13:53:10 - serfdom when the heads of the Monarchs
234. 00:13:53:10 / 00:13:55:56 - of the countries of Europe uncovered
235. 00:13:55:56 / 00:13:59:16 - this plot accidentally they immediately
236. 00:13:59:16 / 00:14:02:57 - banned the Illuminati they put a price
237. 00:14:02:57 / 00:14:04:29 - on the head of the members
238. 00:14:04:29 / 00:14:06:75 - the Illuminati and they quickly
239. 00:14:06:75 / 00:14:09:08 - disappeared and took to the holds in the
240. 00:14:09:08 / 00:14:12:89 - ground they were sheltered by other
241. 00:14:12:89 / 00:14:15:69 - secret groups you will find that all of
242. 00:14:15:69 / 00:14:17:82 - the secret societies that are concerned
243. 00:14:17:82 / 00:14:22:35 - with this particular conspiracy all
244. 00:14:22:35 / 00:14:25:47 - through the years always have levels of
245. 00:14:25:47 / 00:14:28:58 - initiation for their membership I will
246. 00:14:28:58 / 00:14:30:00 - explain to you why they did is a little
247. 00:14:30:00 / 00:14:32:50 - bit later
248. 00:14:35:88 / 00:14:40:02 - this is really a European thing but it
249. 00:14:40:02 / 00:14:44:23 - has spread to the United States the
250. 00:14:44:23 / 00:14:47:13 - major controlling membership of these
251. 00:14:47:13 / 00:14:52:02 - secret societies is a group known as the
252. 00:14:52:02 / 00:14:56:64 - round table of nine they are the heads
253. 00:14:56:64 / 00:14:59:61 - of the most powerful banking families in
254. 00:14:59:61 / 00:15:02:64 - the world when you get right down to it
255. 00:15:02:64 / 00:15:05:01 - there are only nine families who control
256. 00:15:05:01 / 00:15:07:08 - the wealth of the world and that is the
257. 00:15:07:08 / 00:15:11:04 - nine families whose heads make up the
258. 00:15:11:04 / 00:15:14:10 - round table of nine beneath the round
259. 00:15:14:10 / 00:15:15:75 - table of nine there's an international
260. 00:15:15:75 / 00:15:18:99 - organization under the Bilderbergers the
261. 00:15:18:99 / 00:15:23:10 - Bilderbergers our major player in this
262. 00:15:23:10 / 00:15:25:74 - beneath the Bilderbergers each nation
263. 00:15:25:74 / 00:15:29:16 - has its own group most of the European
264. 00:15:29:16 / 00:15:32:13 - nations look to the Club of Rome in the
265. 00:15:32:13 / 00:15:32:98 - United States
266. 00:15:32:98 / 00:15:34:32 - it's the Council on Foreign Relations
267. 00:15:34:32 / 00:15:39:72 - and in recent years in our generation
268. 00:15:39:72 / 00:15:45:48 - the trilateral commission you may not
269. 00:15:45:48 / 00:15:47:70 - realize this but they are one and the
270. 00:15:47:70 / 00:15:51:99 - same the trilateral commission branched
271. 00:15:51:99 / 00:15:53:88 - off from the Council on Foreign
272. 00:15:53:88 / 00:15:57:51 - Relations to give you something to hang
273. 00:15:57:51 / 00:16:01:01 - on to should they lose political power
274. 00:16:01:01 / 00:16:04:05 - there's a know little deploy it's the
275. 00:16:04:05 / 00:16:08:11 - same as in the playoffs for major league
276. 00:16:08:11 / 00:16:12:57 - football you have two teams and you play
277. 00:16:12:57 / 00:16:16:66 - yourself you cannot lose that is the
278. 00:16:16:66 / 00:16:20:18 - theory behind the split
279. 00:16:22:14 / 00:16:24:37 - now that you know a little bit of the
280. 00:16:24:37 / 00:16:27:43 - history and not too much because I
281. 00:16:27:43 / 00:16:29:47 - really want you to go start reading for
282. 00:16:29:47 / 00:16:32:14 - yourself and you will find that there's
283. 00:16:32:14 / 00:16:35:14 - plenty of material to give you food for
284. 00:16:35:14 / 00:16:38:80 - thought a lot of hours of reading and a
285. 00:16:38:80 / 00:16:42:91 - lot of productive research our story
286. 00:16:42:91 / 00:16:47:59 - really started in around 1936 when
287. 00:16:47:59 / 00:16:51:88 - Germany recovered a flying disc it is
288. 00:16:51:88 / 00:16:54:10 - not clear whether they entered into an
289. 00:16:54:10 / 00:16:55:72 - agreement with the aliens and were given
290. 00:16:55:72 / 00:16:59:08 - the discs or whether they took the discs
291. 00:16:59:08 / 00:17:02:26 - or whether the discipline crashed and
292. 00:17:02:26 / 00:17:05:65 - they just came in possession of it the
293. 00:17:05:65 / 00:17:08:08 - method by which they did this is not
294. 00:17:08:08 / 00:17:10:75 - clear it is clear however that they had
295. 00:17:10:75 / 00:17:13:18 - a disc as early as 1936 that they were
296. 00:17:13:18 / 00:17:14:99 - attempting to duplicate the technology
297. 00:17:14:99 / 00:17:17:48 - in an area known as peanut one day when
298. 00:17:17:48 / 00:17:19:57 - we went in to that area after World War
299. 00:17:19:57 / 00:17:24:61 - two excuse me and captured peanut Monday
300. 00:17:24:61 / 00:17:29:14 - we found safes
301. 00:17:29:14 / 00:17:32:84 - file cabinets drawers loaded with
302. 00:17:32:84 / 00:17:35:14 - documents on the alien technology and
303. 00:17:35:14 / 00:17:37:36 - the attempts to reproduce the technology
304. 00:17:37:36 / 00:17:40:90 - we found pieces and portions of hardware
305. 00:17:40:90 / 00:17:44:62 - we found some of the scientists in our
306. 00:17:44:62 / 00:17:47:77 - sweep trying to recover them many of
307. 00:17:47:77 / 00:17:50:50 - them however were captured by the
308. 00:17:50:50 / 00:17:54:28 - Russians much of the hardware was also
309. 00:17:54:28 / 00:17:55:66 - captured by the Russians and the
310. 00:17:55:66 / 00:17:57:59 - Russians may have captured the original
311. 00:17:57:59 / 00:17:59:72 - discs because we certainly didn't get it
312. 00:17:59:72 / 00:18:02:36 - to my knowledge notice I say to my
313. 00:18:02:36 / 00:18:04:15 - knowledge because I was not privy to
314. 00:18:04:15 / 00:18:07:26 - every scrap of information
315. 00:18:08:73 / 00:18:10:95 - when we found this at the close of World
316. 00:18:10:95 / 00:18:14:22 - War two we were extremely concerned we
317. 00:18:14:22 / 00:18:15:69 - didn't know what to do about it but we
318. 00:18:15:69 / 00:18:17:30 - immediately set the scientists about
319. 00:18:17:30 / 00:18:19:40 - working on trying to duplicate the
320. 00:18:19:40 / 00:18:21:53 - technology or at least come up with it
321. 00:18:21:53 / 00:18:24:98 - on our own most of it we did not have to
322. 00:18:24:98 / 00:18:30:65 - duplicate until 1947 when as you
323. 00:18:30:65 / 00:18:32:94 - probably read or heard or recently if
324. 00:18:32:94 / 00:18:35:27 - you watched unsolved mysteries last
325. 00:18:35:27 / 00:18:39:23 - Wednesday on television you saw what was
326. 00:18:39:23 / 00:18:42:77 - described as the Roswell incident the
327. 00:18:42:77 / 00:18:45:09 - Roswell incident is a true incident it
328. 00:18:45:09 / 00:18:47:73 - did occur it occurred near the city of
329. 00:18:47:73 / 00:18:50:38 - Roswell New Mexico
330. 00:18:50:38 / 00:18:56:03 - and what actually happened there was a
331. 00:18:56:03 / 00:18:59:15 - thunderstorm a disc was seen flying over
332. 00:18:59:15 / 00:19:02:27 - two cities in the direction where the
333. 00:19:02:27 / 00:19:06:95 - wreckage was found the desk either
334. 00:19:06:95 / 00:19:10:01 - exploded in the air or hit something in
335. 00:19:10:01 / 00:19:14:73 - the air but whatever happened we know
336. 00:19:14:73 / 00:19:16:35 - what happened in the air because debris
337. 00:19:16:35 / 00:19:19:39 - was found in two different locations
338. 00:19:19:39 / 00:19:24:25 - there were large amounts of small degree
339. 00:19:24:25 / 00:19:29:03 - debris scattered over a ranch that
340. 00:19:29:03 / 00:19:33:41 - belonged to a mr. Brazel who was an
341. 00:19:33:41 / 00:19:35:70 - old-time cowboy was a very honest man I
342. 00:19:35:70 / 00:19:40:73 - reported it several miles away there was
343. 00:19:40:73 / 00:19:47:73 - a large intact majority of the saucer
344. 00:19:47:73 / 00:19:50:33 - actually or the disc found on the ground
345. 00:19:50:33 / 00:19:54:35 - with several dead alien bodies the
346. 00:19:54:35 / 00:19:56:78 - reason I say several is there are
347. 00:19:56:78 / 00:19:57:43 - accounts
348. 00:19:57:43 / 00:20:00:85 - there were four I saw pictures of three
349. 00:20:00:85 / 00:20:03:76 - of those dead alien bodies in a report
350. 00:20:03:76 / 00:20:05:92 - called Project grudge which also
351. 00:20:05:92 / 00:20:08:55 - included material from a report called
352. 00:20:08:55 / 00:20:13:75 - blue book report number thirteen so I'm
353. 00:20:13:75 / 00:20:15:16 - not sure whether there were three or
354. 00:20:15:16 / 00:20:17:65 - four I saw photographs of three of those
355. 00:20:17:65 / 00:20:22:03 - bodies for children really it doesn't
356. 00:20:22:03 / 00:20:24:16 - make any difference if there was one or
357. 00:20:24:16 / 00:20:27:10 - fifty the important thing is that it
358. 00:20:27:10 / 00:20:30:55 - occurred and that there were dead alien
359. 00:20:30:55 / 00:20:32:86 - bodies that were not of this world
360. 00:20:32:86 / 00:20:35:59 - the technology was not in this world we
361. 00:20:35:59 / 00:20:37:83 - could find nothing within that craft
362. 00:20:37:83 / 00:20:41:17 - that we knew anything about we could not
363. 00:20:41:17 / 00:20:43:18 - find electrical wires we could not find
364. 00:20:43:18 / 00:20:45:01 - back in tubes we could not find
365. 00:20:45:01 / 00:20:48:97 - hydraulic actuators accumulators control
366. 00:20:48:97 / 00:20:52:66 - valves we didn't know what made this
367. 00:20:52:66 / 00:20:59:65 - thing tick immediately it was classified
368. 00:20:59:65 / 00:21:04:24 - secret it was carted away the press was
369. 00:21:04:24 / 00:21:06:46 - told first that they had recovered a
370. 00:21:06:46 / 00:21:09:43 - flying saucer second that no it wasn't a
371. 00:21:09:43 / 00:21:12:15 - flying saucer it was a weather balloon
372. 00:21:12:15 / 00:21:14:83 - when the local newspaper tried to put it
373. 00:21:14:83 / 00:21:17:74 - out on the wire the wire service was
374. 00:21:17:74 / 00:21:20:29 - interrupted and a message came across
375. 00:21:20:29 / 00:21:22:30 - the wire to the local news service
376. 00:21:22:30 / 00:21:24:10 - stating that they were to cease
377. 00:21:24:10 / 00:21:26:44 - transmission immediately what they were
378. 00:21:26:44 / 00:21:28:87 - transmitting concern the national
379. 00:21:28:87 / 00:21:31:15 - security the message was from the
380. 00:21:31:15 / 00:21:33:91 - Federal Bureau of Investigation this is
381. 00:21:33:91 / 00:21:36:85 - documented the witnesses are still alive
382. 00:21:36:85 / 00:21:43:47 - and have so testified to this fact
383. 00:21:43:47 / 00:21:45:51 - what happened over the next several
384. 00:21:45:51 / 00:21:47:73 - years really that's the most important
385. 00:21:47:73 / 00:21:49:60 - thing that initially happened the second
386. 00:21:49:60 / 00:21:51:15 - most important thing that happened and
387. 00:21:51:15 / 00:21:52:74 - they were there were other crashes in
388. 00:21:52:74 / 00:21:54:90 - between the second most important thing
389. 00:21:54:90 / 00:21:57:63 - that happened is that we found two discs
390. 00:21:57:63 / 00:22:00:34 - in the vicinity of Aztec New Mexico in
391. 00:22:00:34 / 00:22:05:75 - 1948 which contained human body parts
392. 00:22:05:75 / 00:22:09:10 - now this caused the classification to go
393. 00:22:09:10 / 00:22:12:29 - from secret to way above top-secret
394. 00:22:12:29 / 00:22:14:49 - because there was a great fear of a
395. 00:22:14:49 / 00:22:17:35 - national panic now this was before they
396. 00:22:17:35 / 00:22:19:60 - ever did a study to determine whether or
397. 00:22:19:60 / 00:22:21:99 - not they believed the populace would
398. 00:22:21:99 / 00:22:24:10 - panic if the information that aliens
399. 00:22:24:10 / 00:22:29:83 - here were here was disseminated but they
400. 00:22:29:83 / 00:22:31:77 - knew that if they told the public or if
401. 00:22:31:77 / 00:22:33:85 - that got out to the public by some means
402. 00:22:33:85 / 00:22:36:22 - that aliens were not only here but we're
403. 00:22:36:22 / 00:22:37:92 - flying around in craft which contained
404. 00:22:37:92 / 00:22:41:28 - human body parts that's another story
405. 00:22:41:28 / 00:22:43:57 - altogether now I don't want you to get
406. 00:22:43:57 / 00:22:47:23 - real concerned about this because your
407. 00:22:47:23 / 00:22:48:75 - chances of being affected by it
408. 00:22:48:75 / 00:22:53:73 - personally are extremely remote
409. 00:22:55:49 / 00:23:02:69 - the next really important occurrence was
410. 00:23:02:69 / 00:23:08:53 - the fact that in 1949 again near Roswell
411. 00:23:08:53 / 00:23:13:88 - to dis crashed they recovered five alien
412. 00:23:13:88 / 00:23:17:69 - bodies from these disks and in combing
413. 00:23:17:69 / 00:23:19:15 - the area to make sure that they had
414. 00:23:19:15 / 00:23:20:89 - recovered all of the wreckage and
415. 00:23:20:89 / 00:23:23:24 - everything that they could so that the
416. 00:23:23:24 / 00:23:25:15 - public would not be able to discover
417. 00:23:25:15 / 00:23:27:91 - anything and so that they would have
418. 00:23:27:91 / 00:23:30:38 - everything with which to gain knowledge
419. 00:23:30:38 / 00:23:34:94 - and technology from they scoured the
420. 00:23:34:94 / 00:23:37:90 - area by foot patrol by Jeep patrol and
421. 00:23:37:90 / 00:23:40:22 - by aircraft reconnaissance and
422. 00:23:40:22 / 00:23:44:77 - discovered an alien live from the crash
423. 00:23:44:77 / 00:23:48:38 - wandering in the desert they captured
424. 00:23:48:38 / 00:23:50:67 - him he was designated EB
425. 00:23:50:67 / 00:23:54:59 - extraterrestrial biological entity EB
426. 00:23:54:59 / 00:23:56:53 - was taken to Los Alamos where he was
427. 00:23:56:53 / 00:23:59:79 - placed in a Faraday shielded environment
428. 00:23:59:79 / 00:24:02:69 - because he had the ability to read the
429. 00:24:02:69 / 00:24:05:29 - thoughts and transmit thoughts to people
430. 00:24:05:29 / 00:24:07:34 - outside of where he was being held
431. 00:24:07:34 / 00:24:11:69 - captive he also had the ability through
432. 00:24:11:69 / 00:24:14:27 - a device that he wore around his waist
433. 00:24:14:27 / 00:24:21:59 - to literally walk through walls now we
434. 00:24:21:59 / 00:24:25:34 - know through our own study of science
435. 00:24:25:34 / 00:24:27:44 - that this is not far-fetched
436. 00:24:27:44 / 00:24:30:44 - we know that mass or matter is made up
437. 00:24:30:44 / 00:24:33:02 - of molecules which are made up of atoms
438. 00:24:33:02 / 00:24:36:83 - and in between these atoms there's quite
439. 00:24:36:83 / 00:24:40:22 - a large space on that scale and in
440. 00:24:40:22 / 00:24:43:03 - between the molecules there is a large
441. 00:24:43:03 / 00:24:45:74 - space on that scale also it's much like
442. 00:24:45:74 / 00:24:47:24 - being out in space and looking at the
443. 00:24:47:24 / 00:24:50:09 - solar system if the Sun in each of the
444. 00:24:50:09 / 00:24:52:15 - planets if you were to consider them to
445. 00:24:52:15 / 00:24:54:66 - be molecules if you could get way down
446. 00:24:54:66 / 00:24:57:86 - microscopically and look inside your own
447. 00:24:57:86 / 00:24:58:99 - hand you would
448. 00:24:58:99 / 00:25:01:02 - much the same thing there large spaces
449. 00:25:01:02 / 00:25:04:33 - between them they're held together by a
450. 00:25:04:33 / 00:25:07:65 - force or an energy which we know very
451. 00:25:07:65 / 00:25:13:27 - little about with the proper technology
452. 00:25:13:27 / 00:25:15:07 - you could literally put your hand
453. 00:25:15:07 / 00:25:17:50 - through your other hand if you knew how
454. 00:25:17:50 / 00:25:20:11 - to do then the aliens apparently do
455. 00:25:20:11 / 00:25:21:90 - because they can not only walk through
456. 00:25:21:90 / 00:25:25:87 - walls but they are apparently able to
457. 00:25:25:87 / 00:25:28:24 - abduct you from your bed in the middle
458. 00:25:28:24 / 00:25:30:70 - of the night and lift you out through
459. 00:25:30:70 / 00:25:33:22 - your ceiling without opening any doors
460. 00:25:33:22 / 00:25:36:61 - without lifting the roof without opening
461. 00:25:36:61 / 00:25:38:16 - any windows and you pass right through
462. 00:25:38:16 / 00:25:40:53 - up with no ill effects and they can put
463. 00:25:40:53 / 00:25:42:25 - you right back down in your bed in the
464. 00:25:42:25 / 00:25:45:19 - same manner now this sounds totally
465. 00:25:45:19 / 00:25:46:36 - insane
466. 00:25:46:36 / 00:25:50:52 - doesn't it doesn't it really because I
467. 00:25:50:52 / 00:25:53:35 - have to tell you quite frankly when I
468. 00:25:53:35 / 00:25:55:96 - was reading this material and when I was
469. 00:25:55:96 / 00:25:58:45 - studying the abductee reports and when I
470. 00:25:58:45 / 00:26:01:45 - first came across this I thought it was
471. 00:26:01:45 / 00:26:05:55 - crazy I thought it was insane until I
472. 00:26:05:55 / 00:26:10:11 - realized that it was absolutely real
473. 00:26:11:49 / 00:26:14:20 - once you also bear in mind ladies and
474. 00:26:14:20 / 00:26:16:56 - gentlemen that it was not too long ago
475. 00:26:16:56 / 00:26:21:04 - and really wasn't too long ago that if
476. 00:26:21:04 / 00:26:23:53 - you mentioned to someone else
477. 00:26:23:53 / 00:26:25:96 - that in a few years man would be flying
478. 00:26:25:96 / 00:26:29:56 - through our own atmosphere he would have
479. 00:26:29:56 / 00:26:32:05 - been laughed at ostracized and probably
480. 00:26:32:05 / 00:26:35:53 - kicked out of town then not long after
481. 00:26:35:53 / 00:26:38:74 - that when we did have aircraft and we're
482. 00:26:38:74 / 00:26:41:46 - carrying passengers flew through the air
483. 00:26:41:46 / 00:26:44:20 - if you had suggested to your neighbor
484. 00:26:44:20 / 00:26:47:02 - that in a few years a man would be
485. 00:26:47:02 / 00:26:50:02 - walking on the moon and he would have
486. 00:26:50:02 / 00:26:52:60 - been laughed at ridicule and maybe run
487. 00:26:52:60 / 00:26:59:56 - out of town literally when we put a man
488. 00:26:59:56 / 00:27:01:60 - on the moon is when I realized that
489. 00:27:01:60 / 00:27:05:94 - nothing is impossible nothing ever again
490. 00:27:05:94 / 00:27:09:69 - can be impossible
491. 00:27:11:75 / 00:27:14:12 - the next most important thing that
492. 00:27:14:12 / 00:27:18:95 - happened after they found Hebe I came a
493. 00:27:18:95 / 00:27:21:00 - few years later
494. 00:27:21:00 / 00:27:25:80 - EB became ill as they tried to save him
495. 00:27:25:80 / 00:27:28:39 - they were unsuccessful they didn't know
496. 00:27:28:39 / 00:27:31:27 - how to go about it but in an attempt to
497. 00:27:31:27 / 00:27:33:91 - save him and also in an attempt to gain
498. 00:27:33:91 / 00:27:35:72 - favor with this technologically superior
499. 00:27:35:72 / 00:27:38:41 - race they began broadcasting out into
500. 00:27:38:41 / 00:27:42:01 - space for help we have one of your
501. 00:27:42:01 / 00:27:45:01 - people here who crashed in one of your
502. 00:27:45:01 / 00:27:47:60 - ships we're trying to save his life
503. 00:27:47:60 / 00:27:51:97 - he's dying please help us save his life
504. 00:27:51:97 / 00:27:55:75 - by doing that they hoped number one to
505. 00:27:55:75 / 00:27:58:42 - make contact number two to make friendly
506. 00:27:58:42 / 00:28:01:12 - contact number three that the aliens
507. 00:28:01:12 / 00:28:03:27 - would see us as a benevolent people
508. 00:28:03:27 / 00:28:06:40 - trying to help one of theirs and would
509. 00:28:06:40 / 00:28:09:12 - not attempt to destroy us or hurt us
510. 00:28:09:12 / 00:28:11:14 - because we realized that their
511. 00:28:11:14 / 00:28:13:85 - technology was so far ahead of ours that
512. 00:28:13:85 / 00:28:15:88 - in any military confrontation of any
513. 00:28:15:88 / 00:28:17:33 - kind we would have had no chance
514. 00:28:17:33 / 00:28:21:01 - whatsoever okay and basically that is
515. 00:28:21:01 / 00:28:22:24 - still true today
516. 00:28:22:24 / 00:28:25:54 - what should give you good feelings is
517. 00:28:25:54 / 00:28:28:37 - that if the aliens wanted to they could
518. 00:28:28:37 / 00:28:31:12 - have done anything that they wish to us
519. 00:28:31:12 / 00:28:33:62 - many many years ago and they have not
520. 00:28:33:62 / 00:28:41:01 - done that so I see that as good
521. 00:28:41:01 / 00:28:49:07 - oh I see it pregnant with all kinds of
522. 00:28:49:07 / 00:28:53:48 - hope and possibilities for the future
523. 00:28:53:48 / 00:28:56:97 - because we know as the human race what
524. 00:28:56:97 / 00:28:59:43 - we usually do to an inferior culture if
525. 00:28:59:43 / 00:29:02:18 - we're technologically superior is
526. 00:29:02:18 / 00:29:08:43 - usually not that good so there is a
527. 00:29:08:43 / 00:29:11:22 - great deal of hope there is a great deal
528. 00:29:11:22 / 00:29:18:26 - of promise in that EB died in June of
529. 00:29:18:26 / 00:29:23:07 - 1952 as of the time of eby's death we
530. 00:29:23:07 / 00:29:25:38 - had not had any answer to the message
531. 00:29:25:38 / 00:29:28:23 - that we had sent out into space the
532. 00:29:28:23 / 00:29:30:78 - movie that you saw called ET is the
533. 00:29:30:78 / 00:29:34:29 - story of EB they have changed some
534. 00:29:34:29 / 00:29:37:74 - things around to make it more palatable
535. 00:29:37:74 / 00:29:40:32 - to the beginning of the stories running
536. 00:29:40:32 / 00:29:42:18 - around in the desert he's lost the
537. 00:29:42:18 / 00:29:44:34 - government is chasing him and the real
538. 00:29:44:34 / 00:29:47:52 - story the government caught him and the
539. 00:29:47:52 / 00:29:51:09 - movie the little boy gets him and they
540. 00:29:51:09 / 00:29:54:36 - form this symbiotic relationship they're
541. 00:29:54:36 / 00:29:56:42 - each getting something from the other
542. 00:29:56:42 / 00:29:59:97 - and it's a wonderful story well in real
543. 00:29:59:97 / 00:30:03:11 - life the real-life EB was assigned an
544. 00:30:03:11 / 00:30:06:00 - Air Force officer to watch over him
545. 00:30:06:00 / 00:30:07:41 - become his friend get as much
546. 00:30:07:41 / 00:30:10:71 - information from him as he could be his
547. 00:30:10:71 / 00:30:14:34 - mentor be his captor and the same
548. 00:30:14:34 / 00:30:16:50 - semiotic relationship developed between
549. 00:30:16:50 / 00:30:19:14 - EB and this Air Force officer to the
550. 00:30:19:14 / 00:30:21:36 - point where when he b died the airforce
551. 00:30:21:36 / 00:30:25:26 - officer cried he was deeply hurt he'd
552. 00:30:25:26 / 00:30:27:48 - lost a dear friend because he had been
553. 00:30:27:48 / 00:30:30:12 - with EB literally nine days since they
554. 00:30:30:12 / 00:30:32:75 - had found him
555. 00:30:34:12 / 00:30:39:17 - in the movie he gets very ill and
556. 00:30:39:17 / 00:30:41:69 - everybody is very concerned and the
557. 00:30:41:69 / 00:30:43:67 - little boy plays the role of the air
558. 00:30:43:67 / 00:30:46:82 - force officer and you see that he cries
559. 00:30:46:82 / 00:30:51:77 - but in the film he lives ET call home
560. 00:30:51:77 / 00:30:54:83 - was Project Sigma to attempt to make
561. 00:30:54:83 / 00:30:56:96 - communications with the aliens to come
562. 00:30:56:96 / 00:31:01:49 - and help save the life of EB the
563. 00:31:01:49 / 00:31:03:08 - government ladies and gentlemen is
564. 00:31:03:08 / 00:31:05:27 - giving you information at an
565. 00:31:05:27 / 00:31:08:45 - unprecedented rate every day they are
566. 00:31:08:45 / 00:31:12:11 - trying to get to your subconscious and
567. 00:31:12:11 / 00:31:13:82 - tell you the story of what has happened
568. 00:31:13:82 / 00:31:19:40 - over the last 44 years so that when the
569. 00:31:19:40 / 00:31:20:67 - truth comes out
570. 00:31:20:67 / 00:31:28:16 - it is not a critical shock you will be
571. 00:31:28:16 / 00:31:30:41 - prepared for it you will understand what
572. 00:31:30:41 / 00:31:35:48 - is happening in 1954 our excuse me in
573. 00:31:35:48 / 00:31:38:57 - 1953 we detected large objects in space
574. 00:31:38:57 / 00:31:40:40 - coming toward the earth they took up a
575. 00:31:40:40 / 00:31:44:54 - high orbit around the equator these
576. 00:31:44:54 / 00:31:46:85 - objects were determined to be spacecraft
577. 00:31:46:85 / 00:31:48:62 - intelligently controlled we did
578. 00:31:48:62 / 00:31:51:10 - establish communications with them
579. 00:31:51:10 / 00:31:53:41 - arrangements were made for them to land
580. 00:31:53:41 / 00:31:57:20 - there were three landings in 1954 one
581. 00:31:57:20 / 00:31:59:45 - took place at Holloman Air Force Base in
582. 00:31:59:45 / 00:32:02:17 - New Mexico one took place at Edwards Air
583. 00:32:02:17 / 00:32:05:41 - Force Base in California the other one
584. 00:32:05:41 / 00:32:08:54 - do not hold me to this because I cannot
585. 00:32:08:54 / 00:32:10:64 - substantiate it but I believe it was at
586. 00:32:10:64 / 00:32:13:60 - Homestead Air Force Base in Florida I
587. 00:32:13:60 / 00:32:17:05 - believed that the aliens who contacted
588. 00:32:17:05 / 00:32:21:74 - us who were attempting to help us who
589. 00:32:21:74 / 00:32:24:98 - refused to give us technology who wanted
590. 00:32:24:98 / 00:32:26:21 - to help us with our spiritual
591. 00:32:26:21 / 00:32:28:10 - development I believe that that landing
592. 00:32:28:10 / 00:32:29:96 - took place at Homestead Air Force Base
593. 00:32:29:96 / 00:32:32:98 - in Florida but
594. 00:32:32:98 / 00:32:35:65 - get any verification from that from any
595. 00:32:35:65 / 00:32:37:84 - source so don't put that down as fact
596. 00:32:37:84 / 00:32:41:41 - put it down as a possibility the other
597. 00:32:41:41 / 00:32:43:51 - two bases the other two landings I know
598. 00:32:43:51 / 00:32:46:15 - occurred without a doubt at home an Air
599. 00:32:46:15 / 00:32:48:57 - Force Base and Edwards Air Force Base
600. 00:32:48:57 / 00:32:51:64 - the first landing occurred at Holloman
601. 00:32:51:64 / 00:32:54:73 - Air Force Base where the aliens met with
602. 00:32:54:73 / 00:32:57:54 - our intelligence officers they reached a
603. 00:32:57:54 / 00:33:00:82 - basic agreement after several hours they
604. 00:33:00:82 / 00:33:03:16 - were able to communicate they left one
605. 00:33:03:16 / 00:33:06:54 - hostage with us his name was krill as it
606. 00:33:06:54 / 00:33:08:44 - pledged that they would return and
607. 00:33:08:44 / 00:33:13:71 - formalize an agreement later in 1954
608. 00:33:13:71 / 00:33:16:15 - they landed again at Edwards Air Force
609. 00:33:16:15 / 00:33:18:54 - Base President Eisenhower had arranged
610. 00:33:18:54 / 00:33:21:76 - be on vacation in Palm Springs at the
611. 00:33:21:76 / 00:33:23:59 - appointed date and time President
612. 00:33:23:59 / 00:33:25:57 - Eisenhower was whisk away he actually
613. 00:33:25:57 / 00:33:27:01 - disappeared nobody even saw the
614. 00:33:27:01 / 00:33:28:99 - helicopter come and go but he does she
615. 00:33:28:99 / 00:33:31:60 - just flat disappeared the press was
616. 00:33:31:60 / 00:33:33:70 - really shook up and if you read the
617. 00:33:33:70 / 00:33:35:89 - newspapers during that period of time
618. 00:33:35:89 / 00:33:37:99 - you will find that the press literally
619. 00:33:37:99 / 00:33:40:45 - went while trying to locate him they
620. 00:33:40:45 / 00:33:42:37 - were given a story that he was taken to
621. 00:33:42:37 / 00:33:44:71 - a dentist for a toothache they never
622. 00:33:44:71 / 00:33:46:39 - found a dentist that treated President
623. 00:33:46:39 / 00:33:48:76 - Eisenhower in fact he was at Edwards Air
624. 00:33:48:76 / 00:33:51:73 - Force Base he reached a formal agreement
625. 00:33:51:73 / 00:33:55:35 - with the aliens and the treaty was son
626. 00:33:55:35 / 00:33:58:12 - this was played out in a movie that you
627. 00:33:58:12 / 00:34:00:66 - saw called Close Encounters of the Third
628. 00:34:00:66 / 00:34:05:59 - Kind everything that you saw in that
629. 00:34:05:59 / 00:34:07:92 - movie except for finding the ship in the
630. 00:34:07:92 / 00:34:10:06 - desert and the planes in Mexico and
631. 00:34:10:06 / 00:34:15:28 - those types of things was true people
632. 00:34:15:28 / 00:34:19:71 - were and are still being abducted people
633. 00:34:19:71 / 00:34:23:42 - were and are still being picked up and
634. 00:34:23:42 / 00:34:28:53 - relocated decontaminated brainwashed
635. 00:34:28:53 / 00:34:31:54 - given new identities and put back into
636. 00:34:31:54 / 00:34:34:35 - society and some of the
637. 00:34:34:35 / 00:34:37:56 - it's for their own protection really in
638. 00:34:37:56 / 00:34:41:11 - most cases in some cases it's a travesty
639. 00:34:41:11 / 00:34:43:38 - of justice
640. 00:34:45:75 / 00:34:48:82 - people are being implanted the implants
641. 00:34:48:82 / 00:34:52:21 - were played out by the silly little tune
642. 00:34:52:21 / 00:34:54:81 - that people got in their head that
643. 00:34:54:81 / 00:34:57:40 - represented the implants they couldn't
644. 00:34:57:40 / 00:35:02:02 - get this out of their head they would
645. 00:35:02:02 / 00:35:04:27 - have a close encounter with an alien
646. 00:35:04:27 / 00:35:07:44 - disc and they would hear this tune and
647. 00:35:07:44 / 00:35:11:02 - they could never ever get rid of it and
648. 00:35:11:02 / 00:35:13:12 - it drove them to do some crazy things
649. 00:35:13:12 / 00:35:15:28 - and there are people today who are being
650. 00:35:15:28 / 00:35:18:31 - driven to do some crazy things I know
651. 00:35:18:31 / 00:35:20:59 - some abductees who wake up one morning
652. 00:35:20:59 / 00:35:22:27 - after they've had an induction
653. 00:35:22:27 / 00:35:25:39 - experience and they've got to move and
654. 00:35:25:39 / 00:35:27:97 - they've got to move to a specific place
655. 00:35:27:97 / 00:35:30:28 - in a specific state and they've got to
656. 00:35:30:28 / 00:35:32:35 - do it right now and they don't know why
657. 00:35:32:35 / 00:35:34:60 - and they've never been there before and
658. 00:35:34:60 / 00:35:36:40 - they have no friends there they don't
659. 00:35:36:40 / 00:35:38:08 - even know what the place looks like but
660. 00:35:38:08 / 00:35:41:17 - they get all their kids they pack up and
661. 00:35:41:17 / 00:35:46:35 - they leave and they go to Sedona Arizona
662. 00:35:57:10 / 00:36:05:36 - some of them go to Yale Washington there
663. 00:36:05:36 / 00:36:07:58 - are areas in the United States where
664. 00:36:07:58 / 00:36:10:67 - people are being driven to they don't
665. 00:36:10:67 / 00:36:12:29 - know why they're going to these places
666. 00:36:12:29 / 00:36:15:32 - but they're going there usually they
667. 00:36:15:32 / 00:36:18:08 - have been abducted usually they have
668. 00:36:18:08 / 00:36:19:97 - been implanted well let me take that
669. 00:36:19:97 / 00:36:20:60 - back
670. 00:36:20:60 / 00:36:22:76 - and guarantee you that everyone has been
671. 00:36:22:76 / 00:36:26:16 - abducted has been implanted and the time
672. 00:36:26:16 / 00:36:28:61 - that I saw the information between 1970
673. 00:36:28:61 / 00:36:33:53 - and 1973 the official office of naval
674. 00:36:33:53 / 00:36:36:11 - intelligence figures was one in 40 which
675. 00:36:36:11 / 00:36:37:70 - works out to two and a half percent of
676. 00:36:37:70 / 00:36:40:25 - the population how did they get these
677. 00:36:40:25 / 00:36:43:51 - figures very simple ladies and gentlemen
678. 00:36:43:51 / 00:36:47:21 - at that time they still had the draft at
679. 00:36:47:21 / 00:36:49:22 - that time they have draft quotas from
680. 00:36:49:22 / 00:36:51:05 - every state representing a certain
681. 00:36:51:05 / 00:36:54:08 - percentage of the population a certain
682. 00:36:54:08 / 00:36:55:67 - percentage of the population of young
683. 00:36:55:67 / 00:36:59:09 - men had to be drafted according to the
684. 00:36:59:09 / 00:37:01:07 - percentage of the total population that
685. 00:37:01:07 / 00:37:03:86 - lived in that state when they came in
686. 00:37:03:86 / 00:37:06:89 - for induction into the military service
687. 00:37:06:89 / 00:37:09:50 - they were given an extensive medical
688. 00:37:09:50 / 00:37:11:93 - examination and even at that time ladies
689. 00:37:11:93 / 00:37:13:79 - and gentlemen we did have magnetic
690. 00:37:13:79 / 00:37:17:24 - resonance imaging capability but the
691. 00:37:17:24 / 00:37:20:96 - military did not run out to the civilian
692. 00:37:20:96 / 00:37:23:08 - community as yet this was a new
693. 00:37:23:08 / 00:37:26:44 - technique a new development
694. 00:37:26:44 / 00:37:29:99 - they found that according to the number
695. 00:37:29:99 / 00:37:32:30 - of implants they found in the military
696. 00:37:32:30 / 00:37:38:00 - induct E's based upon the percentage of
697. 00:37:38:00 / 00:37:40:43 - the population of that state from which
698. 00:37:40:43 / 00:37:43:43 - they were taken that the number of
699. 00:37:43:43 / 00:37:45:17 - people in the United States who had been
700. 00:37:45:17 / 00:37:48:68 - implanted was one in 40 I sincerely
701. 00:37:48:68 / 00:37:51:44 - believe that that was an underestimate
702. 00:37:51:44 / 00:37:55:34 - maybe a large underestimate simply
703. 00:37:55:34 / 00:37:59:13 - because now today most of the abductees
704. 00:37:59:13 / 00:38:03:59 - are women and that sampling was taken
705. 00:38:03:59 / 00:38:06:07 - from all
706. 00:38:08:67 / 00:38:12:25 - why they're mostly women I don't know it
707. 00:38:12:25 / 00:38:17:02 - has something to do I do know and this
708. 00:38:17:02 / 00:38:18:73 - may not be the only reason and that's
709. 00:38:18:73 / 00:38:20:38 - why I say I don't know what the whole
710. 00:38:20:38 / 00:38:23:62 - reason is it has something to do with
711. 00:38:23:62 / 00:38:26:14 - the attempts for them to preserve their
712. 00:38:26:14 / 00:38:29:11 - race in an attempt to crossbreed with
713. 00:38:29:11 / 00:38:32:53 - human beings either as a direct attempt
714. 00:38:32:53 / 00:38:35:41 - by implanting our impregnating the
715. 00:38:35:41 / 00:38:38:41 - female and allowing the baby to come to
716. 00:38:38:41 / 00:38:40:18 - the first trimester at which point
717. 00:38:40:18 / 00:38:41:98 - they're abducted again and the fetus is
718. 00:38:41:98 / 00:38:46:36 - removed or by harvesting sperm and OVA
719. 00:38:46:36 / 00:38:48:34 - from selected human beings and
720. 00:38:48:34 / 00:38:50:17 - attempting to grow this crossbreed in
721. 00:38:50:17 / 00:38:54:58 - laboratory there is tremendous evidence
722. 00:38:54:58 / 00:39:01:63 - to support this now let me digress back
723. 00:39:01:63 / 00:39:03:73 - again to the next major step that
724. 00:39:03:73 / 00:39:07:51 - happened was that in 1954 when president
725. 00:39:07:51 / 00:39:09:87 - after President Eisenhower become
726. 00:39:09:87 / 00:39:13:45 - incumbent with the office he realized
727. 00:39:13:45 / 00:39:14:71 - that he was going to have to deal with
728. 00:39:14:71 / 00:39:16:87 - this and he also realized as I realized
729. 00:39:16:87 / 00:39:21:94 - a long time ago you can't believe what's
730. 00:39:21:94 / 00:39:25:96 - happening you can't believe what the
731. 00:39:25:96 / 00:39:30:27 - aliens tell us whether they be good bad
732. 00:39:30:27 / 00:39:33:94 - etheric interdimensional whatever there
733. 00:39:33:94 / 00:39:36:73 - is so much deception and so many lies
734. 00:39:36:73 / 00:39:40:36 - involved with this that you have to step
735. 00:39:40:36 / 00:39:42:76 - back and say I'm not going to believe
736. 00:39:42:76 / 00:39:46:45 - anything can tell it improve it and to
737. 00:39:46:45 / 00:39:48:49 - do otherwise is to put yourself in
738. 00:39:48:49 / 00:39:52:39 - terrible jeopardy believe me terrible
739. 00:39:52:39 / 00:39:55:42 - jeopardy I can cite instances where this
740. 00:39:55:42 / 00:39:57:50 - has happened
741. 00:39:57:50 / 00:39:59:46 - President Eisenhower knew that he wasn't
742. 00:39:59:46 / 00:40:01:53 - capable determine what the truth was but
743. 00:40:01:53 / 00:40:02:97 - he knew that there was some pretty smart
744. 00:40:02:97 / 00:40:05:61 - people in this country he put together
745. 00:40:05:61 / 00:40:08:37 - an organization called mj-12 or majority
746. 00:40:08:37 / 00:40:12:78 - 12 majority 12 was made up of six men
747. 00:40:12:78 / 00:40:15:03 - from the United States government those
748. 00:40:15:03 / 00:40:17:01 - six men were Nelson Rockefeller who
749. 00:40:17:01 / 00:40:19:05 - represented the President was the
750. 00:40:19:05 / 00:40:21:27 - Secretary of State Secretary of Defense
751. 00:40:21:27 / 00:40:24:00 - the director of the CIA director of the
752. 00:40:24:00 / 00:40:25:65 - FBI and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs
753. 00:40:25:65 / 00:40:33:90 - of Staff the balance of mj-12 was made
754. 00:40:33:90 / 00:40:35:79 - up of the Executive Committee of the
755. 00:40:35:79 / 00:40:38:76 - Council on Foreign Relations and is
756. 00:40:38:76 / 00:40:40:26 - extremely significant that you
757. 00:40:40:26 / 00:40:42:30 - understand that the first six members
758. 00:40:42:30 / 00:40:44:04 - from the government along with President
759. 00:40:44:04 / 00:40:46:14 - Eisenhower were also members and
760. 00:40:46:14 / 00:40:47:88 - longtime members of the Council on
761. 00:40:47:88 / 00:40:50:70 - Foreign Relations they believed in that
762. 00:40:50:70 / 00:40:54:29 - organization they believed in its goals
763. 00:40:54:29 / 00:40:58:95 - which was one world government now
764. 00:40:58:95 / 00:41:01:11 - secretly this was known as majority 12
765. 00:41:01:11 / 00:41:04:85 - it was called mj-12 and correspondence
766. 00:41:04:85 / 00:41:07:41 - when they addressed correspondence to
767. 00:41:07:41 / 00:41:09:23 - each other they did not address it to
768. 00:41:09:23 / 00:41:14:55 - mj-12 mj6 it was j-1 to j6 because
769. 00:41:14:55 / 00:41:16:44 - secretly they were known as the Jason
770. 00:41:16:44 / 00:41:19:86 - scholars amongst themselves publicly
771. 00:41:19:86 / 00:41:21:99 - they were known as the committee on the
772. 00:41:21:99 / 00:41:26:64 - clear and present danger and to my
773. 00:41:26:64 / 00:41:28:77 - knowledge they still be known as the
774. 00:41:28:77 / 00:41:34:76 - Committee on the present danger
775. 00:41:37:80 / 00:41:42:59 - I remember in j12 as being 12 men
776. 00:41:42:59 / 00:41:47:07 - however I am still in the process of
777. 00:41:47:07 / 00:41:49:42 - remembering and my memory is constantly
778. 00:41:49:42 / 00:41:52:42 - being juggled and jiggled and one of the
779. 00:41:52:42 / 00:41:54:27 - reasons I may have remembered it as
780. 00:41:54:27 / 00:41:58:18 - being 12 members on majority 12 is that
781. 00:41:58:18 / 00:42:00:77 - they had to have a majority of 12 votes
782. 00:42:00:77 / 00:42:04:68 - to carry anything into action
783. 00:42:04:68 / 00:42:08:68 - thus majority 12 thus operation majority
784. 00:42:08:68 / 00:42:10:35 - thus the majority agency for Joint
785. 00:42:10:35 / 00:42:12:40 - Intelligence that's where that name
786. 00:42:12:40 / 00:42:15:27 - really came from which means they
787. 00:42:15:27 / 00:42:16:63 - literally had to have the vote of every
788. 00:42:16:63 / 00:42:19:26 - member on it yes there were only 12
789. 00:42:19:26 / 00:42:24:51 - members but having to have 12 votes to
790. 00:42:24:51 / 00:42:27:36 - carry being named majority to Albert
791. 00:42:27:36 / 00:42:29:97 - mj-12 could have just been enough to
792. 00:42:29:97 / 00:42:31:77 - make me believe that they only had 12
793. 00:42:31:77 / 00:42:36:60 - members my memory is beginning to joggle
794. 00:42:36:60 / 00:42:38:94 - now and I'm starting to believe that
795. 00:42:38:94 / 00:42:41:52 - maybe there was first six from the
796. 00:42:41:52 / 00:42:44:22 - government and twelve from the Executive
797. 00:42:44:22 / 00:42:45:67 - Committee of the Council on Foreign
798. 00:42:45:67 / 00:42:48:13 - Relations and that there may really be
799. 00:42:48:13 / 00:42:52:58 - 18 members on mj-12
800. 00:42:55:74 / 00:43:00:45 - whenever I believe that a correction
801. 00:43:00:45 / 00:43:03:05 - needs to be made first I wasn't going to
802. 00:43:03:05 / 00:43:06:32 - do this but that's wrong not to do that
803. 00:43:06:32 / 00:43:08:40 - it's wrong to stick to your guns because
804. 00:43:08:40 / 00:43:11:33 - you don't want to change anything that's
805. 00:43:11:33 / 00:43:14:67 - silly because ladies no it doesn't make
806. 00:43:14:67 / 00:43:16:26 - any difference if there's one member if
807. 00:43:16:26 / 00:43:18:15 - there's 12 members or if there's 18
808. 00:43:18:15 / 00:43:20:33 - members what makes a difference is that
809. 00:43:20:33 / 00:43:24:72 - majority 12 exists in j12 exists these
810. 00:43:24:72 / 00:43:26:84 - men were all members of the Council on
811. 00:43:26:84 / 00:43:29:04 - Foreign Relations and they are the
812. 00:43:29:04 / 00:43:32:01 - secret government that's what really
813. 00:43:32:01 / 00:43:35:04 - counts now I'm telling you this tonight
814. 00:43:35:04 / 00:43:36:86 - there may be a discrepancy in the number
815. 00:43:36:86 / 00:43:39:42 - of members because I haven't confirmed
816. 00:43:39:42 / 00:43:42:56 - it yet but I know that there were at
817. 00:43:42:56 / 00:43:45:93 - least 12 everything else that I've told
818. 00:43:45:93 / 00:43:49:65 - you about them is absolutely true but
819. 00:43:49:65 / 00:43:52:82 - there may may just possibly have been as
820. 00:43:52:82 / 00:43:58:77 - many as 18 when President Eisenhower put
821. 00:43:58:77 / 00:44:01:33 - this group together
822. 00:44:03:99 / 00:44:09:99 - oh thank you and realize how thirsty I
823. 00:44:09:99 / 00:44:14:91 - was when he put this group together this
824. 00:44:14:91 / 00:44:17:70 - group and President Eisenhower may have
825. 00:44:17:70 / 00:44:19:35 - done this intentionally but there's no
826. 00:44:19:35 / 00:44:21:75 - reason to believe that he did because
827. 00:44:21:75 / 00:44:23:28 - there's nothing to tell us that he did
828. 00:44:23:28 / 00:44:25:23 - but having been a member of the Council
829. 00:44:25:23 / 00:44:26:43 - on Foreign Relations he may have done
830. 00:44:26:43 / 00:44:29:88 - this intentional these people saw this
831. 00:44:29:88 / 00:44:32:04 - as the opportunity that they had been
832. 00:44:32:04 / 00:44:36:42 - looking for for all of their history it
833. 00:44:36:42 / 00:44:39:74 - was the opportunity finally to control
834. 00:44:39:74 / 00:44:42:66 - one of the major super powers of the
835. 00:44:42:66 / 00:44:46:65 - world behind the scenes because who gets
836. 00:44:46:65 / 00:44:50:04 - knocked off when things go wrong the
837. 00:44:50:04 / 00:44:54:42 - person standing out in front right the
838. 00:44:54:42 / 00:44:56:55 - people behind the scenes just chuckle
839. 00:44:56:55 / 00:44:58:53 - and laugh and say hi they get thrown guy
840. 00:44:58:53 / 00:45:00:53 - and they put another one right up there
841. 00:45:00:53 / 00:45:05:22 - for you to knock off if you're even
842. 00:45:05:22 / 00:45:09:09 - smart enough to knock somebody off which
843. 00:45:09:09 / 00:45:11:52 - we haven't been the only ones that have
844. 00:45:11:52 / 00:45:19:20 - been knocked off they did through a
845. 00:45:19:20 / 00:45:21:84 - whole bunch of secret executive orders
846. 00:45:21:84 / 00:45:23:85 - and NSC memos which are in fact
847. 00:45:23:85 / 00:45:28:05 - executive orders they reach the habit
848. 00:45:28:05 / 00:45:31:35 - actually of using NSC memos in place of
849. 00:45:31:35 / 00:45:34:23 - presidential executive orders to prevent
850. 00:45:34:23 / 00:45:36:11 - the government from falling should the
851. 00:45:36:11 / 00:45:40:31 - public find out what was really going on
852. 00:45:40:31 / 00:45:45:51 - was to save the presidency what started
853. 00:45:45:51 / 00:45:47:52 - out as a means to save the presidency
854. 00:45:47:52 / 00:45:49:69 - resulted in a mean
855. 00:45:49:69 / 00:45:53:11 - to prevent the president from knowing
856. 00:45:53:11 / 00:45:57:46 - the truth up until President Bush
857. 00:45:57:46 / 00:45:59:71 - President Eisenhower was last president
858. 00:45:59:71 / 00:46:02:62 - who knew the entire truth and when he
859. 00:46:02:62 / 00:46:04:24 - left office he could see what was
860. 00:46:04:24 / 00:46:06:16 - happening he was a very intelligent man
861. 00:46:06:16 / 00:46:08:56 - he could not have been the overall
862. 00:46:08:56 / 00:46:10:96 - commander of all Allied forces in Europe
863. 00:46:10:96 / 00:46:13:12 - five stars and they H the Office of the
864. 00:46:13:12 / 00:46:13:86 - President
865. 00:46:13:86 / 00:46:18:73 - if he had been a dummy he was not Dan
866. 00:46:18:73 / 00:46:24:70 - Quayle I can guarantee you he knew what
867. 00:46:24:70 / 00:46:26:38 - was happening and he attempted to warn
868. 00:46:26:38 / 00:46:29:34 - us when he left office he told us quite
869. 00:46:29:34 / 00:46:32:89 - bluntly in no uncertain terms to beware
870. 00:46:32:89 / 00:46:36:18 - of the military-industrial complex and
871. 00:46:36:18 / 00:46:40:59 - who is the military-industrial complex
872. 00:46:42:00 / 00:46:44:68 - it is the members of the Council on
873. 00:46:44:68 / 00:46:47:53 - Foreign Relations and since the
874. 00:46:47:53 / 00:46:49:24 - inception of the trilateral commission
875. 00:46:49:24 / 00:46:53:80 - the trilateral commission as well the
876. 00:46:53:80 / 00:46:55:30 - Council on Foreign Relations and the
877. 00:46:55:30 / 00:46:57:34 - trilateral commission control the Board
878. 00:46:57:34 / 00:47:00:39 - of Directors the majority of the stock
879. 00:47:00:39 / 00:47:05:77 - and usually the president and CEO of all
880. 00:47:05:77 / 00:47:08:95 - the major corporations in the United
881. 00:47:08:95 / 00:47:11:53 - States of America including the news
882. 00:47:11:53 / 00:47:16:21 - media the major publishing interests etc
883. 00:47:16:21 / 00:47:20:41 - etc etc usually the president and CEO is
884. 00:47:20:41 / 00:47:22:51 - a member of the Council on Foreign
885. 00:47:22:51 / 00:47:24:76 - Relations and all are the trilateral
886. 00:47:24:76 / 00:47:25:43 - commission
887. 00:47:25:43 / 00:47:28:09 - dual membership the Board of Directors
888. 00:47:28:09 / 00:47:31:01 - has always controlled Council on Foreign
889. 00:47:31:01 / 00:47:32:42 - Relations and trilateral commission
890. 00:47:32:42 / 00:47:36:53 - members own majority of the stock Nelson
891. 00:47:36:53 / 00:47:39:61 - Rockefeller and David Rockefeller and
892. 00:47:39:61 / 00:47:41:72 - the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford
893. 00:47:41:72 / 00:47:43:78 - Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation
894. 00:47:43:78 / 00:47:47:18 - which by the way the Rockefeller family
895. 00:47:47:18 / 00:47:49:43 - owns the Ford Foundation and Carnegie
896. 00:47:49:43 / 00:47:54:23 - Foundation believe it or not owned the
897. 00:47:54:23 / 00:47:56:32 - majority of the stock in the major
898. 00:47:56:32 / 00:47:58:49 - corporations in the United States of
899. 00:47:58:49 / 00:48:02:69 - America they owned the majority of the
900. 00:48:02:69 / 00:48:05:78 - American held stock of the Federal
901. 00:48:05:78 / 00:48:09:77 - Reserve but the majority of the stock of
902. 00:48:09:77 / 00:48:11:83 - the Federal Reserve is owned by the
903. 00:48:11:83 / 00:48:18:25 - European bankers America has been sold
904. 00:48:18:25 / 00:48:20:75 - right out from under our noses
905. 00:48:20:75 / 00:48:25:13 - it doesn't belong to us anymore belongs
906. 00:48:25:13 / 00:48:27:95 - to a secret government a secret
907. 00:48:27:95 / 00:48:32:03 - worldwide government which pulls the
908. 00:48:32:03 / 00:48:36:23 - strings which says we want this to
909. 00:48:36:23 / 00:48:38:63 - happen here and it does we want this to
910. 00:48:38:63 / 00:48:42:33 - happen here and it does and variably
911. 00:48:42:33 / 00:48:46:36 - these men are playing a game of chess on
912. 00:48:46:36 / 00:48:49:72 - a level that we have never imagined
913. 00:48:49:72 / 00:48:53:93 - they're playing chess with the world and
914. 00:48:53:93 / 00:48:56:27 - we don't know how to do that we can't
915. 00:48:56:27 / 00:48:59:08 - even conceive of that so let's not be
916. 00:48:59:08 / 00:49:00:98 - concerned with the world let's just be
917. 00:49:00:98 / 00:49:02:90 - concerned with our country because they
918. 00:49:02:90 / 00:49:04:81 - cannot succeed with the world that they
919. 00:49:04:81 / 00:49:06:74 - cannot succeed with the United States
920. 00:49:06:74 / 00:49:10:56 - and with you are million they will not
921. 00:49:10:56 / 00:49:16:04 - where do the aliens fit into this I've
922. 00:49:16:04 / 00:49:17:90 - told you the most important incidents
923. 00:49:17:90 / 00:49:19:43 - that have happened everything else is
924. 00:49:19:43 / 00:49:21:14 - really trivial I've told you about the
925. 00:49:21:14 / 00:49:21:68 - abduction
926. 00:49:21:68 / 00:49:24:95 - the implants I've told you about the
927. 00:49:24:95 / 00:49:27:14 - mutilations the body parts being found
928. 00:49:27:14 / 00:49:29:75 - in the craft I've told you about the
929. 00:49:29:75 / 00:49:31:84 - agreement I told you that they're here I
930. 00:49:31:84 / 00:49:34:83 - told you that we have their technology
931. 00:49:34:83 / 00:49:38:27 - those are the important things whether
932. 00:49:38:27 / 00:49:41:39 - they're at area 51 or a Tonopah or down
933. 00:49:41:39 / 00:49:43:09 - in Alabama doesn't make any difference
934. 00:49:43:09 / 00:49:46:70 - they're here the invasion is over it's
935. 00:49:46:70 / 00:49:48:92 - all over don't look for an invasion from
936. 00:49:48:92 / 00:49:51:41 - space it has already occurred and is
937. 00:49:51:41 / 00:50:01:64 - over with so we don't have to be
938. 00:50:01:64 / 00:50:03:44 - concerned with that one of the things
939. 00:50:03:44 / 00:50:05:21 - that the secret world government is
940. 00:50:05:21 / 00:50:07:94 - going to attempt to do to get you to
941. 00:50:07:94 / 00:50:10:55 - accept their new world order is they're
942. 00:50:10:55 / 00:50:13:16 - going to try to scare the hell out of
943. 00:50:13:16 / 00:50:18:07 - you with a fake phony landing where
944. 00:50:18:07 / 00:50:20:30 - they're going to say oh my god there
945. 00:50:20:30 / 00:50:22:49 - really are ETS it's going to be covered
946. 00:50:22:49 / 00:50:27:02 - by the media of the world and they're
947. 00:50:27:02 / 00:50:29:27 - going to say we're going to be invaded
948. 00:50:29:27 / 00:50:31:33 - from outer space we have to band
949. 00:50:31:33 / 00:50:36:06 - together as humanity to save the planet
950. 00:50:36:06 / 00:50:38:83 - and most people are going to say yeah
951. 00:50:38:83 / 00:50:41:08 - yeah let's do it
952. 00:50:41:08 / 00:50:47:55 - one world imagine imagine all the people
953. 00:50:47:55 / 00:50:49:79 - imagine nothing worth fighting for
954. 00:50:49:79 / 00:50:55:42 - imagine no religion today
955. 00:51:02:91 / 00:51:06:07 - these events are always fun and
956. 00:51:06:07 / 00:51:21:61 - unpredictable I'll tell you what it's
957. 00:51:21:61 / 00:51:25:36 - time let's take about a five come out
958. 00:51:25:36 / 00:51:30:67 - and ask quite appropriately who the hell
959. 00:51:30:67 / 00:51:37:18 - are you and I used to start all my talks
960. 00:51:37:18 / 00:51:40:88 - out with who I am
961. 00:51:40:88 / 00:51:43:15 - where I'm coming from how I saw this
962. 00:51:43:15 / 00:51:45:89 - information and what my stance is on it
963. 00:51:45:89 / 00:51:48:79 - and I eventually reached a point and I
964. 00:51:48:79 / 00:51:50:11 - keep forgetting that I'm not in
965. 00:51:50:11 / 00:51:52:13 - California anymore I reached a point
966. 00:51:52:13 / 00:51:54:73 - where people would say we already know
967. 00:51:54:73 / 00:51:56:65 - who you are tell us what you got to say
968. 00:51:56:65 / 00:52:01:40 - oh I stopped doing that but now I'm in
969. 00:52:01:40 / 00:52:07:13 - Arizona and I I realized that whereas in
970. 00:52:07:13 / 00:52:08:80 - California I'm very well-known here I
971. 00:52:08:80 / 00:52:13:93 - may not be as as well known I was raised
972. 00:52:13:93 / 00:52:16:40 - in a military family my father was an
973. 00:52:16:40 / 00:52:20:15 - Air Force pilot he is a retired Air
974. 00:52:20:15 / 00:52:24:28 - Force colonel at this moment when I was
975. 00:52:24:28 / 00:52:26:02 - a child I heard stories about Foo
976. 00:52:26:02 / 00:52:28:40 - Fighters and crash discs and things not
977. 00:52:28:40 / 00:52:30:38 - of this world and strange sights up in
978. 00:52:30:38 / 00:52:33:01 - the sky and saw pictures that pilots
979. 00:52:33:01 / 00:52:34:90 - took simply because I was the son of a
980. 00:52:34:90 / 00:52:37:72 - pilot not because anybody was taking the
981. 00:52:37:72 / 00:52:40:03 - time to show me I just happened to be
982. 00:52:40:03 / 00:52:41:56 - there when these things were discussed
983. 00:52:41:56 / 00:52:43:09 - and when these pictures were shown and
984. 00:52:43:09 / 00:52:46:99 - passed around and usually was underfoot
985. 00:52:46:99 / 00:52:49:29 - and eventually he was kicked out and
986. 00:52:49:29 / 00:52:52:00 - exiled to the back bedroom or the
987. 00:52:52:00 / 00:52:57:73 - backyard eventually though I grew up in
988. 00:52:57:73 / 00:52:59:92 - tha'll went into the Air Force I was
989. 00:52:59:92 / 00:53:01:96 - assigned to the Strategic Air Command as
990. 00:53:01:96 / 00:53:03:49 - an aircraft and missile hydraulic
991. 00:53:03:49 / 00:53:07:11 - technician which means that I worked on
992. 00:53:07:11 / 00:53:09:49 - the hydraulics and the pneumatic systems
993. 00:53:09:49 / 00:53:12:57 - are high pressure air systems of
994. 00:53:12:57 / 00:53:15:88 - aircraft and missiles for the Strategic
995. 00:53:15:88 / 00:53:20:46 - Air Command I worked with b-52 bombers
996. 00:53:20:46 / 00:53:23:77 - kc-135 aircraft which is the same as a
997. 00:53:23:77 / 00:53:25:93 - 707 only it's for refueling other
998. 00:53:25:93 / 00:53:27:76 - aircraft and carries fuel instead of
999. 00:53:27:76 / 00:53:31:18 - passengers I worked on b-58 bombers I
1000. 00:53:31:18 / 00:53:34:96 - worked on Minuteman missiles during the
1001. 00:53:34:96 / 00:53:37:96 - time both when I was in school learning
1002. 00:53:37:96 / 00:53:40:09 - my trade at the Air Force and the time
1003. 00:53:40:09 / 00:53:46:35 - that I was on the job I met people who
1004. 00:53:46:35 / 00:53:48:76 - had taken part in the crash disk
1005. 00:53:48:76 / 00:53:52:93 - recoveries and usually had the Airman's
1006. 00:53:52:93 / 00:53:55:33 - Club or in some bar downtown or
1007. 00:53:55:33 / 00:53:57:25 - someplace because I was a young man then
1008. 00:53:57:25 / 00:53:58:75 - and that's where you could usually find
1009. 00:53:58:75 / 00:54:02:10 - me with a beer in my hand looking for a
1010. 00:54:02:10 / 00:54:05:38 - girl and if there wasn't a girl around
1011. 00:54:05:38 / 00:54:09:30 - we lied to each other a lot and
1012. 00:54:09:30 / 00:54:12:52 - generally these stories I thought to be
1013. 00:54:12:52 / 00:54:14:77 - a lie until later years when I realized
1014. 00:54:14:77 / 00:54:16:60 - that these guys had been telling me the
1015. 00:54:16:60 / 00:54:18:46 - truth and I could kick myself in the
1016. 00:54:18:46 / 00:54:20:47 - head because I have not written it down
1017. 00:54:20:47 / 00:54:22:99 - I had not pressed them for more
1018. 00:54:22:99 / 00:54:25:15 - information at a time when they were
1019. 00:54:25:15 / 00:54:27:28 - willing to talk to me for some reason or
1020. 00:54:27:28 / 00:54:31:42 - other when I left the Air Force I went
1021. 00:54:31:42 / 00:54:34:63 - into the Navy and really had planned to
1022. 00:54:34:63 / 00:54:36:60 - just get from service to service I was
1023. 00:54:36:60 / 00:54:39:34 - pretty crazy over the kid I was going
1024. 00:54:39:34 / 00:54:42:49 - home I was raised on John Wayne movies
1025. 00:54:42:49 / 00:54:44:35 - and Sergeant Rock comic books I came
1026. 00:54:44:35 / 00:54:45:32 - from a military
1027. 00:54:45:32 / 00:54:47:13 - family my whole family was in the
1028. 00:54:47:13 / 00:54:51:04 - military service uncle's grandfather's
1029. 00:54:51:04 / 00:54:54:73 - brother everybody
1030. 00:54:55:54 / 00:54:57:80 - we were service people we were
1031. 00:54:57:80 / 00:55:00:93 - government people we were Patriots we
1032. 00:55:00:93 / 00:55:03:93 - cared we believe that the best thing
1033. 00:55:03:93 / 00:55:06:08 - that a man our woman could do was to
1034. 00:55:06:08 / 00:55:10:20 - serve their country well I went the Navy
1035. 00:55:10:20 / 00:55:12:05 - I volunteered for submarines because
1036. 00:55:12:05 / 00:55:14:23 - that was the weirdest thing you could do
1037. 00:55:14:23 / 00:55:18:83 - and I was pretty weird and I thought it
1038. 00:55:18:83 / 00:55:24:86 - would be neat to sleep underwater so I
1039. 00:55:24:86 / 00:55:29:70 - did while I was on submarines being
1040. 00:55:29:70 / 00:55:32:99 - junior and the Navy real junior I had to
1041. 00:55:32:99 / 00:55:36:68 - stand lookout watches lookouts our
1042. 00:55:36:68 / 00:55:41:67 - well-trained professional observers they
1043. 00:55:41:67 / 00:55:43:25 - are not just someone that they grabbed
1044. 00:55:43:25 / 00:55:45:66 - out of the galley and stick it there
1045. 00:55:45:66 / 00:55:49:01 - with a pair of binoculars you are well
1046. 00:55:49:01 / 00:55:51:39 - trained because before you get over the
1047. 00:55:51:39 / 00:55:52:89 - officer of the deck that you got to
1048. 00:55:52:89 / 00:55:54:66 - shoot at something coming at you off the
1049. 00:55:54:66 / 00:55:56:21 - port beam you got to know that that's
1050. 00:55:56:21 / 00:55:58:58 - really the enemy and not Admiral coming
1051. 00:55:58:58 / 00:56:01:19 - out for a visit
1052. 00:56:02:36 / 00:56:07:01 - and that's really the main reason for it
1053. 00:56:11:81 / 00:56:15:33 - so we were trained observers now this is
1054. 00:56:15:33 / 00:56:18:36 - extremely important to me personally
1055. 00:56:18:36 / 00:56:20:28 - because without this experience I
1056. 00:56:20:28 / 00:56:25:11 - probably would not have well the
1057. 00:56:25:11 / 00:56:27:43 - importance that the leader information
1058. 00:56:27:43 / 00:56:29:28 - that I was going to see Holly would not
1059. 00:56:29:28 / 00:56:33:03 - have realized how important it was while
1060. 00:56:33:03 / 00:56:35:76 - I look out between the Portland Seattle
1061. 00:56:35:76 / 00:56:39:75 - area and the pearl harbor area while we
1062. 00:56:39:75 / 00:56:41:41 - were traveling on the surface as port
1063. 00:56:41:41 / 00:56:42:09 - lookout
1064. 00:56:42:09 / 00:56:44:52 - I saw a craft the size of an aircraft
1065. 00:56:44:52 / 00:56:48:16 - carrier exit the water at a range of
1066. 00:56:48:16 / 00:56:49:83 - approximately two and a half nautical
1067. 00:56:49:83 / 00:56:52:21 - miles off the port quarter the port
1068. 00:56:52:21 / 00:56:54:54 - quarter is approximately 45 relative
1069. 00:56:54:54 / 00:56:57:36 - degrees off the port bow port as your
1070. 00:56:57:36 / 00:57:01:56 - left left port wine is red that's where
1071. 00:57:01:56 / 00:57:05:47 - the red light is on a ship okay now we
1072. 00:57:05:47 / 00:57:11:41 - got through that I was stunned I knew
1073. 00:57:11:41 / 00:57:12:99 - that I had just seen something that was
1074. 00:57:12:99 / 00:57:14:68 - absolutely incredible nobody in the
1075. 00:57:14:68 / 00:57:16:05 - world would believe that I saw it and
1076. 00:57:16:05 / 00:57:18:81 - nobody else saw and I was faced with the
1077. 00:57:18:81 / 00:57:19:23 - dilemma
1078. 00:57:19:23 / 00:57:21:36 - I'm the port lookout something just came
1079. 00:57:21:36 / 00:57:22:93 - up out of the water that could destroy
1080. 00:57:22:93 / 00:57:25:86 - us in a second it was a machine it was
1081. 00:57:25:86 / 00:57:28:26 - intelligently guided I knew this it was
1082. 00:57:28:26 / 00:57:31:02 - as big as an aircraft carrier it was the
1083. 00:57:31:02 / 00:57:34:02 - most important earth-shattering thing
1084. 00:57:34:02 / 00:57:35:71 - that had ever happened to me in my life
1085. 00:57:35:71 / 00:57:37:80 - because I saw it I realized what it was
1086. 00:57:37:80 / 00:57:39:46 - I knew I wasn't dreaming there was
1087. 00:57:39:46 / 00:57:41:25 - nobody around it could be manipulating
1088. 00:57:41:25 / 00:57:43:86 - me in any way shape or form and it was
1089. 00:57:43:86 / 00:57:46:23 - my responsibility to report this are you
1090. 00:57:46:23 / 00:57:48:17 - kidding
1091. 00:57:48:17 / 00:57:51:74 - I am going to tell the man who writes my
1092. 00:57:51:74 / 00:57:53:69 - performance report that I just saw this
1093. 00:57:53:69 / 00:57:55:67 - thing come out of the water you've got
1094. 00:57:55:67 / 00:57:59:54 - to be nuts but I had a responsibility to
1095. 00:57:59:54 / 00:58:03:02 - the safety of the show the boat which we
1096. 00:58:03:02 / 00:58:05:69 - call submarines boats not ships to the
1097. 00:58:05:69 / 00:58:08:96 - boat into the crew so I had to devise a
1098. 00:58:08:96 / 00:58:12:04 - method to report this and what I did was
1099. 00:58:12:04 / 00:58:14:85 - I totally officer the deck in some ball
1100. 00:58:14:85 / 00:58:18:50 - said in the wall I saw something about
1101. 00:58:18:50 / 00:58:20:27 - two and a half nautical miles off the
1102. 00:58:20:27 / 00:58:23:51 - port quarter but it just flashed and I
1103. 00:58:23:51 / 00:58:25:01 - don't know what it was could you please
1104. 00:58:25:01 / 00:58:25:73 - help me
1105. 00:58:25:73 / 00:58:29:32 - scour that area to see if we can find it
1106. 00:58:29:32 / 00:58:32:03 - again now I didn't really believe that
1107. 00:58:32:03 / 00:58:33:82 - this thing was going to show up again at
1108. 00:58:33:82 / 00:58:34:28 - all
1109. 00:58:34:28 / 00:58:36:23 - well the starboard lookout heard this
1110. 00:58:36:23 / 00:58:37:76 - conversation and he turned around and
1111. 00:58:37:76 / 00:58:40:04 - started looking to what she shouldn't
1112. 00:58:40:04 / 00:58:41:03 - have done because you're never supposed
1113. 00:58:41:03 / 00:58:42:61 - to desert your own field of
1114. 00:58:42:61 / 00:58:45:98 - responsibility but he did at about that
1115. 00:58:45:98 / 00:58:48:53 - time the object came or this object or
1116. 00:58:48:53 / 00:58:50:29 - another one just like it came back down
1117. 00:58:50:29 / 00:58:52:93 - out of the clouds and entered the water
1118. 00:58:52:93 / 00:58:56:08 - in some ball dropped his binoculars
1119. 00:58:56:08 / 00:58:58:33 - dropped his jaw and turned around and
1120. 00:58:58:33 / 00:59:02:04 - just stared at me and didn't say a word
1121. 00:59:02:17 / 00:59:04:70 - and then he turned back around and he
1122. 00:59:04:70 / 00:59:07:28 - just stared off into space for a couple
1123. 00:59:07:28 / 00:59:09:10 - of minutes and they turned around and
1124. 00:59:09:10 / 00:59:12:79 - looked at me again and he said this had
1125. 00:59:12:79 / 00:59:15:81 - to happen on my watch
1126. 00:59:21:08 / 00:59:22:91 - he then called the captain to the bridge
1127. 00:59:22:91 / 00:59:25:16 - which on any naval vessel means that
1128. 00:59:25:16 / 00:59:27:17 - there is an emergency in progress you do
1129. 00:59:27:17 / 00:59:28:91 - not call the captain to the bridge
1130. 00:59:28:91 / 00:59:31:54 - unless there is an emergency situation
1131. 00:59:31:54 / 00:59:36:35 - unless his presence is needed if you
1132. 00:59:36:35 / 00:59:37:85 - call the captain of the bridge and his
1133. 00:59:37:85 / 00:59:40:97 - presence is not needed you are in deep
1134. 00:59:40:97 / 00:59:44:99 - deep deeper than the submarine will dive
1135. 00:59:44:99 / 00:59:51:47 - into trouble and it's lucky they didn't
1136. 00:59:51:47 / 00:59:53:06 - have submarines in the old Navy when
1137. 00:59:53:06 / 00:59:57:86 - they call the people now the captain
1138. 00:59:57:86 / 00:59:59:45 - came to the bridge and so did the chief
1139. 00:59:59:45 / 01:00:01:14 - quartermaster because it was his job to
1140. 01:00:01:14 / 01:00:02:84 - come to the bridge with the captain
1141. 01:00:02:84 / 01:00:05:03 - Whitney 35-millimeter camera anytime
1142. 01:00:05:03 / 01:00:09:80 - anything like this happened this event
1143. 01:00:09:80 / 01:00:12:56 - repeated itself several times over seven
1144. 01:00:12:56 / 01:00:15:97 - to ten minute period and we watched it
1145. 01:00:15:97 / 01:00:19:16 - they would exit the water go and
1146. 01:00:19:16 / 01:00:20:78 - disappear in the clouds and then another
1147. 01:00:20:78 / 01:00:23:24 - ship or the same ship with we entered
1148. 01:00:23:24 / 01:00:29:24 - the water eventually it stopped we were
1149. 01:00:29:24 / 01:00:31:31 - told by the captain before we left the
1150. 01:00:31:31 / 01:00:34:46 - Conn the bridge not to discuss it with
1151. 01:00:34:46 / 01:00:35:88 - the other crew members that it was
1152. 01:00:35:88 / 01:00:38:15 - classified top secret and that we were
1153. 01:00:38:15 / 01:00:43:85 - never to mention it to anyone crew know
1154. 01:00:43:85 / 01:00:45:74 - about how they know about it I don't
1155. 01:00:45:74 / 01:00:47:72 - know but I suspect that it was picked up
1156. 01:00:47:72 / 01:00:50:42 - on sonar and radar also in which case
1157. 01:00:50:42 / 01:00:52:38 - the sonar men and the radar man would
1158. 01:00:52:38 / 01:00:55:70 - know about it too and I believe that is
1159. 01:00:55:70 / 01:00:58:40 - what has happened and I believe that
1160. 01:00:58:40 / 01:01:00:59 - they were also told not to talk to
1161. 01:01:00:59 / 01:01:02:36 - anyone but several crew members came up
1162. 01:01:02:36 / 01:01:03:86 - to me and want to know if we really saw
1163. 01:01:03:86 / 01:01:07:40 - a UFO and I told him that I was not
1164. 01:01:07:40 / 01:01:10:38 - allowed to discuss what happened and I
1165. 01:01:10:38 / 01:01:12:98 - didn't know what I saw anyway so that
1166. 01:01:12:98 / 01:01:16:42 - was the end of that I did
1167. 01:01:16:42 / 01:01:21:40 - a good friend about it years later when
1168. 01:01:21:40 / 01:01:24:82 - we arrived in Pearl Harbor a officer
1169. 01:01:24:82 / 01:01:27:01 - from the Office of Naval Intelligence
1170. 01:01:27:01 / 01:01:30:10 - came on board and he briefed each one of
1171. 01:01:30:10 / 01:01:33:79 - us independently of the others I do not
1172. 01:01:33:79 / 01:01:36:28 - know what went on in the debris things
1173. 01:01:36:28 / 01:01:39:25 - of the other personnel involved but when
1174. 01:01:39:25 / 00:00:00:00 - I went in and he began to ask me
Part 2
1. 00:00:23:73 / 00:00:27:22 - and I didn't know what I saw anyway so
2. 00:00:27:22 / 00:00:31:98 - that was the end of that I did tell a
3. 00:00:31:98 / 00:00:36:07 - good friend about it years later when we
4. 00:00:36:07 / 00:00:39:91 - arrived in Pearl Harbor a officer from
5. 00:00:39:91 / 00:00:42:46 - the Office of Naval Intelligence came on
6. 00:00:42:46 / 00:00:44:71 - board and he briefed each one of us
7. 00:00:44:71 / 00:00:48:28 - independently of the others I do not
8. 00:00:48:28 / 00:00:51:12 - know what went on in the debriefings of
9. 00:00:51:12 / 00:00:53:76 - the other personnel involved but when I
10. 00:00:53:76 / 00:00:59:22 - went in he began to ask me what I saw
11. 00:00:59:22 / 00:01:01:75 - when I began to describe to him what I
12. 00:01:01:75 / 00:01:04:89 - saw he became very upset even enraged
13. 00:01:04:89 / 00:01:07:89 - and having come from a military family
14. 00:01:07:89 / 00:01:10:45 - having a father who was an Air Force
15. 00:01:10:45 / 00:01:14:35 - pilot and an officer having served four
16. 00:01:14:35 / 00:01:16:93 - years in the Air Force I knew what this
17. 00:01:16:93 / 00:01:20:56 - man wanted to hear was obvious to me so
18. 00:01:20:56 / 00:01:22:63 - I told him what he wanted to hear so
19. 00:01:22:63 / 00:01:24:52 - that I didn't have to go through with
20. 00:01:24:52 / 00:01:25:81 - what I knew I would have to go through
21. 00:01:25:81 / 00:01:29:05 - if I told him anything else so I told
22. 00:01:29:05 / 00:01:32:11 - him sir I did not see anything I don't
23. 00:01:32:11 / 00:01:33:72 - know what you're talking about
24. 00:01:33:72 / 00:01:38:61 - and he said that's the spirit
25. 00:01:40:52 / 00:01:42:92 - I had the sign of security oath I was
26. 00:01:42:92 / 00:01:44:63 - dismissed told that I was a good sailor
27. 00:01:44:63 / 00:01:46:93 - had a good future with the Navy and I do
28. 00:01:46:93 / 00:01:49:49 - that on the way out
29. 00:01:49:49 / 00:01:51:95 - seemed indeed your Alamo was braced up
30. 00:01:51:95 / 00:01:53:60 - against the bulkhead in the passageway
31. 00:01:53:60 / 00:01:56:89 - and I whispered to him telling it say
32. 00:01:56:89 / 00:02:01:07 - anything and I don't know whether he did
33. 00:02:01:07 / 00:02:02:75 - or not because we never talked about it
34. 00:02:02:75 / 00:02:07:07 - again amongst ourselves several years
35. 00:02:07:07 / 00:02:11:15 - later I was trained again well in
36. 00:02:11:15 / 00:02:13:79 - between this I struck our striking is
37. 00:02:13:79 / 00:02:18:41 - what you call trying out for a certain
38. 00:02:18:41 / 00:02:20:63 - particular job I was striking for
39. 00:02:20:63 / 00:02:24:14 - quartermaster which is navigation it's
40. 00:02:24:14 / 00:02:25:81 - where you navigate whatever ship or
41. 00:02:25:81 / 00:02:30:04 - vessel you're on I made it it's promoted
42. 00:02:30:04 / 00:02:34:28 - to third-class quartermaster eventually
43. 00:02:34:28 / 00:02:35:56 - it was promoted to second-class
44. 00:02:35:56 / 00:02:38:93 - quartermaster I was then trained by
45. 00:02:38:93 / 00:02:43:28 - naval intelligence in my secondary NEC
46. 00:02:43:28 / 00:02:46:22 - which is 95 for five which is internal
47. 00:02:46:22 / 00:02:47:00 - security
48. 00:02:47:00 / 00:02:51:04 - I was then sent to Vietnam where I was
49. 00:02:51:04 / 00:02:54:68 - given a multi-million dollar patrol boat
50. 00:02:54:68 / 00:03:00:26 - I was given five other lives to take
51. 00:03:00:26 / 00:03:02:81 - care of and mother and be a friend to
52. 00:03:02:81 / 00:03:07:32 - and be a daddy to and everything else
53. 00:03:07:32 / 00:03:11:09 - and was given a river and everybody that
54. 00:03:11:09 / 00:03:12:73 - lived on both sides of that river and
55. 00:03:12:73 / 00:03:15:59 - said bill go out and kick their butts
56. 00:03:15:59 / 00:03:20:32 - and while you're out there trying to
57. 00:03:20:32 / 00:03:22:04 - collect as much intelligence as you can
58. 00:03:22:04 / 00:03:24:41 - and try to learn as much as you can from
59. 00:03:24:41 / 00:03:26:23 - the local people try and make friends
60. 00:03:26:23 / 00:03:29:76 - with them keep the river safe and secure
61. 00:03:29:76 / 00:03:34:19 - etc etc etc while I was there I learned
62. 00:03:34:19 / 00:03:37:76 - that there was much UFO activity and
63. 00:03:37:76 / 00:03:39:67 - being an awful lot of you
64. 00:03:39:67 / 00:03:42:64 - activity they were called in official
65. 00:03:42:64 / 00:03:46:68 - reports helicopters enemy helicopters
66. 00:03:46:68 / 00:03:48:91 - well anyone who knows anything about
67. 00:03:48:91 / 00:03:51:40 - Vietnam if you look in documents
68. 00:03:51:40 / 00:03:53:17 - released about Vietnam under the Freedom
69. 00:03:53:17 / 00:03:55:03 - of Information Act you will find many
70. 00:03:55:03 / 00:03:57:69 - reports of any enemy helicopters
71. 00:03:57:69 / 00:04:00:85 - attacking our troops attacking the
72. 00:04:00:85 / 00:04:06:01 - enemy's troops taking villagers away
73. 00:04:06:01 / 00:04:08:29 - from their villages the truth is ladies
74. 00:04:08:29 / 00:04:12:66 - going North Vietnam had no helicopters
75. 00:04:12:66 / 00:04:15:81 - period they were really it was really
76. 00:04:15:81 / 00:04:20:35 - UFO activity when I came back to the
77. 00:04:20:35 / 00:04:21:85 - United States I was assigned to the
78. 00:04:21:85 / 00:04:23:20 - commander in chief the United States
79. 00:04:23:20 / 00:04:25:00 - Pacific Fleet and was specifically
80. 00:04:25:00 / 00:04:27:40 - assigned to the intelligence briefing
81. 00:04:27:40 / 00:04:30:07 - team for Admiral Bernard Clary who at
82. 00:04:30:07 / 00:04:31:84 - that time was the commander-in-chief of
83. 00:04:31:84 / 00:04:35:53 - the United States Pacific Fleet while
84. 00:04:35:53 / 00:04:39:22 - serving in this official capacity I had
85. 00:04:39:22 / 00:04:42:01 - occasion to prepare briefings on flaps
86. 00:04:42:01 / 00:04:45:46 - lap is I mean something's happening
87. 00:04:45:46 / 00:04:47:56 - right now and it's very important and
88. 00:04:47:56 / 00:04:49:21 - everybody's concerned about it and all
89. 00:04:49:21 / 00:04:50:65 - the Admirals are in the command center
90. 00:04:50:65 / 00:04:51:82 - and they want to know what the hell is
91. 00:04:51:82 / 00:04:53:80 - going on and they went up to date
92. 00:04:53:80 / 00:04:55:84 - information and they want the plots
93. 00:04:55:84 / 00:04:57:61 - correct and they want to know who's over
94. 00:04:57:61 / 00:04:59:80 - here and what's the closest ship and how
95. 00:04:59:80 / 00:05:01:47 - fast can we go a United States Marine
96. 00:05:01:47 / 00:05:03:82 - unit there that's what you call a flap
97. 00:05:03:82 / 00:05:06:07 - in other words everybody's throwing it
98. 00:05:06:07 / 00:05:07:81 - all in the fan and it's all coming out
99. 00:05:07:81 / 00:05:11:65 - on me and the other people who were with
100. 00:05:11:65 / 00:05:13:03 - me it was our job to provide this
101. 00:05:13:03 / 00:05:15:51 - information on a 24-hour basis and
102. 00:05:15:51 / 00:05:17:83 - specifically every day we would come in
103. 00:05:17:83 / 00:05:19:45 - very early in the morning about 4:00
104. 00:05:19:45 / 00:05:22:09 - a.m. and we would prepare a briefing
105. 00:05:22:09 / 00:05:25:41 - which took place at between eight and
106. 00:05:25:41 / 00:05:27:16 - nine o'clock whenever the Admiral was
107. 00:05:27:16 / 00:05:29:47 - ready because we didn't tell him when to
108. 00:05:29:47 / 00:05:29:90 - be
109. 00:05:29:90 / 00:05:31:85 - he told us when he was there and when he
110. 00:05:31:85 / 00:05:34:72 - was there we had to be ready between
111. 00:05:34:72 / 00:05:36:74 - eight and nine o'clock usually we would
112. 00:05:36:74 / 00:05:39:22 - present a briefing through the Admiral
113. 00:05:39:22 / 00:05:44:06 - and his chiefs of staff now you have to
114. 00:05:44:06 / 00:05:46:63 - remember that this man had reason to
115. 00:05:46:63 / 00:05:48:35 - know what was going on in half of the
116. 00:05:48:35 / 00:05:50:44 - world because he's literally responsible
117. 00:05:50:44 / 00:05:52:28 - for the Pacific Ocean in the Indian
118. 00:05:52:28 / 00:05:55:15 - Ocean and everything in between
119. 00:05:55:15 / 00:05:59:75 - including the land masses in case of a
120. 00:05:59:75 / 00:06:02:90 - nuclear attack or nuclear war or any
121. 00:06:02:90 / 00:06:04:76 - kind of a war it is the United States
122. 00:06:04:76 / 00:06:07:82 - Navy that will deal the primary blow to
123. 00:06:07:82 / 00:06:10:94 - the enemy will deliver the war to the
124. 00:06:10:94 / 00:06:13:72 - enemy first and will usually carry it
125. 00:06:13:72 / 00:06:18:16 - through to the end and that is the truth
126. 00:06:18:16 / 00:06:21:19 - so he had to need to know everything
127. 00:06:21:19 / 00:06:22:76 - that happened in that part of the world
128. 00:06:22:76 / 00:06:25:97 - when alien connected incidents occurred
129. 00:06:25:97 / 00:06:29:87 - we would get top secret messages marked
130. 00:06:29:87 / 00:06:39:13 - magic restricted information that is not
131. 00:06:39:13 / 00:06:42:16 - an obsolete security classification and
132. 00:06:42:16 / 00:06:44:59 - that the first time it was used was not
133. 00:06:44:59 / 00:06:48:02 - in the Nixon years and it's been used on
134. 00:06:48:02 / 00:06:49:82 - alien connected material since the
135. 00:06:49:82 / 00:06:52:88 - beginning so don't believe everything
136. 00:06:52:88 / 00:06:57:86 - you hear when we got these messages
137. 00:06:57:86 / 00:06:59:96 - usually all hell would break loose was
138. 00:06:59:96 / 00:07:02:84 - of the utmost importance when we were
139. 00:07:02:84 / 00:07:05:33 - briefing officers who were new in the
140. 00:07:05:33 / 00:07:07:52 - position that they had the need to know
141. 00:07:07:52 / 00:07:10:58 - regarding this flaps we sometimes had to
142. 00:07:10:58 / 00:07:14:09 - brief them on the history that led up to
143. 00:07:14:09 / 00:07:18:83 - this incident so then I had access to
144. 00:07:18:83 / 00:07:21:84 - documents containing the history until
145. 00:07:21:84 / 00:07:24:75 - eventually I found in my hand
146. 00:07:24:75 / 00:07:28:07 - a document called operation majority and
147. 00:07:28:07 / 00:07:32:54 - another document called Project grudge
148. 00:07:32:54 / 00:07:35:22 - which contained the most astounding
149. 00:07:35:22 / 00:07:37:47 - information I have ever seen in my life
150. 00:07:37:47 / 00:07:41:67 - and from that day forward my life has
151. 00:07:41:67 / 00:07:44:91 - never been the same it has not been
152. 00:07:44:91 / 00:07:48:33 - normal in any way and I wish that it had
153. 00:07:48:33 / 00:07:49:74 - been somebody else who had seen the
154. 00:07:49:74 / 00:07:54:75 - information but because no one else has
155. 00:07:54:75 / 00:07:56:37 - had the guts to stand up and talk about
156. 00:07:56:37 / 00:07:58:32 - what they've seen I'm kind of glad that
157. 00:07:58:32 / 00:08:00:63 - it was me because I do that help and I
158. 00:08:00:63 / 00:08:03:06 - will and I will continue because you
159. 00:08:03:06 / 00:08:05:04 - need to know what was in those documents
160. 00:08:05:04 / 00:08:08:46 - and what's happening now if I had not
161. 00:08:08:46 / 00:08:13:91 - seen the UFO with my own eyes first I
162. 00:08:13:91 / 00:08:16:11 - would have thought that this whole
163. 00:08:16:11 / 00:08:18:80 - scenario that I saw in these documents
164. 00:08:18:80 / 00:08:24:09 - was a hoax not perpetrated by the Navy
165. 00:08:24:09 / 00:08:26:16 - or the Office of Naval Intelligence or
166. 00:08:26:16 / 00:08:29:47 - the United States government to fool me
167. 00:08:29:47 / 00:08:32:41 - hard to fool anybody else in the Navy I
168. 00:08:32:41 / 00:08:37:95 - would have thought it was a hoax after I
169. 00:08:37:95 / 00:08:40:26 - am read operation majority that outlined
170. 00:08:40:26 / 00:08:42:45 - the plans for the secret government the
171. 00:08:42:45 / 00:08:44:28 - secret world government to come into
172. 00:08:44:28 / 00:08:46:92 - power I would have thought that it was a
173. 00:08:46:92 / 00:08:49:41 - hoax to scare you into bringing that
174. 00:08:49:41 / 00:08:51:08 - about and I still think that they're
175. 00:08:51:08 / 00:08:53:22 - going to use it to try to bring it about
176. 00:08:53:22 / 00:08:55:58 - and I want to warn you beforehand not to
177. 00:08:55:58 / 00:08:57:12 - believe a word they tell you when they
178. 00:08:57:12 / 00:08:58:25 - tell you there's going to be
179. 00:08:58:25 / 00:09:01:31 - evasion from outer space because there's
180. 00:09:01:31 / 00:09:04:19 - not going to be it's already taking
181. 00:09:04:19 / 00:09:07:76 - place because I saw what I saw on board
182. 00:09:07:76 / 00:09:09:72 - that submarine because of the research
183. 00:09:09:72 / 00:09:13:75 - that I've conducted since then I know
184. 00:09:13:75 / 00:09:17:48 - that it's real it's not a hoax it's not
185. 00:09:17:48 / 00:09:20:03 - something to propel this world
186. 00:09:20:03 / 00:09:22:85 - government into position it's real
187. 00:09:22:85 / 00:09:27:05 - there's aliens here they're just as real
188. 00:09:27:05 / 00:09:31:64 - as you and I and I'm here to tell you
189. 00:09:31:64 / 00:09:33:66 - about it and there are other people
190. 00:09:33:66 / 00:09:35:39 - talking about it and there have been
191. 00:09:35:39 / 00:09:38:35 - throughout the history of this thing
192. 00:09:38:35 / 00:09:42:23 - only especially near the years anybody
193. 00:09:42:23 / 00:09:45:95 - who tried to talk were killed or sent to
194. 00:09:45:95 / 00:09:48:68 - mental institutions just flat
195. 00:09:48:68 / 00:09:49:97 - disappeared and they never knew what
196. 00:09:49:97 / 00:09:54:20 - happened to them or all of a sudden Joe
197. 00:09:54:20 / 00:09:56:03 - Blow was working in the garage and now
198. 00:09:56:03 / 00:09:58:22 - he's got a nice job in the government
199. 00:09:58:22 / 00:10:00:11 - making three times what he was making in
200. 00:10:00:11 / 00:10:01:70 - that garage and he doesn't talk to you
201. 00:10:01:70 / 00:10:05:98 - anymore those things were commonplace
202. 00:10:05:98 / 00:10:09:56 - they have still been commonplace up to
203. 00:10:09:56 / 00:10:12:26 - the present time except in recent years
204. 00:10:12:26 / 00:10:15:62 - people are starting to learn how to
205. 00:10:15:62 / 00:10:17:54 - prevent it from happening and one of the
206. 00:10:17:54 / 00:10:19:47 - ways as you get squarely in front of the
207. 00:10:19:47 / 00:10:21:74 - public and you stay there because I'm
208. 00:10:21:74 / 00:10:23:30 - going to tell you this right now and you
209. 00:10:23:30 / 00:10:25:94 - can bank on it you watch me every day of
210. 00:10:25:94 / 00:10:28:10 - my life if anything happens to me you
211. 00:10:28:10 / 00:10:29:51 - don't have to do any more research you
212. 00:10:29:51 / 00:10:30:98 - know damn well everything
213. 00:10:30:98 / 00:10:34:45 - telling you is true and they don't want
214. 00:10:34:45 / 00:10:38:87 - you to know that so they're not going to
215. 00:10:38:87 / 00:10:41:02 - touch me unless they can make it look
216. 00:10:41:02 / 00:10:43:01 - like an accident where you will believe
217. 00:10:43:01 / 00:10:44:87 - that it's an accident I'm telling you
218. 00:10:44:87 / 00:10:46:51 - right now they know how to make people
219. 00:10:46:51 / 00:10:49:22 - die of heart attacks strokes brain
220. 00:10:49:22 / 00:10:51:23 - hemorrhages they know how to make people
221. 00:10:51:23 / 00:10:54:56 - fall down the stairs they know how to
222. 00:10:54:56 / 00:10:57:17 - make people commit suicide or at least
223. 00:10:57:17 / 00:11:00:13 - look like they committed suicide and if
224. 00:11:00:13 / 00:11:02:18 - you don't believe that look at what
225. 00:11:02:18 / 00:11:05:93 - happened to the 20 material witnesses
226. 00:11:05:93 / 00:11:08:02 - who were close enough to the car to see
227. 00:11:08:02 / 00:11:12:04 - William Greer shoot President Kennedy
228. 00:11:12:16 / 00:11:17:05 - within two years of the time it happened
229. 00:11:17:05 / 00:11:19:51 - they're all dead
230. 00:11:19:51 / 00:11:23:48 - the odds of you all being dead is
231. 00:11:23:48 / 00:11:26:83 - something like 300 thousand trillion to
232. 00:11:26:83 / 00:11:34:69 - one some of them apparently say
233. 00:11:34:69 / 00:11:36:17 - apparently because that word means
234. 00:11:36:17 / 00:11:38:12 - that's what it looks like committed
235. 00:11:38:12 / 00:11:41:60 - suicide one died of a karate chop to the
236. 00:11:41:60 / 00:11:46:26 - neck several of them had heart attacks
237. 00:11:46:26 / 00:11:51:44 - etc etc etc one man hung himself they
238. 00:11:51:44 / 00:11:57:23 - were all murdered all of them they were
239. 00:11:57:23 / 00:11:58:97 - murdered by the Central Intelligence
240. 00:11:58:97 / 00:12:01:69 - Agency
241. 00:12:04:26 / 00:12:07:85 - William Greider was the assassin who
242. 00:12:07:85 / 00:12:10:06 - killed President Kennedy he was a Secret
243. 00:12:10:06 / 00:12:14:18 - Service agent I'm going to show you the
244. 00:12:14:18 / 00:12:16:08 - film here shortly
245. 00:12:16:08 / 00:12:18:44 - many of you wonder well if that's really
246. 00:12:18:44 / 00:12:20:81 - true how come Jackie Kennedy never said
247. 00:12:20:81 / 00:12:25:69 - anything if the Secret Service the
248. 00:12:25:69 / 00:12:28:04 - highest protect the body in the United
249. 00:12:28:04 / 00:12:30:56 - States assigned to protect the president
250. 00:12:30:56 / 00:12:32:50 - in the United States just shot President
251. 00:12:32:50 / 00:12:35:68 - Kennedy Luna hell is she going to tell
252. 00:12:35:68 / 00:12:40:77 - me I can't do anything except tell you
253. 00:12:42:81 / 00:12:46:39 - the FBI j.edgar hoover is one of the men
254. 00:12:46:39 / 00:12:48:50 - who ordered his assassination he was a
255. 00:12:48:50 / 00:12:56:08 - member of mj-12 beginning to see the
256. 00:12:56:08 / 00:13:01:87 - picture pictures not a pretty one what
257. 00:13:01:87 / 00:13:04:79 - has happened is these men who throughout
258. 00:13:04:79 / 00:13:07:16 - history have been trying to figure out
259. 00:13:07:16 / 00:13:09:29 - how they can control the world all of a
260. 00:13:09:29 / 00:13:11:19 - sudden discovered how they could do it
261. 00:13:11:19 / 00:13:15:17 - in 1952 President Truman together with
262. 00:13:15:17 / 00:13:17:00 - the heads of state of the European
263. 00:13:17:00 / 00:13:20:44 - nations and the Soviet Union formed what
264. 00:13:20:44 / 00:13:22:79 - is known as the Bilderbergers to
265. 00:13:22:79 / 00:13:24:70 - coordinate the international efforts to
266. 00:13:24:70 / 00:13:27:38 - protect the world from an invasion from
267. 00:13:27:38 / 00:13:30:88 - outer space should these aliens turn out
268. 00:13:30:88 / 00:13:34:67 - to have that as their ultimate goal the
269. 00:13:34:67 / 00:13:37:51 - Bilderbergers as mj-12 did soon learned
270. 00:13:37:51 / 00:13:40:45 - how to wrest power behind the scenes and
271. 00:13:40:45 / 00:13:44:38 - used the world banking families to
272. 00:13:44:38 / 00:13:47:20 - manipulate and leverage these nations so
273. 00:13:47:20 / 00:13:48:03 - that they
274. 00:13:48:03 / 00:13:50:85 - are really in control of the world and
275. 00:13:50:85 / 00:13:55:82 - they are headed by the nine heads of the
276. 00:13:55:82 / 00:13:58:89 - families that own most of the world
277. 00:13:58:89 / 00:14:01:65 - wealth of the world known as the round
278. 00:14:01:65 / 00:14:05:61 - table of nine under them each nation has
279. 00:14:05:61 / 00:14:09:48 - a group of men secretly controlling that
280. 00:14:09:48 / 00:14:12:03 - nation I don't mean every nation in the
281. 00:14:12:03 / 00:14:13:98 - world I mean the nations that count the
282. 00:14:13:98 / 00:14:16:50 - hard currency nations have an
283. 00:14:16:50 / 00:14:18:15 - organization which is a sister
284. 00:14:18:15 / 00:14:21:98 - organization to mj-12 within that
285. 00:14:21:98 / 00:14:27:75 - country's respective government how does
286. 00:14:27:75 / 00:14:31:62 - this work you say how can a secret
287. 00:14:31:62 / 00:14:34:29 - organization such as mj-12 control the
288. 00:14:34:29 / 00:14:37:32 - government it's very simple ladies and
289. 00:14:37:32 / 00:14:39:66 - gentlemen if you will remember the
290. 00:14:39:66 / 00:14:41:88 - President Eisenhower formed this secret
291. 00:14:41:88 / 00:14:46:32 - group in 1954 he was the last president
292. 00:14:46:32 / 00:14:50:28 - who knew everything they began in 1954
293. 00:14:50:28 / 00:14:53:10 - to issue secret executive orders in the
294. 00:14:53:10 / 00:14:56:01 - form of NSC memos to wrest power away
295. 00:14:56:01 / 00:14:57:96 - from the president and effectively
296. 00:14:57:96 / 00:15:02:16 - isolate the president they took the
297. 00:15:02:16 / 00:15:04:95 - power to appoint appointees in the
298. 00:15:04:95 / 00:15:08:30 - government away from the President and
299. 00:15:08:30 / 00:15:10:83 - if the president wants to appoint
300. 00:15:10:83 / 00:15:13:20 - someone whom they don't want him to a
301. 00:15:13:20 / 00:15:15:60 - point they have a way of embarrassing
302. 00:15:15:60 / 00:15:17:99 - the president to get him back into line
303. 00:15:17:99 / 00:15:20:61 - are getting rid of him all together are
304. 00:15:20:61 / 00:15:22:35 - making sure that he doesn't get elected
305. 00:15:22:35 / 00:15:25:98 - if he's not willing to play the game the
306. 00:15:25:98 / 00:15:27:78 - result has been ladies and gentlemen
307. 00:15:27:78 / 00:15:30:67 - that today every major
308. 00:15:30:67 / 00:15:33:13 - of the United States government is a
309. 00:15:33:13 / 00:15:34:99 - member of the Council on Foreign
310. 00:15:34:99 / 00:15:37:78 - Relations and the trilateral commission
311. 00:15:37:78 / 00:15:40:45 - or the trilateral commission but usually
312. 00:15:40:45 / 00:15:43:09 - the Council on Foreign Relations and the
313. 00:15:43:09 / 00:15:44:86 - trilateral commission age we have dual
314. 00:15:44:86 / 00:15:50:32 - membership every one of them not just a
315. 00:15:50:32 / 00:15:53:32 - few you see it started off in 1954 that
316. 00:15:53:32 / 00:15:55:87 - was just a few Truman's years there were
317. 00:15:55:87 / 00:15:59:92 - RVing Eisenhower got in he was a member
318. 00:15:59:92 / 00:16:01:66 - of the Council for English he appointed
319. 00:16:01:66 / 00:16:04:60 - some after that when they took the power
320. 00:16:04:60 / 00:16:07:48 - to a point on themselves they told the
321. 00:16:07:48 / 00:16:09:97 - president who to put in those positions
322. 00:16:09:97 / 00:16:12:49 - and that's who got those positions and
323. 00:16:12:49 / 00:16:15:46 - today the Council of Foreign Relations
324. 00:16:15:46 / 00:16:17:44 - in the trilateral commission is the
325. 00:16:17:44 / 00:16:21:18 - government the government is not
326. 00:16:21:18 / 00:16:24:25 - representing us they are representing
327. 00:16:24:25 / 00:16:26:08 - the Council on Foreign Relations and the
328. 00:16:26:08 / 00:16:27:97 - Trilateral Commission and the Secret
329. 00:16:27:97 / 00:16:34:27 - World Order please when you go out of
330. 00:16:34:27 / 00:16:41:41 - this room look it up yourself because if
331. 00:16:41:41 / 00:16:44:02 - I hear from you that you don't believe
332. 00:16:44:02 / 00:16:46:36 - it I'm gonna say did you check on what I
333. 00:16:46:36 / 00:16:49:54 - said did you go to your library did you
334. 00:16:49:54 / 00:16:52:42 - pick up the bibliography that we left
335. 00:16:52:42 / 00:16:54:73 - for you on that table did you go read
336. 00:16:54:73 / 00:16:57:61 - those books if you tell me no I don't
337. 00:16:57:61 / 00:16:58:90 - want to hear what you have to say
338. 00:16:58:90 / 00:17:03:82 - anymore because I can bring you a
339. 00:17:03:82 / 00:17:07:18 - message and I can tell you what that
340. 00:17:07:18 / 00:17:08:26 - message is
341. 00:17:08:26 / 00:17:13:93 - I cannot march into battle by myself I
342. 00:17:13:93 / 00:17:18:36 - will be literally creamed you must be
343. 00:17:18:36 / 00:17:24:13 - beside me as I march as Colonel Bob rice
344. 00:17:24:13 / 00:17:27:81 - marches as John Lear marches as Bill
345. 00:17:27:81 / 00:17:30:48 - English marches
346. 00:17:30:48 / 00:17:34:83 - as any of the other true Patriots in
347. 00:17:34:83 / 00:17:36:66 - this country are marching to try to
348. 00:17:36:66 / 00:17:39:72 - clean up our government because we can't
349. 00:17:39:72 / 00:17:43:97 - even begin to deal with an alien force
350. 00:17:43:97 / 00:17:46:26 - because we don't have the power to make
351. 00:17:46:26 / 00:17:48:78 - treaties we don't have the power to make
352. 00:17:48:78 / 00:17:51:03 - agreements we don't even have the power
353. 00:17:51:03 / 00:17:54:54 - to sit down and hold the discussion we
354. 00:17:54:54 / 00:17:57:96 - do have the power to get rid of the ones
355. 00:17:57:96 / 00:18:00:54 - who are not representing us and put
356. 00:18:00:54 / 00:18:02:79 - people in who are representing us and
357. 00:18:02:79 / 00:18:06:35 - demand that the crooks be prosecuted and
358. 00:18:06:35 / 00:18:09:63 - get thrown in jail we have the power to
359. 00:18:09:63 / 00:18:11:46 - clean up our government so then our
360. 00:18:11:46 / 00:18:13:89 - government can represent us and then we
361. 00:18:13:89 / 00:18:16:77 - can deal with an alien question so what
362. 00:18:16:77 / 00:18:18:51 - I'm telling you tonight is forget about
363. 00:18:18:51 / 00:18:21:03 - the aliens because you cannot hope to
364. 00:18:21:03 / 00:18:23:58 - deal with them until we clean up our
365. 00:18:23:58 / 00:18:29:76 - government once we clean up our
366. 00:18:29:76 / 00:18:31:50 - government then we can deal with the
367. 00:18:31:50 / 00:18:34:19 - other problems until then we cannot
368. 00:18:34:19 / 00:18:36:57 - because you can't make a treaty for me
369. 00:18:36:57 / 00:18:39:41 - and you can't make a treaty for her and
370. 00:18:39:41 / 00:18:43:16 - I can't make a treaty for any of you it
371. 00:18:43:16 / 00:18:46:62 - takes our government to do that I want
372. 00:18:46:62 / 00:18:48:29 - you to understand I do not and never
373. 00:18:48:29 / 00:18:50:13 - have advocated the overthrow of the
374. 00:18:50:13 / 00:18:53:01 - United States government I advocate the
375. 00:18:53:01 / 00:18:54:80 - restoration of the United States
376. 00:18:54:80 / 00:18:59:79 - government to its legal and proper place
377. 00:18:59:79 / 00:19:04:02 - as our founding fathers laid out for us
378. 00:19:04:02 / 00:19:10:47 - to follow I advocate and will March and
379. 00:19:10:47 / 00:19:13:08 - defend to the death the restoration of
380. 00:19:13:08 / 00:19:14:79 - the Constitution in the United States of
381. 00:19:14:79 / 00:19:17:37 - America because the Constitution of the
382. 00:19:17:37 / 00:19:18:96 - United States of America ladies and
383. 00:19:18:96 / 00:19:21:27 - gentlemen is the United States of
384. 00:19:21:27 / 00:19:24:48 - America we are not the United States of
385. 00:19:24:48 / 00:19:26:79 - America the state of Arizona and the
386. 00:19:26:79 / 00:19:27:34 - state of
387. 00:19:27:34 / 00:19:29:53 - sico or New Mexico is not the United
388. 00:19:29:53 / 00:19:31:99 - States of America all of the states and
389. 00:19:31:99 / 00:19:33:58 - all the people together are not the
390. 00:19:33:58 / 00:19:36:25 - United States of America the United
391. 00:19:36:25 / 00:19:38:88 - States of America is and only is the
392. 00:19:38:88 / 00:19:41:14 - Constitution of the United States of
393. 00:19:41:14 / 00:19:43:84 - America that document is the only thing
394. 00:19:43:84 / 00:19:46:60 - that keeps you free that document is the
395. 00:19:46:60 / 00:19:48:31 - only thing that gives you freedoms and
396. 00:19:48:31 / 00:19:51:16 - guarantees them that document is the
397. 00:19:51:16 / 00:19:53:44 - only thing that keeps people from taking
398. 00:19:53:44 / 00:19:55:39 - your freedom away from you along with
399. 00:19:55:39 / 00:19:57:49 - one of the clauses that they gave us in
400. 00:19:57:49 / 00:19:59:20 - that document which was the right to
401. 00:19:59:20 / 00:20:02:65 - keep and bear arms and I know that that
402. 00:20:02:65 / 00:20:04:90 - issue is controversial but let me
403. 00:20:04:90 / 00:20:06:19 - explain to you why it is in the
404. 00:20:06:19 / 00:20:12:40 - Constitution in history all throughout
405. 00:20:12:40 / 00:20:17:41 - history when a despot are a conqueror
406. 00:20:17:41 / 00:20:20:80 - are a wicked person wanted to subjugate
407. 00:20:20:80 / 00:20:24:49 - the people if the people were unarmed it
408. 00:20:24:49 / 00:20:27:97 - was easy for them to do that in fact it
409. 00:20:27:97 / 00:20:30:69 - was a foregone conclusion
410. 00:20:30:69 / 00:20:33:64 - the only thing that has prevented that
411. 00:20:33:64 / 00:20:35:71 - from happening in the United States is
412. 00:20:35:71 / 00:20:38:92 - the fact that most Americans throughout
413. 00:20:38:92 / 00:20:41:17 - our history up until recently have
414. 00:20:41:17 / 00:20:43:93 - always had at least a 22 rifle in the
415. 00:20:43:93 / 00:20:49:05 - closet and no one could ever
416. 00:20:49:05 / 00:20:52:96 - successfully march against an armed
417. 00:20:52:96 / 00:20:57:36 - population which believed in themselves
418. 00:20:57:36 / 00:21:00:40 - we've lost a belief in ourselves we've
419. 00:21:00:40 / 00:21:01:78 - lost an understanding of the
420. 00:21:01:78 / 00:21:04:09 - Constitution we've lost the meaning
421. 00:21:04:09 / 00:21:07:75 - behind it we don't understand what our
422. 00:21:07:75 / 00:21:10:39 - country is we don't understand what
423. 00:21:10:39 / 00:21:13:39 - keeps us free and the secret government
424. 00:21:13:39 / 00:21:16:54 - is manipulating you daily into begging
425. 00:21:16:54 / 00:21:17:09 - them
426. 00:21:17:09 / 00:21:20:12 - to take away your freedoms and some of
427. 00:21:20:12 / 00:21:22:70 - you here in this room have been begging
428. 00:21:22:70 / 00:21:25:70 - them to take away your freedoms you've
429. 00:21:25:70 / 00:21:27:68 - been asking them to take away your right
430. 00:21:27:68 / 00:21:29:99 - to keep and bear arms which is the only
431. 00:21:29:99 / 00:21:32:57 - thing that keeps them from destroying
432. 00:21:32:57 / 00:21:34:58 - the Constitution declaring Martial Law
433. 00:21:34:58 / 00:21:36:86 - and forming this world world order right
434. 00:21:36:86 / 00:21:39:71 - now the only thing preventing that is
435. 00:21:39:71 / 00:21:43:55 - the guns in our closets that's all
436. 00:21:43:55 / 00:21:45:20 - because they would have done it years
437. 00:21:45:20 / 00:21:49:25 - ago if it had not been for them many of
438. 00:21:49:25 / 00:21:54:32 - you right now in this room have been
439. 00:21:54:32 / 00:21:58:25 - screaming for the government to take
440. 00:21:58:25 / 00:22:00:41 - away some of our freedoms in order to
441. 00:22:00:41 / 00:22:03:38 - get the drugs off the streets you've
442. 00:22:03:38 / 00:22:06:47 - been saying I'm willing to give up some
443. 00:22:06:47 / 00:22:08:90 - of my freedom to get rid of this
444. 00:22:08:90 / 00:22:14:78 - terrible plague let me tell you ladies
445. 00:22:14:78 / 00:22:15:53 - and gentlemen
446. 00:22:15:53 / 00:22:18:20 - it is your government who imports those
447. 00:22:18:20 / 00:22:20:54 - drugs and was selling those drugs to
448. 00:22:20:54 / 00:22:24:05 - your children and has been from the very
449. 00:22:24:05 / 00:22:27:62 - beginning and the only ones that they
450. 00:22:27:62 / 00:22:29:66 - ever catch are allowed to be caught or
451. 00:22:29:66 / 00:22:33:49 - those who are in competition with them
452. 00:22:36:30 / 00:22:39:46 - this operation was put into place
453. 00:22:39:46 / 00:22:42:19 - in the late 50s it was organized by
454. 00:22:42:19 / 00:22:44:91 - George Bush and cooperation with the CIA
455. 00:22:44:91 / 00:22:47:53 - while he was president and CEO as a
456. 00:22:47:53 / 00:22:50:92 - Ponte oil their plan was to bring the
457. 00:22:50:92 / 00:22:52:96 - drugs in from Central and South America
458. 00:22:52:96 / 00:22:55:24 - to the offshore oil platforms of Zapata
459. 00:22:55:24 / 00:22:57:55 - oil from there to bring them into the
460. 00:22:57:55 / 00:22:59:02 - United States by the normal crew
461. 00:22:59:02 / 00:23:01:57 - conveyance and helicopters therefore
462. 00:23:01:57 / 00:23:02:74 - they would not have to undergo
463. 00:23:02:74 / 00:23:05:77 - inspection by custom officials or law
464. 00:23:05:77 / 00:23:08:43 - enforcement agencies of any kind and
465. 00:23:08:43 / 00:23:12:91 - it's been going on ever since today the
466. 00:23:12:91 / 00:23:15:49 - drugs do not enter this country by the
467. 00:23:15:49 / 00:23:17:47 - little planes that they would have you
468. 00:23:17:47 / 00:23:20:68 - believe on the six o'clock news norm I
469. 00:23:20:68 / 00:23:22:12 - the little boats that they say are
470. 00:23:22:12 / 00:23:25:86 - speeding across the Caribbean
471. 00:23:26:66 / 00:23:29:07 - mokou scarred ladies gentlemen in the
472. 00:23:29:07 / 00:23:34:80 - United States Navy are not inept every
473. 00:23:34:80 / 00:23:37:08 - aircraft that approaches the borders of
474. 00:23:37:08 / 00:23:39:12 - this country from any direction is
475. 00:23:39:12 / 00:23:42:84 - monitored minute by minute by the North
476. 00:23:42:84 / 00:23:46:86 - American Air Defense Command the drugs
477. 00:23:46:86 / 00:23:48:69 - ladies and gentlemen are brought into
478. 00:23:48:69 / 00:23:52:05 - this country on CIA a proprietary
479. 00:23:52:05 / 00:23:54:63 - contract aircraft and military aircraft
480. 00:23:54:63 / 00:23:59:85 - in land on CIA facilities in the United
481. 00:23:59:85 / 00:24:03:54 - States and on military air bases and
482. 00:24:03:54 / 00:24:05:82 - homestead Air Force Base is one of those
483. 00:24:05:82 / 00:24:13:07 - bases where those planes land recently
484. 00:24:13:07 / 00:24:16:56 - Colonel James goad writes in the last
485. 00:24:16:56 / 00:24:19:86 - few years went to the Golden Triangle
486. 00:24:19:86 / 00:24:22:23 - area to try to bring back American
487. 00:24:22:23 / 00:24:24:36 - prisoners of war who we know are still
488. 00:24:24:36 / 00:24:27:18 - being held we've always known it the
489. 00:24:27:18 / 00:24:29:64 - government has known it they have
490. 00:24:29:64 / 00:24:32:31 - misused the officer prisoner war the
491. 00:24:32:31 / 00:24:36:56 - office of prisoner of war accountability
492. 00:24:36:89 / 00:24:42:59 - to transact these drug deals
493. 00:24:44:40 / 00:24:46:71 - so they don't want the prisoners war of
494. 00:24:46:71 / 00:24:48:42 - war to come home well we didn't know
495. 00:24:48:42 / 00:24:50:07 - that till vogue rights went over there
496. 00:24:50:07 / 00:24:51:51 - and talked to a gentleman by the name of
497. 00:24:51:51 / 00:24:54:42 - General Koontz ah who is the drug
498. 00:24:54:42 / 00:24:56:34 - overlord at the Golden Triangle
499. 00:24:56:34 / 00:24:58:92 - I've talked extensively with Colonel
500. 00:24:58:92 / 00:25:01:59 - brights about this I have all of his
501. 00:25:01:59 / 00:25:05:79 - information and coupled with mine that
502. 00:25:05:79 / 00:25:09:23 - paints a very bad picture
503. 00:25:09:26 / 00:25:14:93 - general Coon SAW says that every year
504. 00:25:14:93 / 00:25:20:49 - government agents high-level government
505. 00:25:20:49 / 00:25:24:09 - agents are purchasing 800 tons of pure
506. 00:25:24:09 / 00:25:26:94 - heroin and shipping at the end of this
507. 00:25:26:94 / 00:25:30:87 - country from him he wants to stop it he
508. 00:25:30:87 / 00:25:33:54 - is willing to stop it he wants us to
509. 00:25:33:54 / 00:25:37:67 - give him a crop substitution program so
510. 00:25:37:67 / 00:25:39:54 - that his people do not have to raise
511. 00:25:39:54 / 00:25:42:78 - poppies and process heroin in order to
512. 00:25:42:78 / 00:25:46:70 - survive he wants to become a recognized
513. 00:25:46:70 / 00:25:51:21 - real nation rather than an illegal group
514. 00:25:51:21 / 00:25:55:11 - of bandits living in the jungle and
515. 00:25:55:11 / 00:25:56:61 - George Bush in the United States
516. 00:25:56:61 / 00:25:58:83 - government says there is no interest in
517. 00:25:58:83 / 00:26:04:50 - doing that here he's willing to stop 800
518. 00:26:04:50 / 00:26:06:48 - tons of pure heroin from coming into
519. 00:26:06:48 / 00:26:08:22 - this country every year and George Bush
520. 00:26:08:22 / 00:26:12:30 - says we're not interested in doing that
521. 00:26:12:30 / 00:26:14:67 - here furthermore we're not interested in
522. 00:26:14:67 / 00:26:15:99 - hearing who these government officials
523. 00:26:15:99 / 00:26:17:97 - are that he says he's selling these
524. 00:26:17:97 / 00:26:21:15 - drugs to furthermore Colonel bull rides
525. 00:26:21:15 / 00:26:23:10 - if you don't shut your mouth we're going
526. 00:26:23:10 / 00:26:24:92 - to lock you up in a federal prison and
527. 00:26:24:92 / 00:26:27:47 - you're never getting out and they tried
528. 00:26:27:47 / 00:26:29:42 - you see it was the United States
529. 00:26:29:42 / 00:26:30:87 - government that sent motorize to
530. 00:26:30:87 / 00:26:32:47 - Southeast Asia to bring
531. 00:26:32:47 / 00:26:35:59 - we're back colonel book rights is the
532. 00:26:35:59 / 00:26:38:68 - most decorated man to come out of
533. 00:26:38:68 / 00:26:40:60 - Vietnam and one of the most decorated
534. 00:26:40:60 / 00:26:44:43 - heroes that this country has ever had
535. 00:26:44:73 / 00:26:47:65 - they sent him in there because of that
536. 00:26:47:65 / 00:26:50:04 - and they gave him a lot of press and
537. 00:26:50:04 / 00:26:52:48 - every time he went in they warned the
538. 00:26:52:48 / 00:26:57:43 - enemy beforehand usually by Radio Free
539. 00:26:57:43 / 00:27:00:91 - America and their own language warned
540. 00:27:00:91 / 00:27:03:10 - them by name who was coming how they
541. 00:27:03:10 / 00:27:05:11 - were coming what route they were going
542. 00:27:05:11 / 00:27:06:70 - to take so that they would not be
543. 00:27:06:70 / 00:27:09:25 - successful but it made the
544. 00:27:09:25 / 00:27:11:17 - administration look good because they
545. 00:27:11:17 / 00:27:12:64 - were sending somebody over there to do
546. 00:27:12:64 / 00:27:15:70 - it but every time he went he had to use
547. 00:27:15:70 / 00:27:18:28 - a phony passport that the Department of
548. 00:27:18:28 / 00:27:20:86 - Defense gained him to use to accomplish
549. 00:27:20:86 / 00:27:25:33 - his mission so I'm going to show you a
550. 00:27:25:33 / 00:27:27:84 - short tape right now I want you to pay a
551. 00:27:27:84 / 00:27:32:07 - lot of attention to this please
552. 00:28:27:62 / 00:28:30:95 - on April 18 1989 what many Americans
553. 00:28:30:95 / 00:28:33:38 - regard as the most important trial in
554. 00:28:33:38 / 00:28:35:33 - the United States began with little
555. 00:28:35:33 / 00:28:37:34 - fanfare in Las Vegas Nevada federal
556. 00:28:37:34 / 00:28:39:74 - court although it was well covered by
557. 00:28:39:74 / 00:28:42:32 - the local media in stark contrast to the
558. 00:28:42:32 / 00:28:44:65 - Oliver North trial the national print
559. 00:28:44:65 / 00:28:46:73 - and broadcast media were conspicuously
560. 00:28:46:73 / 00:28:49:46 - absent it was almost as if an invisible
561. 00:28:49:46 / 00:28:52:34 - dome had descended over Las Vegas to
562. 00:28:52:34 / 00:28:54:16 - prevent any satellite uplink from
563. 00:28:54:16 / 00:28:56:72 - reaching the rest of the nation for
564. 00:28:56:72 / 00:28:58:42 - nearly two years Lieutenant Colonel
565. 00:28:58:42 / 00:29:00:59 - James Boat rights had been under
566. 00:29:00:59 / 00:29:03:52 - indictment for misuse of a passport the
567. 00:29:03:52 / 00:29:05:27 - charge had been leveled at rights as a
568. 00:29:05:27 / 00:29:07:63 - result of a trip he made to Burma in
569. 00:29:07:63 / 00:29:12:04 - 1986 u.s. government prosecutors have
570. 00:29:12:04 / 00:29:13:90 - contended that brights lacked official
571. 00:29:13:90 / 00:29:15:74 - sanction for his activities in Southeast
572. 00:29:15:74 / 00:29:18:59 - Asia in pursuit of American POWs and
573. 00:29:18:59 / 00:29:20:38 - missing-in-action
574. 00:29:20:38 / 00:29:22:52 - rights one of the most highly decorated
575. 00:29:22:52 / 00:29:25:07 - Green Beret commanders of the Vietnam
576. 00:29:25:07 / 00:29:27:55 - era has countered that he has been so
577. 00:29:27:55 / 00:29:29:96 - charged in order to shut him up about
578. 00:29:29:96 / 00:29:31:52 - his discovery in the Golden Triangle
579. 00:29:31:52 / 00:29:33:83 - headquarters of general kuhn saw that
580. 00:29:33:83 / 00:29:36:32 - high-level US officials and intelligence
581. 00:29:36:32 / 00:29:38:36 - operatives have been actively involved
582. 00:29:38:36 / 00:29:41:00 - in massive drug smuggling for over 20
583. 00:29:41:00 / 00:29:43:02 - years
584. 00:30:08:13 / 00:30:10:21 - countless attempts to place this
585. 00:30:10:21 / 00:30:11:74 - evidence before Congress and the
586. 00:30:11:74 / 00:30:13:05 - national media have been met with
587. 00:30:13:05 / 00:30:15:85 - responses ranging from polite rebuffs to
588. 00:30:15:85 / 00:30:18:88 - outright refusal repeatedly during the
589. 00:30:18:88 / 00:30:20:91 - course of preparation for the trial the
590. 00:30:20:91 / 00:30:22:84 - three success of the US Attorney's
591. 00:30:22:84 / 00:30:25:05 - prosecuting the case stated that they
592. 00:30:25:05 / 00:30:26:55 - was dropped the charge of any evidence
593. 00:30:26:55 / 00:30:28:96 - of official sanction for his travel had
594. 00:30:28:96 / 00:30:31:53 - been presented although brights had
595. 00:30:31:53 / 00:30:33:61 - offered testimony from several witnesses
596. 00:30:33:61 / 00:30:36:19 - including US officials verifying this
597. 00:30:36:19 / 00:30:38:55 - the judge attempted to exclude such
598. 00:30:38:55 / 00:30:41:40 - testimony in preliminary hearings even
599. 00:30:41:40 / 00:30:44:44 - to the extent of issuing a gag order to
600. 00:30:44:44 / 00:30:46:21 - most knowledgeable observers of the case
601. 00:30:46:21 / 00:30:48:54 - it had become very clear by the start of
602. 00:30:48:54 / 00:30:50:59 - the trial then this was indeed an
603. 00:30:50:59 / 00:30:52:41 - official effort directed at the highest
604. 00:30:52:41 / 00:30:54:88 - levels of the US government to railroad
605. 00:30:54:88 / 00:30:57:21 - rice
606. 00:31:56:37 / 00:31:59:83 - because this story needs to be told
607. 00:31:59:83 / 00:32:02:98 - I felt through a jury trial of the trial
608. 00:32:02:98 / 00:32:05:55 - that the plaintiff the prison of war
609. 00:32:05:55 / 00:32:08:77 - might be focused upon and government
610. 00:32:08:77 / 00:32:11:28 - involvement
611. 00:33:04:46 / 00:33:08:64 - against the case against rights today
612. 00:33:08:64 / 00:33:11:37 - same element simply brought the wrong
613. 00:33:11:37 / 00:33:13:80 - charge for access he's pleaded with the
614. 00:33:13:80 / 00:33:15:87 - judge's decision but then he still has a
615. 00:33:15:87 / 00:33:17:76 - story to tell about what's going on in
616. 00:33:17:76 / 00:33:20:42 - Southeast Asia
617. 00:33:34:20 / 00:33:37:20 - Wow
618. 00:34:35:40 / 00:34:37:79 - comments by the united states attorney
619. 00:34:37:79 / 00:34:40:12 - following during two years persecution
620. 00:34:40:12 / 00:34:41:96 - of lieutenant colonel rice and the
621. 00:34:41:96 / 00:34:43:87 - expenditure of many thousands of
622. 00:34:43:87 / 00:34:47:51 - taxpayers dollars are alarming if Maddox
623. 00:34:47:51 / 00:34:49:96 - estates are true the implications are
624. 00:34:49:96 / 00:34:52:90 - profoundly disturbing as the iran-contra
625. 00:34:52:90 / 00:34:55:28 - scandal ET is to unravel revealing
626. 00:34:55:28 / 00:34:57:10 - president bush has more than a willing
627. 00:34:57:10 / 00:34:58:70 - participant in numerous illegal
628. 00:34:58:70 / 00:35:01:19 - activities his direct interference in
629. 00:35:01:19 / 00:35:02:83 - this case would seem to be a distinct
630. 00:35:02:83 / 00:35:05:96 - possibility such behavior by our chief
631. 00:35:05:96 / 00:35:07:76 - executive and his legal representative
632. 00:35:07:76 / 00:35:10:84 - in the state of nevada compromises our
633. 00:35:10:84 / 00:35:13:13 - judicial system and violates long
634. 00:35:13:13 / 00:35:15:04 - cherished standards of American
635. 00:35:15:04 / 00:35:20:56 - jurisprudence both rights and grand
636. 00:35:20:56 / 00:35:22:84 - juries now apparently looking brand new
637. 00:35:22:84 / 00:35:25:16 - charges the government is still after
638. 00:35:25:16 / 00:35:27:38 - Gris parade Colonel James Bob writes a
639. 00:35:27:38 / 00:35:29:66 - federal grand jury subpoena the samples
640. 00:35:29:66 / 00:35:32:48 - of brace handwriting yesterday illegal
641. 00:35:32:48 / 00:35:34:33 - use of passport charges were thrown out
642. 00:35:34:33 / 00:35:36:23 - against Christ because the government
643. 00:35:36:23 / 00:35:38:45 - filed the wrong charges today any word
644. 00:35:38:45 / 00:35:40:49 - leaked out to the grand jury and taken
645. 00:35:40:49 / 00:35:42:58 - up the dry skin right the case again and
646. 00:35:42:58 / 00:35:45:10 - the rights of eternity the law bells was
647. 00:35:45:10 / 00:35:48:92 - hoppin man it is unethical is childish
648. 00:35:48:92 / 00:35:51:23 - if that's true that breaches everything
649. 00:35:51:23 / 00:35:52:09 - I know
650. 00:35:52:09 / 00:35:54:40 - and jury process and showed some
651. 00:35:54:40 / 00:35:57:04 - embarrassed and humiliated because they
652. 00:35:57:04 / 00:35:59:69 - did it wrong and they were the case was
653. 00:35:59:69 / 00:36:01:96 - thrown out of court if the man is guilty
654. 00:36:01:96 / 00:36:04:15 - let him come in with
655. 00:36:04:15 / 00:36:06:61 - go to trial and establish our case but
656. 00:36:06:61 / 00:36:09:31 - to release things to the press when it
657. 00:36:09:31 / 00:36:11:02 - just started an investigation by
658. 00:36:11:02 / 00:36:13:03 - violates everything I know about the
659. 00:36:13:03 / 00:36:15:34 - grand jury process in this country and
660. 00:36:15:34 / 00:36:17:02 - the Constitution upon which is founded
661. 00:36:17:02 / 00:36:21:61 - and I'm man of the chocolate exactly why
662. 00:36:21:61 / 00:36:22:54 - the charges
663. 00:36:22:54 / 00:36:24:94 - I was told that I would serve 15 years
664. 00:36:24:94 / 00:36:27:34 - ago fella I was promised aggravated
665. 00:36:27:34 / 00:36:29:65 - charges and hostile witnesses if I did
666. 00:36:29:65 / 00:36:32:17 - not agree to cover up what I found in
667. 00:36:32:17 / 00:36:36:12 - from in my section
668. 00:36:54:40 / 00:37:02:31 - I think I missed some what was it the
669. 00:37:02:31 / 00:37:13:11 - federal prosecutor said it's important
670. 00:37:13:11 / 00:37:15:27 - that we covered that segment of this
671. 00:37:15:27 / 00:37:17:89 - talk because it leads directly into
672. 00:37:17:89 / 00:37:20:60 - something that I'm going to cover next
673. 00:37:20:60 / 00:37:23:52 - the purpose of the importation and sale
674. 00:37:23:52 / 00:37:26:13 - of illegal drugs to the American people
675. 00:37:26:13 / 00:37:29:23 - was to finance the alien connected
676. 00:37:29:23 / 00:37:31:93 - projects and other black projects which
677. 00:37:31:93 / 00:37:34:05 - they knew they could not take to
678. 00:37:34:05 / 00:37:38:36 - Congress for funding for two reasons one
679. 00:37:38:36 / 00:37:40:48 - everything they were doing was illegal
680. 00:37:40:48 / 00:37:42:64 - under the Constitution and Congress
681. 00:37:42:64 / 00:37:48:77 - could not in all ethical and moral
682. 00:37:48:86 / 00:37:53:04 - standards approved those projects or
683. 00:37:53:04 / 00:37:55:59 - approved funding the second reason was
684. 00:37:55:59 / 00:38:04:07 - they believed and with some rightfulness
685. 00:38:04:07 / 00:38:06:52 - that if they told Congress it would be
686. 00:38:06:52 / 00:38:09:83 - the same as telling the public
687. 00:38:17:69 / 00:38:21:31 - what happened next are a few years later
688. 00:38:21:31 / 00:38:28:70 - it's a profound significance it is one
689. 00:38:28:70 / 00:38:31:01 - of the most heinous crimes that this
690. 00:38:31:01 / 00:38:33:38 - secret government has ever committed and
691. 00:38:33:38 / 00:38:36:05 - ranks in my estimation right alongside
692. 00:38:36:05 / 00:38:40:24 - the sale of drugs to our children and
693. 00:38:40:24 / 00:38:43:61 - that is the assassination of the
694. 00:38:43:61 / 00:38:47:51 - president in the United States there
695. 00:38:47:51 / 00:38:51:71 - have been three presidents who have left
696. 00:38:51:71 / 00:38:55:19 - office directly because of action of
697. 00:38:55:19 / 00:39:00:52 - mj-12 one of them by murder
698. 00:39:00:52 / 00:39:03:86 - assassination however you want to dub it
699. 00:39:03:86 / 00:39:08:09 - it's all the same thing President John F
700. 00:39:08:09 / 00:39:10:79 - Kennedy found out somehow
701. 00:39:10:79 / 00:39:12:95 - that the CIA was behind the drug
702. 00:39:12:95 / 00:39:14:75 - smuggling and the sale of drugs to the
703. 00:39:14:75 / 00:39:17:09 - American people and if you'll remember
704. 00:39:17:09 / 00:39:19:97 - correctly that was the years that the
705. 00:39:19:97 / 00:39:21:89 - hippie movement began the flower
706. 00:39:21:89 / 00:39:24:83 - children began to come out and they were
707. 00:39:24:83 / 00:39:26:48 - looking for answers because they were
708. 00:39:26:48 / 00:39:29:45 - disillusioned and one of the answers
709. 00:39:29:45 / 00:39:33:80 - where they found solace was drugs and
710. 00:39:33:80 / 00:39:35:81 - President Kennedy was a very I little
711. 00:39:35:81 / 00:39:38:39 - idealistic man I think when he took the
712. 00:39:38:39 / 00:39:39:29 - presidency
713. 00:39:39:29 / 00:39:42:17 - he fully intended to play the game until
714. 00:39:42:17 / 00:39:45:62 - he discovered the weight of the position
715. 00:39:45:62 / 00:39:49:07 - and the importance of the position and
716. 00:39:49:07 / 00:39:51:17 - the trust that the American people
717. 00:39:51:17 / 00:39:53:90 - placed in the president and I sincerely
718. 00:39:53:90 / 00:39:56:48 - believe that he and his brother sat down
719. 00:39:56:48 / 00:39:59:66 - and decided that that was going to be
720. 00:39:59:66 / 00:40:04:28 - the first honest presidency they
721. 00:40:04:28 / 00:40:06:41 - attempted to get rid
722. 00:40:06:41 / 00:40:13:22 - a corporate crime organized crime he
723. 00:40:13:22 / 00:40:15:02 - attempted to do things right
724. 00:40:15:02 / 00:40:17:45 - he was idealistic he was Chris mattock
725. 00:40:17:45 / 00:40:19:43 - people followed him they loved him we
726. 00:40:19:43 / 00:40:22:43 - still love it what happened to him was a
727. 00:40:22:43 / 00:40:25:33 - terrible blow I was sitting in a
728. 00:40:25:33 / 00:40:25:88 - barracks
729. 00:40:25:88 / 00:40:34:30 - I had the call the watch and part of the
730. 00:40:34:30 / 00:40:36:04 - watch was so boring that I was actually
731. 00:40:36:04 / 00:40:39:26 - watching television and when I was
732. 00:40:39:26 / 00:40:41:80 - watching was the Kennedy motorcade in
733. 00:40:41:80 / 00:40:43:70 - Dallas and I was on an Air Force Base
734. 00:40:43:70 / 00:40:45:41 - called Shepherd Air Force Base in
735. 00:40:45:41 / 00:40:49:88 - Wichita Falls Texas and what I saw was a
736. 00:40:49:88 / 00:40:54:84 - man whom I believed in with all my heart
737. 00:40:54:88 / 00:40:57:47 - struck down in the street by a hail of
738. 00:40:57:47 / 00:41:03:19 - bullets in a most undignified manner and
739. 00:41:03:19 / 00:41:06:47 - I cried and I'm not ashamed to admit it
740. 00:41:06:47 / 00:41:08:53 - the tears came out of my eyes and I
741. 00:41:08:53 / 00:41:10:36 - couldn't stop them and I felt a great
742. 00:41:10:36 / 00:41:12:79 - emptiness in my chest and I knew at that
743. 00:41:12:79 / 00:41:16:81 - moment that the world had changed and
744. 00:41:16:81 / 00:41:19:36 - would never again be the same for me it
745. 00:41:19:36 / 00:41:23:08 - never has but I didn't know then what I
746. 00:41:23:08 / 00:41:26:21 - was to learn later what I was to learn
747. 00:41:26:21 / 00:41:29:59 - later as I read and documents prepared
748. 00:41:29:59 / 00:41:31:67 - for the Office of Naval Intelligence and
749. 00:41:31:67 / 00:41:32:99 - how did they know because they had a
750. 00:41:32:99 / 00:41:38:53 - part in it President Kennedy was ordered
751. 00:41:38:53 / 00:41:40:97 - to be assassinated by mj-12
752. 00:41:40:97 / 00:41:42:79 - because he had discovered that the CIA
753. 00:41:42:79 / 00:41:45:57 - was importing and selling drugs
754. 00:41:45:57 / 00:41:50:45 - children and he ordered them to stop it
755. 00:41:50:45 / 00:41:53:01 - and he told them if you don't stop it
756. 00:41:53:01 / 00:41:54:30 - you're going to be sorry because I'll
757. 00:41:54:30 / 00:41:57:41 - stop it and you'll all pay the price
758. 00:41:57:41 / 00:41:59:64 - well they didn't like that and they knew
759. 00:41:59:64 / 00:42:01:29 - they would lose a lot of money they knew
760. 00:42:01:29 / 00:42:02:58 - they would not be able to accomplish
761. 00:42:02:58 / 00:42:05:52 - their objectives the second thing he
762. 00:42:05:52 / 00:42:07:68 - told them is I want you to implement a
763. 00:42:07:68 / 00:42:09:96 - plan to reveal the presence of aliens on
764. 00:42:09:96 / 00:42:12:81 - this earth to the American people within
765. 00:42:12:81 / 00:42:15:84 - the following year they didn't like that
766. 00:42:15:84 / 00:42:18:05 - either and they thought it was premature
767. 00:42:18:05 / 00:42:20:34 - they'd already done a study which
768. 00:42:20:34 / 00:42:22:14 - indicated that the American people would
769. 00:42:22:14 / 00:42:24:75 - panic that the panic would lead into
770. 00:42:24:75 / 00:42:26:55 - anarchy which would cause the collapse
771. 00:42:26:55 / 00:42:28:38 - of the government that our religious
772. 00:42:28:38 / 00:42:30:33 - structure would collapse the large
773. 00:42:30:33 / 00:42:31:77 - segment of the people would begin
774. 00:42:31:77 / 00:42:34:86 - worshiping the aliens that our economy
775. 00:42:34:86 / 00:42:36:54 - would collapse the stock market would
776. 00:42:36:54 / 00:42:39:09 - collapse they had doom loom and dark
777. 00:42:39:09 / 00:42:42:42 - clouds for everything I don't believe
778. 00:42:42:42 / 00:42:47:49 - that what happened and a certain way in
779. 00:42:47:49 / 00:42:50:97 - my estimation did not justify the murder
780. 00:42:50:97 / 00:42:54:23 - of the President of the United States
781. 00:42:54:23 / 00:42:58:65 - the murder was carried out in Dallas by
782. 00:42:58:65 / 00:43:02:88 - teams which consisted of the United
783. 00:43:02:88 / 00:43:04:86 - States Navy which was to take care of
784. 00:43:04:86 / 00:43:08:40 - the body make sure that the autopsy was
785. 00:43:08:40 / 00:43:10:32 - done in a manner that would not disclose
786. 00:43:10:32 / 00:43:17:34 - the true facts the body was kept under
787. 00:43:17:34 / 00:43:18:96 - surveillance and custody of the United
788. 00:43:18:96 / 00:43:21:15 - States Navy the whole time was taken to
789. 00:43:21:15 / 00:43:24:39 - a naval hospital most of these people
790. 00:43:24:39 / 00:43:27:12 - involved were attached to Naval
791. 00:43:27:12 / 00:43:29:06 - Intelligence
792. 00:43:29:06 / 00:43:32:64 - it involved division five of the FBI was
793. 00:43:32:64 / 00:43:36:75 - training people assassination teams to
794. 00:43:36:75 / 00:43:38:31 - go into Cuba and assassinate Fidel
795. 00:43:38:31 / 00:43:44:24 - Castro it involved the Secret Service
796. 00:43:46:32 / 00:43:49:92 - and the CIA
797. 00:43:53:56 / 00:43:57:88 - when the long-range shots missed and
798. 00:43:57:88 / 00:44:01:33 - there were many more shots fired than
799. 00:44:01:33 / 00:44:04:83 - anything that you've heard before
800. 00:44:04:83 / 00:44:08:50 - Kennedy was struck by a bullet in the
801. 00:44:08:50 / 00:44:12:79 - back which exited through his neck our
802. 00:44:12:79 / 00:44:14:14 - excuse me was struck in the front of the
803. 00:44:14:14 / 00:44:15:79 - neck which exited through his back I'm
804. 00:44:15:79 / 00:44:19:81 - sorry governor Connally was struck with
805. 00:44:19:81 / 00:44:26:89 - two separate shots another shot hit the
806. 00:44:26:89 / 00:44:29:41 - windshield of the vehicle and broke it
807. 00:44:29:41 / 00:44:33:31 - and you can see that in the films and we
808. 00:44:33:31 / 00:44:35:17 - have blown these frames up many times
809. 00:44:35:17 / 00:44:37:24 - and we have studied it for countless
810. 00:44:37:24 / 00:44:39:58 - hours and we have put it together with
811. 00:44:39:58 / 00:44:41:80 - the information what I did I saw in the
812. 00:44:41:80 / 00:44:43:30 - documents and we know exactly what
813. 00:44:43:30 / 00:44:46:36 - happened we know that gunner governor
814. 00:44:46:36 / 00:44:49:30 - Connally was carrying a gun and when he
815. 00:44:49:30 / 00:44:51:34 - was hit he started yelling oh my god
816. 00:44:51:34 / 00:44:52:93 - they're going to kill us all and as he
817. 00:44:52:93 / 00:44:54:64 - turned around in the blow-ups you could
818. 00:44:54:64 / 00:44:56:98 - clearly see him reach into his jacket it
819. 00:44:56:98 / 00:44:59:20 - began to take out a pistol and then you
820. 00:44:59:20 / 00:45:01:24 - lose sight of what happens with that
821. 00:45:01:24 / 00:45:03:73 - pistol it may have been the shot from
822. 00:45:03:73 / 00:45:05:59 - his gun at the window but we don't know
823. 00:45:05:59 / 00:45:07:41 - that for sure
824. 00:45:07:41 / 00:45:10:15 - we do know that the drugs that the
825. 00:45:10:15 / 00:45:13:33 - passenger Secret Service agent by the
826. 00:45:13:33 / 00:45:15:46 - name of Kellerman I call him killer
827. 00:45:15:46 / 00:45:19:63 - money during the motorcade and when you
828. 00:45:19:63 / 00:45:21:52 - blow the frames up you can see him
829. 00:45:21:52 / 00:45:23:71 - watching Kennedy through his rear view
830. 00:45:23:71 / 00:45:26:50 - mirror on the right hand outside of the
831. 00:45:26:50 / 00:45:29:38 - car you can see it clearly he's sitting
832. 00:45:29:38 / 00:45:31:63 - there and his eyes are watching Kennedy
833. 00:45:31:63 / 00:45:34:26 - in that rear view mirror the whole time
834. 00:45:34:26 / 00:45:38:11 - when Kennedy is struck in the throat he
835. 00:45:38:11 / 00:45:40:72 - watches for a few more seconds then he
836. 00:45:40:72 / 00:45:44:53 - turns around he verifies it he turns
837. 00:45:44:53 / 00:45:45:64 - back to the front
838. 00:45:45:64 / 00:45:49:09 - he passes something to the driver who
839. 00:45:49:09 / 00:45:52:81 - was William Greer they seem to converse
840. 00:45:52:81 / 00:45:57:25 - for a second he then goes back to his
841. 00:45:57:25 / 00:46:00:88 - William Greer then glances then color
842. 00:46:00:88 / 00:46:04:00 - man leans over takes the wheel William
843. 00:46:04:00 / 00:46:08:97 - Gray calls excuse me with his left hand
844. 00:46:08:97 / 00:46:11:89 - pulls up and you can see it clearly he
845. 00:46:11:89 / 00:46:15:31 - pulls up a pistol turns and over his
846. 00:46:15:31 / 00:46:19:33 - right shoulder shoots Kennedy directly
847. 00:46:19:33 / 00:46:21:09 - in the head
848. 00:46:21:09 / 00:46:26:43 - Infinity's head then snaps backward
849. 00:46:26:43 / 00:46:29:35 - Jacqueline Kennedy looks at her husband
850. 00:46:29:35 / 00:46:32:53 - you can see her eyes go from her husband
851. 00:46:32:53 / 00:46:36:76 - and look directly at William Greer and
852. 00:46:36:76 / 00:46:40:20 - then she attempts to get out of the car
853. 00:46:40:20 / 00:46:44:05 - she is afraid throughout all my combat
854. 00:46:44:05 / 00:46:46:57 - experience that is exactly what you do
855. 00:46:46:57 / 00:46:48:13 - you run away from the fire
856. 00:46:48:13 / 00:46:50:29 - not into it what you see in the John
857. 00:46:50:29 / 00:46:54:43 - Wayne movies is yes I never saw one
858. 00:46:54:43 / 00:46:57:82 - soldier ever run into a machine gun do
859. 00:46:57:82 / 00:46:59:50 - you run away from the machine gun and
860. 00:46:59:50 / 00:47:00:79 - then you figure out how to get that
861. 00:47:00:79 / 00:47:03:34 - machine gun this you don't just run out
862. 00:47:03:34 / 00:47:06:72 - there and die that's for the Marines
863. 00:47:11:30 / 00:47:14:04 - if there any ex-marines in the crowd I
864. 00:47:14:04 / 00:47:16:10 - certainly do not intend to slight you
865. 00:47:16:10 / 00:47:18:24 - brains are probably one of the bravest
866. 00:47:18:24 / 00:47:19:95 - group of men that we have in this
867. 00:47:19:95 / 00:47:25:50 - country however how they ever get the
868. 00:47:25:50 / 00:47:29:40 - courage to get out of the small boat and
869. 00:47:29:40 / 00:47:31:17 - run up on a beach and die so that
870. 00:47:31:17 / 00:47:32:88 - someone else can run up behind them and
871. 00:47:32:88 / 00:47:35:43 - lay down and use that body for cover I
872. 00:47:35:43 / 00:47:38:94 - will never never know but they do it and
873. 00:47:38:94 / 00:47:40:56 - as to their credit because we wouldn't
874. 00:47:40:56 / 00:47:44:19 - be free if they did but anyway that's
875. 00:47:44:19 / 00:47:46:20 - what prompted that remark I've seen this
876. 00:47:46:20 / 00:47:51:26 - happen and it amazes me
877. 00:47:58:35 / 00:48:03:78 - what happened next was that both men in
878. 00:48:03:78 / 00:48:07:53 - the front seat hunched down the car
879. 00:48:07:53 / 00:48:09:24 - speeds up out of sight
880. 00:48:09:24 / 00:48:10:89 - during the time when William Greer is
881. 00:48:10:89 / 00:48:12:72 - actually shooting Kennedy the car comes
882. 00:48:12:72 / 00:48:14:34 - to almost a complete stop which is
883. 00:48:14:34 / 00:48:16:44 - exactly what the driver would do if
884. 00:48:16:44 / 00:48:18:18 - someone else is holding the wheel and
885. 00:48:18:18 / 00:48:19:77 - he's turning around to shoot someone you
886. 00:48:19:77 / 00:48:20:94 - would remove your foot from the
887. 00:48:20:94 / 00:48:24:36 - accelerator we have tried this and it's
888. 00:48:24:36 / 00:48:26:01 - exactly what people do instinctively
889. 00:48:26:01 / 00:48:29:03 - they mean think about it just happens
890. 00:48:29:03 / 00:48:31:53 - the film that you normally view when
891. 00:48:31:53 / 00:48:33:33 - they show it to you on television is
892. 00:48:33:33 / 00:48:36:60 - speeded up many times so that everything
893. 00:48:36:60 / 00:48:38:67 - happens real fast you're always looking
894. 00:48:38:67 / 00:48:40:47 - at Kennedy you don't even detect that
895. 00:48:40:47 / 00:48:43:26 - the car slows down and you never look at
896. 00:48:43:26 / 00:48:45:69 - the driver so you wouldn't see it anyway
897. 00:48:45:69 / 00:48:48:51 - but just to take a precaution they cut a
898. 00:48:48:51 / 00:48:50:58 - few Clips out there so even if you did
899. 00:48:50:58 / 00:48:51:93 - think to look at the driver you still
900. 00:48:51:93 / 00:48:53:85 - wouldn't see it but in the film I'm
901. 00:48:53:85 / 00:48:55:98 - going to show you tonight we got those
902. 00:48:55:98 / 00:49:00:43 - clips now when I saw the documents
903. 00:49:00:43 / 00:49:03:49 - when I saw those documents is said in
904. 00:49:03:49 / 00:49:05:59 - the documents that the act was plainly
905. 00:49:05:59 / 00:49:07:45 - visible in the film that was withheld
906. 00:49:07:45 / 00:49:11:98 - from the public not too long ago on the
907. 00:49:11:98 / 00:49:15:16 - Ted Koppel late-night thing I forget
908. 00:49:15:16 / 00:49:16:12 - what you call that
909. 00:49:16:12 / 00:49:18:45 - what's a call behind line that's right
910. 00:49:18:45 / 00:49:21:19 - Ted Koppel in answer to all the
911. 00:49:21:19 / 00:49:23:98 - controversy the new controversy about
912. 00:49:23:98 / 00:49:27:88 - Kennedy's death sassa Nation said oh but
913. 00:49:27:88 / 00:49:31:56 - there was only one film taken in Dallas
914. 00:49:31:56 / 00:49:34:57 - he lied because he knew that there were
915. 00:49:34:57 / 00:49:37:33 - three everyone knows that there is three
916. 00:49:37:33 / 00:49:39:04 - it's there's three of the Warren
917. 00:49:39:04 / 00:49:43:89 - Commission Airport he intentionally lied
918. 00:49:43:89 / 00:49:46:66 - knowing that most of the American people
919. 00:49:46:66 / 00:49:48:52 - will take his word for it without even
920. 00:49:48:52 / 00:49:50:08 - checking and if they thought it was
921. 00:49:50:08 / 00:49:51:82 - three before will think they were
922. 00:49:51:82 / 00:49:55:42 - mistaken not Ted Koppel Ted Koppel is a
923. 00:49:55:42 / 00:49:56:95 - member of the Council on Foreign
924. 00:49:56:95 / 00:49:59:34 - Relations
925. 00:50:01:60 / 00:50:04:69 - stop listening to the nightly news
926. 00:50:04:69 / 00:50:07:85 - they're lying to you the best thing that
927. 00:50:07:85 / 00:50:10:10 - you can ever do is turn your television
928. 00:50:10:10 / 00:50:12:38 - off or burn it or give it to little
929. 00:50:12:38 / 00:50:14:21 - Johnny who has a screwdriver he needs
930. 00:50:14:21 / 00:50:17:02 - something to play
931. 00:50:27:31 / 00:50:29:72 - what happened next as they took the body
932. 00:50:29:72 / 00:50:32:54 - to the Parkland Hospital in Dallas it
933. 00:50:32:54 / 00:50:34:94 - was illegal to remove the body no
934. 00:50:34:94 / 00:50:37:49 - autopsy was taken there the doctors were
935. 00:50:37:49 / 00:50:39:83 - ordered by the FBI and were actually
936. 00:50:39:83 / 00:50:42:35 - interfered with they were told not to
937. 00:50:42:35 / 00:50:44:45 - attempt to determine the path of the
938. 00:50:44:45 / 00:50:47:33 - projectiles through the body they were
939. 00:50:47:33 / 00:50:49:16 - told to get the body ready for shipment
940. 00:50:49:16 / 00:50:51:32 - as quickly as possible when it was
941. 00:50:51:32 / 00:50:52:91 - determined that they could not save
942. 00:50:52:91 / 00:50:55:04 - Kennedy's life there was no
943. 00:50:55:04 / 00:50:58:52 - investigation done in Dallas and all the
944. 00:50:58:52 / 00:51:01:94 - doctors did draw sketches of what they
945. 00:51:01:94 / 00:51:04:55 - saw and they did make reports of what
946. 00:51:04:55 / 00:51:07:40 - they saw immediately following and
947. 00:51:07:40 / 00:51:10:19 - during the incident now if you
948. 00:51:10:19 / 00:51:11:86 - understand the human mind and you
949. 00:51:11:86 / 00:51:14:27 - understand the way his legal process
950. 00:51:14:27 / 00:51:16:91 - works those reports are legal documents
951. 00:51:16:91 / 00:51:19:46 - and should stand up in any court of law
952. 00:51:19:46 / 00:51:22:10 - or any investigation because they were
953. 00:51:22:10 / 00:51:24:98 - done at the scene by professionals who
954. 00:51:24:98 / 00:51:26:63 - were qualified to make those
955. 00:51:26:63 / 00:51:30:59 - determinations photographs were even
956. 00:51:30:59 / 00:51:32:15 - taken with the photographs taken at
957. 00:51:32:15 / 00:51:36:35 - Parkland Hospital disappeared so that
958. 00:51:36:35 / 00:51:38:11 - there was only the doctors reports of
959. 00:51:38:11 / 00:51:41:27 - the drawings left part the body left
960. 00:51:41:27 / 00:51:42:43 - Parkland
961. 00:51:42:43 / 00:51:46:45 - ornate bronze casket was taken to
962. 00:51:46:45 / 00:51:50:23 - Washington DC somehow the body got out
963. 00:51:50:23 / 00:51:52:45 - of that casket on the aircraft we know
964. 00:51:52:45 / 00:51:54:52 - exactly how it was done when Jacqueline
965. 00:51:54:52 / 00:51:56:68 - Kennedy was taken forward to participate
966. 00:51:56:68 / 00:51:58:45 - in the swearing-in ceremony of Lyndon
967. 00:51:58:45 / 00:52:02:05 - Baines Johnson the naval intelligence
968. 00:52:02:05 / 00:52:04:78 - officers removed Kennedy's body from the
969. 00:52:04:78 / 00:52:07:51 - bronze casket passed it down into the
970. 00:52:07:51 / 00:52:09:88 - baggage compartment where it stayed like
971. 00:52:09:88 / 00:52:13:05 - a sack of potatoes and totally landed in
972. 00:52:13:05 / 00:52:16:32 - Washington DC when they landed in
973. 00:52:16:32 / 00:52:18:43 - Washington DC we have tracked down
974. 00:52:18:43 / 00:52:20:47 - someone who was on the other side of the
975. 00:52:20:47 / 00:52:24:60 - plane who also took it filmed a film of
976. 00:52:24:60 / 00:52:27:43 - a military helicopter a naval helicopter
977. 00:52:27:43 / 00:52:30:30 - to be exact or I should say a Marine
978. 00:52:30:30 / 00:52:32:84 - helicopter but that's part of the Navy
979. 00:52:32:84 / 00:52:35:47 - landed on that side of the plane near
980. 00:52:35:47 / 00:52:37:69 - the galley door and something was taken
981. 00:52:37:69 / 00:52:38:95 - out of the plane and put in that
982. 00:52:38:95 / 00:52:40:56 - helicopter which we now know was
983. 00:52:40:56 / 00:52:44:14 - Kennedy's body it was flown to Bethesda
984. 00:52:44:14 / 00:52:47:23 - Naval Hospital and it arrived there a
985. 00:52:47:23 / 00:52:50:95 - full 30 minutes before the casket which
986. 00:52:50:95 / 00:52:53:84 - left Parkland Hospital arrived there
987. 00:52:53:84 / 00:52:56:31 - President Kennedy's brain was removed
988. 00:52:56:31 / 00:53:00:36 - and another brain that was undamaged was
989. 00:53:00:36 / 00:53:04:45 - substituted in its place why because if
990. 00:53:04:45 / 00:53:06:40 - they had performed an autopsy on the
991. 00:53:06:40 / 00:53:07:75 - brain that was real
992. 00:53:07:75 / 00:53:10:27 - actually President Kennedy's brain they
993. 00:53:10:27 / 00:53:12:88 - would have found that he was hit from
994. 00:53:12:88 / 00:53:15:79 - the front that it was an exploding
995. 00:53:15:79 / 00:53:17:86 - pellet and not a bullet and they would
996. 00:53:17:86 / 00:53:19:90 - have found fragments of that pellet and
997. 00:53:19:90 / 00:53:22:21 - they would have found large amounts of
998. 00:53:22:21 / 00:53:24:82 - toxic shellfish poison in the brain
999. 00:53:24:82 / 00:53:28:12 - which was exploded into the brain in
1000. 00:53:28:12 / 00:53:33:46 - this pellet did its thing and it would
1001. 00:53:33:46 / 00:53:39:01 - have said CIA CIA CIA CIA because the
1002. 00:53:39:01 / 00:53:41:74 - CIA had that type of weapon at that time
1003. 00:53:41:74 / 00:53:46:90 - and it was well known when they finished
1004. 00:53:46:90 / 00:53:50:68 - doing that they surgically repaired the
1005. 00:53:50:68 / 00:53:52:78 - wounds to make it look like he was hit
1006. 00:53:52:78 / 00:53:54:85 - from behind and then they took
1007. 00:53:54:85 / 00:54:00:64 - photographs of these repairs then they
1008. 00:54:00:64 / 00:54:04:90 - took the body in to be autopsy as if it
1009. 00:54:04:90 / 00:54:08:20 - had come out of the bronze casket they
1010. 00:54:08:20 / 00:54:10:47 - also altered the throat wound
1011. 00:54:10:47 / 00:54:14:17 - we know this Trinities brain was taken
1012. 00:54:14:17 / 00:54:16:75 - out of the room where all this occurred
1013. 00:54:16:75 / 00:54:19:96 - on a gurney covered with a cloth and
1014. 00:54:19:96 / 00:54:21:97 - when people asked what that was being
1015. 00:54:21:97 / 00:54:23:20 - wheeled down the hall and the gurney
1016. 00:54:23:20 / 00:54:24:25 - covered with the cloths because
1017. 00:54:24:25 / 00:54:25:87 - everybody wanted to know what the hell
1018. 00:54:25:87 / 00:54:28:39 - was going on they were told that he
1019. 00:54:28:39 / 00:54:29:05 - won't
1020. 00:54:29:05 / 00:54:31:51 - delivered a stillborn baby and that was
1021. 00:54:31:51 / 00:54:33:94 - the stillborn baby it was not it was
1022. 00:54:33:94 / 00:54:37:42 - Kennedy's brain checking the records and
1023. 00:54:37:42 / 00:54:39:61 - doing thorough research we have found
1024. 00:54:39:61 / 00:54:43:09 - out that there was no stillborn baby in
1025. 00:54:43:09 / 00:54:45:82 - Bethesda Naval Hospital on that day or
1026. 00:54:45:82 / 00:54:49:74 - the day before or the day after
1027. 00:54:50:58 / 00:54:53:77 - witnesses asked what the other casket
1028. 00:54:53:77 / 00:54:58:27 - was doing in the room they were told
1029. 00:54:58:27 / 00:55:00:79 - that an Army colonel had died and the
1030. 00:55:00:79 / 00:55:03:04 - casket was prepared for him because he
1031. 00:55:03:04 / 00:55:05:26 - had died that day and the family had
1032. 00:55:05:26 / 00:55:09:79 - requested a quick burial checking the
1033. 00:55:09:79 / 00:55:13:15 - records an army colonel had not died in
1034. 00:55:13:15 / 00:55:15:34 - that hospital thing no one had died in
1035. 00:55:15:34 / 00:55:17:80 - the hospital that day and an army
1036. 00:55:17:80 / 00:55:19:57 - colonel had not died in that hospital
1037. 00:55:19:57 / 00:55:22:59 - for some time
1038. 00:55:26:54 / 00:55:30:44 - I don't hold much hope for William Greer
1039. 00:55:30:44 / 00:55:32:06 - talking but I want him to talk I don't
1040. 00:55:32:06 / 00:55:34:31 - want him killed I want that man to talk
1041. 00:55:34:31 / 00:55:37:61 - I want him to become a man and talk and
1042. 00:55:37:61 / 00:55:39:32 - what the rest of these so-called men and
1043. 00:55:39:32 / 00:55:41:00 - patriots in our government to become
1044. 00:55:41:00 / 00:55:42:77 - real men and real Patriots and start
1045. 00:55:42:77 / 00:55:45:44 - talking because right now I'm going to
1046. 00:55:45:44 / 00:55:47:00 - tell it in front of you I'll tell it for
1047. 00:55:47:00 / 00:55:47:63 - the world
1048. 00:55:47:63 / 00:55:48:74 - I'll tell it in front of the government
1049. 00:55:48:74 / 00:55:51:50 - our top military commanders are cowards
1050. 00:55:51:50 / 00:55:54:77 - and they're traitors the men who
1051. 00:55:54:77 / 00:55:56:27 - represent us are cowards and traitors
1052. 00:55:56:27 / 00:56:00:92 - and they're all afraid to talk they're
1053. 00:56:00:92 / 00:56:04:19 - scared of death to talk they'll let the
1054. 00:56:04:19 / 00:56:05:99 - country go down the tubes before they'll
1055. 00:56:05:99 / 00:56:10:85 - stand up and do what a man should do and
1056. 00:56:10:85 / 00:56:14:78 - what our history demands that any man
1057. 00:56:14:78 / 00:56:18:05 - who calls himself a patriot do stand up
1058. 00:56:18:05 / 00:56:19:67 - and talk and tell the truth
1059. 00:56:19:67 / 00:56:22:16 - and I'm going to continue and I'm going
1060. 00:56:22:16 / 00:56:23:84 - to ask that you continue with some of
1061. 00:56:23:84 / 00:56:25:07 - the things that I'm going to ask you to
1062. 00:56:25:07 / 00:56:26:93 - do tonight when you leave here over the
1063. 00:56:26:93 / 00:56:29:93 - next few days and into the next year I'm
1064. 00:56:29:93 / 00:56:33:65 - going to ask you to continue until we
1065. 00:56:33:65 / 00:56:36:17 - clean up this government until it gets
1066. 00:56:36:17 / 00:56:38:42 - back to a government of for by the
1067. 00:56:38:42 / 00:56:40:96 - people
1068. 00:56:45:37 / 00:56:47:63 - now I'm going to show you the Kennedy
1069. 00:56:47:63 / 00:56:49:37 - assassination tape I want you to watch
1070. 00:56:49:37 / 00:56:52:58 - it very closely and if you can't see it
1071. 00:56:52:58 / 00:56:54:68 - we'll run it again if you still can't
1072. 00:56:54:68 / 00:56:56:36 - see it well run it again I don't care
1073. 00:56:56:36 / 00:56:58:16 - how long it takes because you need to
1074. 00:56:58:16 / 00:57:00:38 - know this you need to know who killed
1075. 00:57:00:38 / 00:57:03:40 - your president and you need to know why
1076. 00:57:03:40 / 00:57:07:07 - and you need to be incensed you need to
1077. 00:57:07:07 / 00:57:09:17 - be outraged you need to know that you
1078. 00:57:09:17 / 00:57:10:91 - have the power to do something about it
1079. 00:57:10:91 / 00:57:13:76 - and then you've got to do it you have to
1080. 00:57:13:76 / 00:57:17:00 - do it and I'm gonna give you this
1081. 00:57:17:00 / 00:57:19:79 - challenge if you can't do it you ought
1082. 00:57:19:79 / 00:57:22:75 - to go live in another country
1083. 00:57:29:04 / 00:57:32:30 - see here
1084. 00:58:24:42 / 00:58:26:91 - nearly 25 years ago the people of the
1085. 00:58:26:91 / 00:58:28:98 - United States and the world were
1086. 00:58:28:98 / 00:58:31:02 - shattered by the impact of assassin's
1087. 00:58:31:02 / 00:58:33:15 - bullet on a helpless unsuspecting young
1088. 00:58:33:15 / 00:58:35:10 - president of the United States John
1089. 00:58:35:10 / 00:58:37:32 - Fitzgerald Kennedy watch there Oliver
1090. 00:58:37:32 / 00:58:39:96 - Dodd candidate was penetrated through
1091. 00:58:39:96 / 00:58:42:39 - the body and soul of America destroying
1092. 00:58:42:39 / 00:58:44:16 - the very lives of thousands and the
1093. 00:58:44:16 / 00:58:46:14 - heart and trust in political will of
1094. 00:58:46:14 / 00:58:48:33 - literally millions and the years that
1095. 00:58:48:33 / 00:58:49:68 - have passed since this tragic event
1096. 00:58:49:68 / 00:58:51:84 - removed from the world stage perhaps one
1097. 00:58:51:84 / 00:58:53:43 - of the most promising human ages of
1098. 00:58:53:43 / 00:58:54:84 - peace and progressive political
1099. 00:58:54:84 / 00:58:56:76 - development we have been fed when
1100. 00:58:56:76 / 00:58:58:65 - officially sanctioned why after another
1101. 00:58:58:65 / 00:59:01:17 - the anyway lured and cover up Commission
1102. 00:59:01:17 / 00:59:03:06 - to castrated Senate Select Committee
1103. 00:59:03:06 / 00:59:05:40 - seeking to shed light upon an event
1104. 00:59:05:40 / 00:59:07:05 - deliberately and shrouded in deception
1105. 00:59:07:05 / 00:59:10:44 - concealment and outright falsehood 25
1106. 00:59:10:44 / 00:59:12:84 - years long out in his time the truth was
1107. 00:59:12:84 / 00:59:14:55 - finally told in the air just hope that
1108. 00:59:14:55 / 00:59:16:11 - it will truly set us free of the
1109. 00:59:16:11 / 00:59:20:00 - murderers who pose as our protectors
1110. 00:59:21:90 / 00:59:25:08 - we're observing here is the motorcade of
1111. 00:59:25:08 / 00:59:29:70 - Dallas on November 27 1963 as the
1112. 00:59:29:70 / 00:59:31:59 - presidential car passes behind the
1113. 00:59:31:59 / 00:59:33:99 - freeway sign President Kennedy is struck
1114. 00:59:33:99 / 00:59:35:91 - in the throat by a bullet that was fired
1115. 00:59:35:91 / 00:59:38:37 - from the grassy knoll as he's grasping
1116. 00:59:38:37 / 00:59:40:44 - his throat John Connally it's turned
1117. 00:59:40:44 / 00:59:42:27 - around to his luck right
1118. 00:59:42:27 / 00:59:44:70 - he at that point is strike you notice
1119. 00:59:44:70 / 00:59:46:74 - the driver curtsied me the passenger of
1120. 00:59:46:74 / 00:59:48:39 - the car turning back to see what has
1121. 00:59:48:39 / 00:59:50:07 - happened the president as he turns back
1122. 00:59:50:07 / 00:59:53:01 - to the front the driver of the car turns
1123. 00:59:53:01 / 00:59:54:45 - with his left arm over his right
1124. 00:59:54:45 / 00:59:57:75 - shoulder with his horn and fires CC the
1125. 00:59:57:75 / 01:00:01:80 - 45 automatic 45 caliber is a belated
1126. 01:00:01:80 / 01:00:05:10 - automatic weapon in his left hand he's
1127. 01:00:05:10 / 01:00:06:90 - firing over his right shoulder you see
1128. 01:00:06:90 / 01:00:08:64 - the relief you see his head pointing
1129. 01:00:08:64 / 01:00:12:02 - backwards towards the president
1130. 01:00:15:53 / 01:00:18:32 - and this enhanced whole entourage she
1131. 01:00:18:32 / 01:00:20:33 - looks like a pair of the bullet a
1132. 01:00:20:33 / 01:00:21:53 - chronometer president
1133. 01:00:21:53 / 01:00:24:17 - the force of a shot directed me
1134. 01:00:24:17 / 01:00:26:18 - violently backward against the back
1135. 01:00:26:18 / 01:00:29:63 - deceased you see Miss Mandy reacted to
1136. 01:00:29:63 / 01:00:35:66 - her the ugly gaping wound which is ended
1137. 01:00:35:66 / 01:00:37:76 - here according to many observers at the
1138. 01:00:37:76 / 01:00:40:10 - scene was actually created on the print
1139. 01:00:40:10 / 01:00:41:87 - this was not the actual nature of the
1140. 01:00:41:87 / 01:00:43:91 - wound when she noticed that mrs. Kennedy
1141. 01:00:43:91 / 01:00:46:07 - wasted no time trying to exit the
1142. 01:00:46:07 / 01:00:49:16 - vehicle because she clearly was able to
1143. 01:00:49:16 / 01:00:51:41 - determine exactly where that shot had
1144. 01:00:51:41 / 01:00:53:54 - originated and it was her personal body
1145. 01:00:53:54 / 01:00:55:55 - are plenty lon other Secret Service
1146. 01:00:55:55 / 01:00:58:82 - agent who attempted to keep her in when
1147. 01:00:58:82 / 01:01:01:01 - the arrows indicating here is what
1148. 01:01:01:01 / 01:01:04:04 - appears to be the outline of a man a hat
1149. 01:01:04:04 / 01:01:06:77 - and his rifle the arrows pointing to the
1150. 01:01:06:77 / 01:01:09:29 - rifle barrel of the man in the bushes
1151. 01:01:09:29 / 01:01:12:89 - who possibly was the rifleman on the
1152. 01:01:12:89 / 01:01:16:61 - grassy knoll and fired that shot another
1153. 01:01:16:61 / 01:01:19:69 - view taken by another photographer again
1154. 01:01:19:69 / 01:01:22:37 - you see mrs. Kennedy trying to exit the
1155. 01:01:22:37 / 01:01:24:77 - vehicle from behind being respected by
1156. 01:01:24:77 / 01:01:27:29 - her bodyguard number of witnesses on the
1157. 01:01:27:29 / 01:01:30:64 - scene rushing towards the vehicle
1158. 01:01:34:84 / 01:01:37:18 - concession the man standing on the far
1159. 01:01:37:18 / 01:01:39:07 - right of the wall there is Abraham
1160. 01:01:39:07 / 01:01:41:80 - Zapruder the photographer who took the
1161. 01:01:41:80 / 01:01:43:84 - original photos in the interim years
1162. 01:01:43:84 / 01:01:47:53 - indicating what was very likely the
1163. 01:01:47:53 / 01:01:49:57 - rifleman on the grassy knoll the man who
1164. 01:01:49:57 / 01:01:51:07 - fired the shot which penetrated
1165. 01:01:51:07 / 01:01:54:01 - Kennedy's throat from the front not from
1166. 01:01:54:01 / 01:01:56:29 - behind as Warren Commission would have
1167. 01:01:56:29 / 01:01:57:66 - you believe
1168. 01:01:57:66 / 01:02:00:28 - very interesting note also that the
1169. 01:02:00:28 / 01:02:02:23 - motorcycle police were told to remain
1170. 01:02:02:23 / 01:02:05:23 - behind the car at all times here you see
1171. 01:02:05:23 / 01:02:07:13 - the passenger in the front turning back
1172. 01:02:07:13 / 01:02:09:16 - looking at the president sort of jumping
1173. 01:02:09:16 / 01:02:11:05 - back to the system he turns forward the
1174. 01:02:11:05 / 01:02:13:45 - driver is now rotating weapon comes into
1175. 01:02:13:45 / 01:02:15:41 - view any fires you'll see this
1176. 01:02:15:41 / 01:02:18:41 - repeatedly in these sequences Kennedy's
1177. 01:02:18:41 / 01:02:20:41 - neshama throat he's leaning to his left
1178. 01:02:20:41 / 01:02:23:29 - the driver now begins to rotate his left
1179. 01:02:23:29 / 01:02:25:18 - arm comes over his right shoulder and he
1180. 01:02:25:18 / 01:02:28:64 - fires now Andina you see the driver
1181. 01:02:28:64 / 01:02:32:22 - rotates even a weapon can be the view
1182. 01:02:32:22 / 01:02:35:97 - rotating in the weapons and beauty fires
1183. 01:02:35:97 / 01:02:38:66 - can clearly see his head turning and
1184. 01:02:38:66 / 01:02:40:40 - then his horror that your weapon
1185. 01:02:40:40 / 01:02:42:49 - extending into vehicle over his right
1186. 01:02:42:49 / 01:02:44:90 - shoulder and they did the witnesses
1187. 01:02:44:90 / 01:02:47:15 - indicated the car slowed almost to a
1188. 01:02:47:15 / 01:02:50:08 - virtual halt at about this point and
1189. 01:02:50:08 / 01:02:51:91 - here the normal version to see how much
1190. 01:02:51:91 / 01:02:53:68 - more quickly has speeded up it's much
1191. 01:02:53:68 / 01:02:58:45 - harder to determine many of the people
1192. 01:02:58:45 / 00:00:00:00 - ask the question why Jackie
Part 3
1. 00:00:20:20 / 00:00:23:77 - right shoulder maybe the witnesses need
2. 00:00:23:77 / 00:00:25:82 - to get the car slowed almost to a
3. 00:00:25:82 / 00:00:27:98 - virtual halt at about this point and
4. 00:00:27:98 / 00:00:30:59 - here their novel version to see how much
5. 00:00:30:59 / 00:00:32:32 - more quickly has speeded up it's much
6. 00:00:32:32 / 00:00:37:10 - harder to determine many of the people
7. 00:00:37:10 / 00:00:38:48 - who asked the question why Jackie
8. 00:00:38:48 / 00:00:40:61 - Kennedy did not report this it should be
9. 00:00:40:61 / 00:00:43:01 - fairly evident that she wasted no time
10. 00:00:43:01 / 00:00:47:42 - in getting away from the attacker rights
11. 00:00:47:42 / 00:00:49:75 - please
12. 00:00:49:84 / 00:00:54:32 - did everybody see it okay those of you
13. 00:00:54:32 / 00:00:56:21 - who did not see it please come up to the
14. 00:00:56:21 / 00:01:00:99 - front and with some of you in the DIA
15. 00:01:00:99 / 00:01:04:39 - okay good
16. 00:01:05:70 / 00:01:09:60 - let's move right on along here now what
17. 00:01:09:60 / 00:01:11:55 - I'm showing you here is an aerial
18. 00:01:11:55 / 00:01:14:46 - photograph taken of area 51 otherwise
19. 00:01:14:46 / 00:01:16:68 - known as dream like a dream land or
20. 00:01:16:68 / 00:01:20:25 - groom Lake it is a super top secret area
21. 00:01:20:25 / 00:01:23:55 - in the Nevada Test Site where we are
22. 00:01:23:55 / 00:01:29:15 - test flying the alien craft now a lot of
23. 00:01:29:15 / 00:01:31:35 - people didn't believe what John Lee and
24. 00:01:31:35 / 00:01:33:27 - I have been telling them for a long time
25. 00:01:33:27 / 00:01:36:78 - and there is a radio show in Las Vegas
26. 00:01:36:78 / 00:01:38:55 - called the Billy Goodman happening is
27. 00:01:38:55 / 00:01:42:18 - everybody here who listens to that one
28. 00:01:42:18 / 00:01:43:61 - gentleman in the back did you hear the
29. 00:01:43:61 / 00:01:48:75 - groom lake trip okay what happened was
30. 00:01:48:75 / 00:01:50:88 - they didn't believe what we were telling
31. 00:01:50:88 / 00:01:52:28 - them and all these people wanted to go
32. 00:01:52:28 / 00:01:53:97 - out and see for themselves so they put
33. 00:01:53:97 / 00:01:56:28 - together this trip to groom Lake now in
34. 00:01:56:28 / 00:01:58:56 - anticipation of this a reporter from
35. 00:01:58:56 / 00:02:01:38 - Santa Clara came down got a grant from a
36. 00:02:01:38 / 00:02:03:30 - radio station up there and came down and
37. 00:02:03:30 / 00:02:05:75 - camped out up there watching groom Lake
38. 00:02:05:75 / 00:02:07:77 - for a week in advance and phoned in
39. 00:02:07:77 / 00:02:09:69 - reports every night to the radio station
40. 00:02:09:69 / 00:02:14:93 - and he had dozens of sightings
41. 00:02:15:17 / 00:02:18:78 - unmistakeably unidentified flying
42. 00:02:18:78 / 00:02:21:09 - objects that could in no way shape or
43. 00:02:21:09 / 00:02:24:98 - form be aircraft all in the groom lake
44. 00:02:24:98 / 00:02:28:50 - facility in the air doing the things
45. 00:02:28:50 / 00:02:34:47 - that are impossible to do on the fateful
46. 00:02:34:47 / 00:02:39:06 - night 100 of billy Goodman's listeners
47. 00:02:39:06 / 00:02:42:12 - and Billy Goodman and about nine members
48. 00:02:42:12 / 00:02:43:92 - of the Lincoln County Sheriff's
49. 00:02:43:92 / 00:02:48:92 - Department went up there and had a vigil
50. 00:02:48:92 / 00:02:52:68 - they had four sightings and then the
51. 00:02:52:68 / 00:02:54:93 - majority of the group left for good
52. 00:02:54:93 / 00:02:57:29 - sightings and then the majority of the
53. 00:02:57:29 / 00:03:01:20 - group left twelve people stayed there
54. 00:03:01:20 / 00:03:05:85 - all night and had 15 more documented
55. 00:03:05:85 / 00:03:08:50 - sightings that they are ready willing
56. 00:03:08:50 / 00:03:17:44 - and able to swear to so you can do with
57. 00:03:17:44 / 00:03:19:30 - that piece of information whatever you
58. 00:03:19:30 / 00:03:19:81 - wish
59. 00:03:19:81 / 00:03:22:69 - I suggest that those of you who can tune
60. 00:03:22:69 / 00:03:24:79 - in to the Billy Goodman happening every
61. 00:03:24:79 / 00:03:28:06 - night Sunday through Friday night at
62. 00:03:28:06 / 00:03:30:04 - 10:00 p.m. it goes from 10:00 p.m. to
63. 00:03:30:04 / 00:03:33:28 - 1:00 a.m. in the morning it is the only
64. 00:03:33:28 / 00:03:36:43 - radio show in fact it's the only media
65. 00:03:36:43 / 00:03:40:72 - in the world that accurately reports the
66. 00:03:40:72 / 00:03:44:04 - UFO issue I have been a guest on there
67. 00:03:44:04 / 00:03:46:54 - many many times for the whole three
68. 00:03:46:54 / 00:03:49:06 - hours he has had colonel boat rides on
69. 00:03:49:06 / 00:03:52:11 - there he has had Brad Steiger on there I
70. 00:03:52:11 / 00:03:55:30 - he will have anyone on there who knows
71. 00:03:55:30 / 00:03:57:55 - anything about this and wants to be a
72. 00:03:57:55 / 00:03:59:73 - gonna do this writing we're calling talk
73. 00:03:59:73 / 00:04:03:67 - to him his daytime number is area code
74. 00:04:03:67 / 00:04:07:72 - 702 four five one and I'll be writing
75. 00:04:07:72 / 00:04:11:26 - this down where Joel 702 for five one
76. 00:04:11:26 / 00:04:13:51 - three one three one in the daytime if
77. 00:04:13:51 / 00:04:15:31 - he's not there please leave a message
78. 00:04:15:31 / 00:04:20:22 - for him he will get back to you his name
79. 00:04:20:22 / 00:04:27:04 - is Billy Goodman it's 8:40 on the am
80. 00:04:27:04 / 00:04:29:02 - dial I've tried to get it on my car
81. 00:04:29:02 / 00:04:32:65 - radio here that station is 50,000 watts
82. 00:04:32:65 / 00:04:34:75 - and it's heard in Canada the whole state
83. 00:04:34:75 / 00:04:36:58 - of California you can hear it Oregon
84. 00:04:36:58 / 00:04:40:09 - Idaho all over the place but I can't get
85. 00:04:40:09 / 00:04:42:21 - it on my car radio in Sedona Arizona
86. 00:04:42:21 / 00:04:46:59 - it's incredible because it is the only
87. 00:04:46:59 / 00:04:49:54 - Billy Goodman in my estimation is a hero
88. 00:04:49:54 / 00:04:50:91 - because everyone else who has ever tried
89. 00:04:50:91 / 00:04:53:16 - this in the past has lost their job or
90. 00:04:53:16 / 00:04:55:33 - the radio station is blown up or
91. 00:04:55:33 / 00:04:56:68 - something has happened
92. 00:04:56:68 / 00:04:59:02 - but Billy Goodman has sworn that he's
93. 00:04:59:02 / 00:04:59:40 - going to
94. 00:04:59:40 / 00:05:02:72 - system till the truth comes out so he
95. 00:05:02:72 / 00:05:04:25 - will talk about it every night talks
96. 00:05:04:25 / 00:05:05:49 - about other things and he has other
97. 00:05:05:49 / 00:05:07:56 - gifts on and he has entertainers on and
98. 00:05:07:56 / 00:05:10:91 - things like that but his main issue is
99. 00:05:10:91 / 00:05:14:22 - the UFO and the drug issue and he wants
100. 00:05:14:22 / 00:05:16:80 - to get to the truth and he has sworn
101. 00:05:16:80 / 00:05:18:72 - that he will persist until the truth
102. 00:05:18:72 / 00:05:20:61 - comes out and nobody will make him stop
103. 00:05:20:61 / 00:05:23:10 - and I believe him yeah he is doing an
104. 00:05:23:10 / 00:05:30:30 - absolutely wonderful job now what does
105. 00:05:30:30 / 00:05:33:41 - all this mean it means that the secret
106. 00:05:33:41 / 00:05:35:61 - government is not our government and it
107. 00:05:35:61 / 00:05:38:07 - is in full control and is powerful
108. 00:05:38:07 / 00:05:40:47 - enough to assassinate a president get
109. 00:05:40:47 / 00:05:41:19 - away with it
110. 00:05:41:19 / 00:05:43:80 - they were powerful enough to tell Lyndon
111. 00:05:43:80 / 00:05:45:90 - Johnson not to seek another term and he
112. 00:05:45:90 / 00:05:48:63 - didn't how many of you have ever read or
113. 00:05:48:63 / 00:05:50:38 - know anything about Lyndon Johnson
114. 00:05:50:38 / 00:05:53:78 - anybody in here
115. 00:05:54:83 / 00:05:58:68 - what did you learn about him do you
116. 00:05:58:68 / 00:06:00:33 - think he would have not run for another
117. 00:06:00:33 / 00:06:03:78 - term this is one of the most ambitious
118. 00:06:03:78 / 00:06:05:91 - men that ever lived he was a
119. 00:06:05:91 / 00:06:08:13 - politician's politician and one of the
120. 00:06:08:13 / 00:06:11:46 - dirtiest of them all and he wanted it
121. 00:06:11:46 / 00:06:14:61 - all he didn't run again because he was
122. 00:06:14:61 / 00:06:16:38 - totally mj-12 and not to run again
123. 00:06:16:38 / 00:06:19:02 - because for him to run again and make a
124. 00:06:19:02 / 00:06:22:05 - reversal on a Vietnam policy would have
125. 00:06:22:05 / 00:06:25:01 - embarrassed the entire administration
126. 00:06:25:01 / 00:06:29:78 - and could not have been explained they
127. 00:06:29:78 / 00:06:31:68 - needed to get another president in who
128. 00:06:31:68 / 00:06:32:78 - would pull the troops out of Vietnam
129. 00:06:32:78 / 00:06:36:30 - because Vietnam was becoming an issue
130. 00:06:36:30 / 00:06:38:56 - that was going to pull the government
131. 00:06:38:56 / 00:06:42:28 - down and Johnson was for finishing the
132. 00:06:42:28 / 00:06:46:78 - war not pulling out President Nixon was
133. 00:06:46:78 / 00:06:49:72 - forced to resign the water day incident
134. 00:06:49:72 / 00:06:52:84 - was created deep throat was not one
135. 00:06:52:84 / 00:06:55:66 - person it was three people The
136. 00:06:55:66 / 00:06:59:44 - Washington Post is owned and the editor
137. 00:06:59:44 / 00:07:01:30 - is all belong to the Council on Foreign
138. 00:07:01:30 / 00:07:04:12 - Relations I don't mean owned by the
139. 00:07:04:12 / 00:07:07:38 - Council for our relations as a body it
140. 00:07:07:38 / 00:07:09:76 - is owned by members of the Council on
141. 00:07:09:76 / 00:07:11:85 - Foreign Relations
142. 00:07:11:85 / 00:07:17:76 - if you think that Bernstein and Woodward
143. 00:07:17:79 / 00:07:20:56 - broke that story all on their own and
144. 00:07:20:56 / 00:07:23:01 - their persistence you better think again
145. 00:07:23:01 / 00:07:25:57 - they would led through that by their
146. 00:07:25:57 / 00:07:32:74 - nose Nixon was forced to resign Nixon
147. 00:07:32:74 / 00:07:35:97 - did something wrong did several things
148. 00:07:35:97 / 00:07:39:19 - wrong when he opened up China China had
149. 00:07:39:19 / 00:07:41:16 - been isolated intentionally by the
150. 00:07:41:16 / 00:07:43:33 - Soviet Union in the United States to
151. 00:07:43:33 / 00:07:45:10 - prevent them from reaching a level of
152. 00:07:45:10 / 00:07:47:74 - technology that would increase the
153. 00:07:47:74 / 00:07:50:05 - pollution in the atmosphere and in the
154. 00:07:50:05 / 00:07:52:80 - water of the earth
155. 00:07:55:11 / 00:07:57:90 - you did some other things too that they
156. 00:07:57:90 / 00:08:05:52 - were too fond of President Reagan's
157. 00:08:05:52 / 00:08:07:95 - assassination we believe was an attempt
158. 00:08:07:95 / 00:08:11:16 - to get Bush into office quicker than
159. 00:08:11:16 / 00:08:13:65 - what he would have and also to ensure
160. 00:08:13:65 / 00:08:16:11 - that he got into office because an
161. 00:08:16:11 / 00:08:17:97 - election has always an if he mattered
162. 00:08:17:97 / 00:08:20:25 - and Bush had been their baby from the
163. 00:08:20:25 / 00:08:27:42 - beginning what can we do about this let
164. 00:08:27:42 / 00:08:30:83 - me tell you what we can do about it
165. 00:08:32:87 / 00:08:35:87 - what
166. 00:08:35:87 / 00:08:41:25 - no no attempted assassination Reagan the
167. 00:08:41:25 / 00:08:46:26 - attempted assassination on Reagan what
168. 00:08:46:26 / 00:08:48:15 - we might have missed something I mean he
169. 00:08:48:15 / 00:08:50:52 - really wasn't alive for the last couple
170. 00:08:50:52 / 00:08:52:85 - of years
171. 00:08:58:24 / 00:09:01:52 - what can we do about this it's very
172. 00:09:01:52 / 00:09:05:39 - simple this secret government may have
173. 00:09:05:39 / 00:09:07:79 - control of the executive branch but I
174. 00:09:07:79 / 00:09:09:77 - guarantee you ladies and gentlemen you
175. 00:09:09:77 / 00:09:12:58 - have control of the Congress the
176. 00:09:12:58 / 00:09:14:65 - Senators and House of Representatives
177. 00:09:14:65 / 00:09:17:15 - because you're the ones who elect them
178. 00:09:17:15 / 00:09:20:72 - and you're the ones who can unlock them
179. 00:09:20:72 / 00:09:24:20 - you can impeach them you can investigate
180. 00:09:24:20 / 00:09:26:30 - their background and dig up all the dirt
181. 00:09:26:30 / 00:09:28:43 - that lies behind every single human
182. 00:09:28:43 / 00:09:31:81 - being that ever lived and if you think
183. 00:09:31:81 / 00:09:35:48 - that's not true I'll prove it to you
184. 00:09:35:48 / 00:09:38:03 - I'll never tell anybody what I find but
185. 00:09:38:03 / 00:09:39:41 - I'll dig in your background and find
186. 00:09:39:41 / 00:09:41:03 - something that would really embarrass
187. 00:09:41:03 / 00:09:44:56 - you in the front pages of the papers
188. 00:09:44:56 / 00:09:46:76 - because none of us are really without
189. 00:09:46:76 / 00:09:50:30 - sin so you can get those guys if you
190. 00:09:50:30 / 00:09:52:37 - want to you can play the same games they
191. 00:09:52:37 / 00:09:54:83 - play you can investigate their
192. 00:09:54:83 / 00:09:57:14 - background and dig out that dirt and put
193. 00:09:57:14 / 00:09:59:29 - it in the front pages of the newspapers
194. 00:09:59:29 / 00:10:01:58 - and you can call them to cause them to
195. 00:10:01:58 / 00:10:03:89 - fall that way another way is you can
196. 00:10:03:89 / 00:10:05:96 - write them letters and say listen this
197. 00:10:05:96 / 00:10:08:09 - is what I know is going on I want to
198. 00:10:08:09 / 00:10:10:07 - stopped and I want those responsible
199. 00:10:10:07 / 00:10:11:96 - prosecuted to the fullest extent of the
200. 00:10:11:96 / 00:10:12:47 - law
201. 00:10:12:47 / 00:10:15:14 - and if you don't do this I'm going to do
202. 00:10:15:14 / 00:10:19:10 - every single thing in my power to make
203. 00:10:19:10 / 00:10:22:58 - sure that you never hold even the office
204. 00:10:22:58 / 00:10:24:98 - of dog catcher in any city in this
205. 00:10:24:98 / 00:10:29:27 - country now you do have power and you
206. 00:10:29:27 / 00:10:31:10 - have friends that you can influence and
207. 00:10:31:10 / 00:10:32:99 - you can talk to groups as I am talking
208. 00:10:32:99 / 00:10:34:52 - to groups and we will furnish you
209. 00:10:34:52 / 00:10:35:56 - information
210. 00:10:35:56 / 00:10:39:31 - you needed to do that but this needs to
211. 00:10:39:31 / 00:10:41:71 - be done it must be done if you were to
212. 00:10:41:71 / 00:10:43:30 - keep your freedoms because they are
213. 00:10:43:30 / 00:10:46:84 - going to take them away from you and I
214. 00:10:46:84 / 00:10:51:13 - guarantee you that when the members of
215. 00:10:51:13 / 00:10:53:05 - the Congress began getting these letters
216. 00:10:53:05 / 00:10:54:82 - they are going to get worried because
217. 00:10:54:82 / 00:10:57:25 - that's their future you're talking about
218. 00:10:57:25 / 00:10:59:20 - their paycheck you're talking about
219. 00:10:59:20 / 00:11:00:88 - their life you're talking about the
220. 00:11:00:88 / 00:11:04:81 - security of their family now you're
221. 00:11:04:81 / 00:11:10:30 - hitting them in the gut really in the
222. 00:11:10:30 / 00:11:12:64 - gut then you have to follow through with
223. 00:11:12:64 / 00:11:14:14 - it you have to start putting pressure on
224. 00:11:14:14 / 00:11:17:44 - them you have to follow those letters up
225. 00:11:17:44 / 00:11:19:48 - with phone calls and you have to get
226. 00:11:19:48 / 00:11:21:10 - your friends to write letters and your
227. 00:11:21:10 / 00:11:24:31 - friends to call and believe me ladies
228. 00:11:24:31 / 00:11:28:18 - and gentlemen if we start now and if you
229. 00:11:28:18 / 00:11:30:91 - each one of you can influence just five
230. 00:11:30:91 / 00:11:33:19 - friends to do the same and they can
231. 00:11:33:19 / 00:11:36:61 - influence five friends to do the same we
232. 00:11:36:61 / 00:11:38:58 - can have those crooks on the carpet in
233. 00:11:38:58 / 00:11:42:45 - front of Congress by the end of November
234. 00:11:45:01 / 00:11:53:62 - we can do that you can do that now this
235. 00:11:53:62 / 00:11:55:38 - is not the time to be afraid that if you
236. 00:11:55:38 / 00:11:56:58 - do it you're going to get on somebody's
237. 00:11:56:58 / 00:12:02:50 - list you're already on their list and
238. 00:12:02:50 / 00:12:04:93 - you're not worth a barnyard chicken to
239. 00:12:04:93 / 00:12:08:92 - them you're already on there Liz they
240. 00:12:08:92 / 00:12:11:86 - don't care about you they don't care
241. 00:12:11:86 / 00:12:15:04 - about any of us they will tolerate us as
242. 00:12:15:04 / 00:12:17:62 - long as we are useful and that is as far
243. 00:12:17:62 / 00:12:20:86 - as they will tolerate us when this one
244. 00:12:20:86 / 00:12:24:07 - world economic organization comes into
245. 00:12:24:07 / 00:12:27:69 - power your Bill of Rights is going to be
246. 00:12:27:69 / 00:12:34:06 - flushed right down the toilet and if
247. 00:12:34:06 / 00:12:35:44 - there's anybody in here who is working
248. 00:12:35:44 / 00:12:37:26 - for the government it came to find out
249. 00:12:37:26 / 00:12:39:76 - what I'm going to say today I want to
250. 00:12:39:76 / 00:12:42:45 - tell you that those are your rights also
251. 00:12:42:45 / 00:12:49:00 - and you're on the wrong side and they
252. 00:12:49:00 / 00:12:51:55 - will do to you just exactly what they
253. 00:12:51:55 / 00:12:55:88 - did to Ollie north and Haldeman and
254. 00:12:55:88 / 00:13:00:19 - Colson and Dean and anybody else who was
255. 00:13:00:19 / 00:13:03:67 - loyal to them but became expendable to
256. 00:13:03:67 / 00:13:06:69 - save themselves because that's all they
257. 00:13:06:69 / 00:13:11:38 - care about is themselves don't misplace
258. 00:13:11:38 / 00:13:14:11 - your loyalty your loyalty belongs with
259. 00:13:14:11 / 00:13:16:06 - the Constitution of the United States
260. 00:13:16:06 / 00:13:18:13 - and nowhere else it does not belong with
261. 00:13:18:13 / 00:13:18:73 - me
262. 00:13:18:73 / 00:13:21:57 - I'm just marching into battle with you
263. 00:13:21:57 / 00:13:24:10 - maybe right now I'm a little out in
264. 00:13:24:10 / 00:13:26:94 - front but believe me when you start
265. 00:13:26:94 / 00:13:28:99 - reading on your own and researching and
266. 00:13:28:99 / 00:13:31:44 - looking into this you'll run up here
267. 00:13:31:44 / 00:13:32:31 - with
268. 00:13:32:31 / 00:13:36:42 - I have great faith in you Americans have
269. 00:13:36:42 / 00:13:41:91 - always been there when it counted and if
270. 00:13:41:91 / 00:13:43:68 - I didn't believe that in the bottom of
271. 00:13:43:68 / 00:13:44:49 - my heart
272. 00:13:44:49 / 00:13:46:29 - I would not be up here doing this
273. 00:13:46:29 / 00:13:52:98 - because this is suicide without you but
274. 00:13:52:98 / 00:13:55:56 - I know you're gonna be there that's a
275. 00:13:55:56 / 00:13:57:03 - lot of things you can do you can
276. 00:13:57:03 / 00:13:58:86 - research you can write books as mr.
277. 00:13:58:86 / 00:14:03:86 - Anwar has done you can help in many ways
278. 00:14:03:86 / 00:14:06:06 - one of the ways that you can help is
279. 00:14:06:06 / 00:14:08:19 - start teaching our children what the
280. 00:14:08:19 / 00:14:09:97 - Constitution is because they don't even
281. 00:14:09:97 / 00:14:12:54 - know and you know something I'm not
282. 00:14:12:54 / 00:14:13:74 - going to do it because I don't want to
283. 00:14:13:74 / 00:14:17:12 - embarrass you but you don't know either
284. 00:14:17:12 / 00:14:20:43 - most of you in this room can't even tell
285. 00:14:20:43 / 00:14:22:92 - me hardly anything about what the
286. 00:14:22:92 / 00:14:28:72 - Constitution says and you know it that
287. 00:14:28:72 / 00:14:32:28 - is the United States it is our freedom
288. 00:14:32:28 / 00:14:34:62 - it is everything that we stand for it is
289. 00:14:34:62 / 00:14:36:33 - the only thing on earth worth protecting
290. 00:14:36:33 / 00:14:38:99 - besides our family and our loved ones
291. 00:14:38:99 / 00:14:43:60 - there is nothing else to fight for there
292. 00:14:43:60 / 00:14:45:27 - is nothing else that has ever given
293. 00:14:45:27 / 00:14:48:57 - anybody the freedoms and the chance and
294. 00:14:48:57 / 00:14:50:91 - the opportunities that our Constitution
295. 00:14:50:91 / 00:14:53:94 - gives us and we must never lose sight of
296. 00:14:53:94 / 00:14:57:51 - that the Constitution has been taken out
297. 00:14:57:51 / 00:14:59:76 - of the schoolbooks intentionally ladies
298. 00:14:59:76 / 00:15:02:55 - and gentlemen the Rockefeller family
299. 00:15:02:55 / 00:15:05:10 - owns most of the teaching colleges did
300. 00:15:05:10 / 00:15:06:85 - you know that they also own most of the
301. 00:15:06:85 / 00:15:09:10 - textbook publishing companies did you
302. 00:15:09:10 / 00:15:15:60 - know that did you know that the Federal
303. 00:15:15:60 / 00:15:17:76 - Reserve is not an agency or a branch of
304. 00:15:17:76 / 00:15:19:49 - the United States government
305. 00:15:19:49 / 00:15:21:50 - money is nothing but worthless printed
306. 00:15:21:50 / 00:15:24:29 - paper did you know that when you pay
307. 00:15:24:29 / 00:15:26:14 - your income taxes you pay them to the
308. 00:15:26:14 / 00:15:28:73 - IRS which also is not an agency or a
309. 00:15:28:73 / 00:15:30:44 - branch of the United States government
310. 00:15:30:44 / 00:15:33:88 - it is an agency of the Federal Reserve
311. 00:15:33:88 / 00:15:37:31 - it is the collection Bureau to repay our
312. 00:15:37:31 / 00:15:39:62 - national debt to those whom we borrowed
313. 00:15:39:62 / 00:15:43:13 - it from when you get your refund check
314. 00:15:43:13 / 00:15:45:50 - it does not come from the money you paid
315. 00:15:45:50 / 00:15:47:87 - in the money you paid into income tax
316. 00:15:47:87 / 00:15:49:82 - goes to the Federal Reserve to pay off
317. 00:15:49:82 / 00:15:54:02 - the national debt the United States
318. 00:15:54:02 / 00:15:56:02 - government to give you your refund has
319. 00:15:56:02 / 00:15:58:55 - to borrow again from the Federal Reserve
320. 00:15:58:55 / 00:16:00:68 - to give you your refund and we go more
321. 00:16:00:68 / 00:16:03:64 - into debt and did you know that if we
322. 00:16:03:64 / 00:16:05:57 - started printing hundred-dollar bills
323. 00:16:05:57 / 00:16:07:88 - right now with all the money printing
324. 00:16:07:88 / 00:16:09:95 - presses that we have at our disposal and
325. 00:16:09:95 / 00:16:14:70 - printed money 24 hours a day every day
326. 00:16:14:70 / 00:16:18:70 - forever we could never pay off the
327. 00:16:18:70 / 00:16:22:85 - national debt because we cannot and the
328. 00:16:22:85 / 00:16:26:30 - money fast enough to even catch up with
329. 00:16:26:30 / 00:16:32:95 - the interest on the unprinted amount our
330. 00:16:32:95 / 00:16:35:24 - children and our grandchildren and their
331. 00:16:35:24 / 00:16:36:56 - grandchildren and their grandchildren
332. 00:16:36:56 / 00:16:38:55 - and their grandchildren in their grand
333. 00:16:38:55 / 00:16:40:98 - have been bought and paid for and are in
334. 00:16:40:98 / 00:16:45:83 - depth forever and our nation is owned by
335. 00:16:45:83 / 00:16:47:97 - the European banking interest who owned
336. 00:16:47:97 / 00:16:50:49 - the majority of the stock in the Federal
337. 00:16:50:49 / 00:16:56:66 - Reserve we have been asleep at the wheel
338. 00:16:56:66 / 00:17:00:63 - and we are teetering now on the brink of
339. 00:17:00:63 / 00:17:03:32 - a cliff and one wrong move we will go
340. 00:17:03:32 / 00:17:07:23 - over that brain but if we very carefully
341. 00:17:07:23 / 00:17:10:07 - get out of this car and pull it back
342. 00:17:10:07 / 00:17:13:77 - away from the edge of the cliff and get
343. 00:17:13:77 / 00:17:16:47 - it back on a straight course to our
344. 00:17:16:47 / 00:17:19:77 - destination the true destination that we
345. 00:17:19:77 / 00:17:23:18 - should be headed for which is peace and
346. 00:17:23:18 / 00:17:26:25 - posterity and safety and security and
347. 00:17:26:25 / 00:17:31:82 - love and happiness then we can survive
348. 00:17:31:82 / 00:17:35:34 - but as I said before I cannot do it for
349. 00:17:35:34 / 00:17:38:85 - you I will march as far as I can until
350. 00:17:38:85 / 00:17:42:42 - they strike me down you've got to catch
351. 00:17:42:42 / 00:17:45:72 - up with me you got to be with me all of
352. 00:17:45:72 / 00:17:49:08 - you every one of you if you go home and
353. 00:17:49:08 / 00:17:50:73 - sit and think the rest of it we'll do it
354. 00:17:50:73 / 00:17:53:82 - for you then there may be somebody else
355. 00:17:53:82 / 00:17:56:19 - sitting sitting thinking the same thing
356. 00:17:56:19 / 00:17:59:73 - and somebody else and somebody else we
357. 00:17:59:73 / 00:18:01:74 - might end up with everybody thinking
358. 00:18:01:74 / 00:18:03:27 - that somebody else is going to do it for
359. 00:18:03:27 / 00:18:09:90 - them it's too late it's too late the
360. 00:18:09:90 / 00:18:11:91 - Constitution of the United States and
361. 00:18:11:91 / 00:18:14:07 - our freedom have never ever been in
362. 00:18:14:07 / 00:18:17:63 - greater danger than they are right now
363. 00:18:17:63 / 00:18:20:41 - we have never been at war with Russia
364. 00:18:20:41 / 00:18:24:41 - Russia is not our enemy Russia has been
365. 00:18:24:41 / 00:18:26:37 - our allies since the end of World War
366. 00:18:26:37 / 00:18:27:92 - two and I'm going to prove it to you
367. 00:18:27:92 / 00:18:28:93 - right now
368. 00:18:28:93 / 00:18:30:70 - video that appeared on 60 minutes last
369. 00:18:30:70 / 00:18:36:28 - Sunday and what did it say how many have
370. 00:18:36:28 / 00:18:37:78 - you been reading in the papers that many
371. 00:18:37:78 / 00:18:39:64 - of our generals and admirals and the
372. 00:18:39:64 / 00:18:40:99 - chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
373. 00:18:40:99 / 00:18:43:15 - but both countries have been going back
374. 00:18:43:15 / 00:18:46:71 - and forth do you know what they're doing
375. 00:18:46:71 / 00:18:48:76 - have you been watching what else has
376. 00:18:48:76 / 00:18:52:27 - been happening in the world they're
377. 00:18:52:27 / 00:18:53:98 - taking inventory of the combined
378. 00:18:53:98 / 00:18:56:29 - Arsenal's and getting ready to merge the
379. 00:18:56:29 / 00:18:58:57 - two largest armies navies and air forces
380. 00:18:58:57 / 00:19:00:28 - in the world to make this world
381. 00:19:00:28 / 00:19:04:53 - government on the target date is 1992
382. 00:19:04:53 / 00:19:07:72 - General says it to Mike Wallace right in
383. 00:19:07:72 / 00:19:10:09 - the film that they have the United
384. 00:19:10:09 / 00:19:12:55 - States to be their enemy and you might
385. 00:19:12:55 / 00:19:15:07 - think it's propaganda he was telling the
386. 00:19:15:07 / 00:19:18:40 - truth the reason for the guise of
387. 00:19:18:40 / 00:19:20:59 - antagonism between the two countries for
388. 00:19:20:59 / 00:19:24:55 - all these years has been to hide the
389. 00:19:24:55 / 00:19:27:19 - fact and take the public's eye off of
390. 00:19:27:19 / 00:19:29:80 - what was really going on and the reason
391. 00:19:29:80 / 00:19:31:51 - that they kept such large standing
392. 00:19:31:51 / 00:19:34:93 - armies was one to fund large sums of
393. 00:19:34:93 / 00:19:37:96 - money that they needed besides the dope
394. 00:19:37:96 / 00:19:39:58 - money and everything else into these
395. 00:19:39:58 / 00:19:42:46 - black projects and to keep these large
396. 00:19:42:46 / 00:19:44:50 - standing armies navies and air forces in
397. 00:19:44:50 / 00:19:47:11 - case the worth was invaded from outer
398. 00:19:47:11 / 00:19:55:06 - space it's all done in secrecy still
399. 00:19:55:06 / 00:19:56:98 - being done in secrecy but over the last
400. 00:19:56:98 / 00:20:00:63 - 10 years they've been Noble
401. 00:20:00:87 / 00:20:03:58 - next to kubinka Air Force Base near
402. 00:20:03:58 / 00:20:05:04 - Moscow where the Americans got a
403. 00:20:05:04 / 00:20:07:21 - close-up look at and a chance to ask
404. 00:20:07:21 / 00:20:08:83 - questions about some of the aircraft
405. 00:20:08:83 / 00:20:11:44 - they trained to fight against Admiral
406. 00:20:11:44 / 00:20:13:29 - cry was still trying to get his Russian
407. 00:20:13:29 / 00:20:24:25 - phrasing strategy again size of that
408. 00:20:24:25 / 00:20:26:74 - the highlight a visit to the cockpit of
409. 00:20:26:74 / 00:20:28:44 - a Soviet blackjack fighter bomber
410. 00:20:28:44 / 00:20:32:14 - similar to the US is v1 we listened over
411. 00:20:32:14 / 00:20:34:05 - a wireless microphone the Soviets knew
412. 00:20:34:05 / 00:20:36:34 - the Admiral was wearing as he an Air
413. 00:20:36:34 / 00:20:38:26 - Force General Monroe hatch asked
414. 00:20:38:26 / 00:20:48:52 - questions what's a top speed do you
415. 00:20:48:52 / 00:21:06:64 - practice refueling with this but lately
416. 00:21:06:64 / 00:21:08:50 - the Soviets claimed to have undergone a
417. 00:21:08:50 / 00:21:10:87 - major change in their military strategy
418. 00:21:10:87 / 00:21:14:62 - from emphasizing offense to defense and
419. 00:21:14:62 / 00:21:16:27 - they asked how could their blackjack
420. 00:21:16:27 / 00:21:18:90 - bomber be an offensive threat for the
421. 00:21:18:90 / 00:21:22:03 - range of only 2,200 kilometers barely
422. 00:21:22:03 / 00:21:39:42 - over 1300 miles then general ma say have
423. 00:21:39:42 / 00:21:41:53 - made a remarkable statement we have
424. 00:21:41:53 / 00:21:43:90 - never regarded the United States's the
425. 00:21:43:90 / 00:21:47:61 - enemy of the Soviet Union and we do not
426. 00:21:47:61 / 00:21:51:58 - regard any possible scenario which would
427. 00:21:51:58 / 00:21:53:77 - involve unleashing a conventional
428. 00:21:53:77 / 00:21:56:38 - warfare or a nuclear warfare the most so
429. 00:21:56:38 / 00:21:59:65 - against the United States you and I are
430. 00:21:59:65 / 00:22:01:63 - literally members of a transitional
431. 00:22:01:63 / 00:22:05:26 - generation tasked at this moment to
432. 00:22:05:26 / 00:22:07:03 - re-examine the way our two societies
433. 00:22:07:03 / 00:22:10:36 - have thought telling you the truth how
434. 00:22:10:36 / 00:22:11:86 - many of you saw the end of the Olympic
435. 00:22:11:86 / 00:22:16:03 - Games in Los Angeles anybody if I see it
436. 00:22:16:03 / 00:22:19:17 - on TV or videotape or on the news this
437. 00:22:19:17 / 00:22:22:12 - incredible event the most beautiful
438. 00:22:22:12 / 00:22:25:84 - authentic looking UFO you ever saw came
439. 00:22:25:84 / 00:22:27:91 - down out of the sky and landed right
440. 00:22:27:91 / 00:22:30:43 - middle of the stadium it was all
441. 00:22:30:43 / 00:22:33:16 - inspiring it was beautiful the crowd
442. 00:22:33:16 / 00:22:35:44 - went wild it was shining down the blue
443. 00:22:35:44 / 00:22:37:63 - beams of light exactly as the abductees
444. 00:22:37:63 / 00:22:40:33 - described them it was an exact copy of
445. 00:22:40:33 / 00:22:45:13 - the real thing it was sponsored by Levi
446. 00:22:45:13 / 00:22:48:13 - Strauss how many of you saw the Levi
447. 00:22:48:13 / 00:22:49:90 - Strauss docker slacks commercial
448. 00:22:49:90 / 00:22:54:01 - recently with the guy runs in and says
449. 00:22:54:01 / 00:22:56:20 - hey guess what gang he's got on docker
450. 00:22:56:20 / 00:23:01:36 - slacks America is hosting EBS and the
451. 00:23:01:36 / 00:23:05:32 - guy says eby's what Seabees Eevee's are
452. 00:23:05:32 / 00:23:07:63 - extraterrestrial biological entities and
453. 00:23:07:63 / 00:23:10:00 - America is hosting V's and everybody
454. 00:23:10:00 / 00:23:13:44 - says eby's jeebies it told us the truth
455. 00:23:13:44 / 00:23:19:72 - but we laugh at not too long ago
456. 00:23:19:72 / 00:23:22:36 - Gumby on Saturday morning your kid was
457. 00:23:22:36 / 00:23:24:16 - sitting there and you thought he was
458. 00:23:24:16 / 00:23:26:62 - watching good television Gumby was
459. 00:23:26:62 / 00:23:31:87 - abducted implanted and returned and the
460. 00:23:31:87 / 00:23:33:91 - little boy said I wish they'd do that to
461. 00:23:33:91 / 00:23:37:78 - me what do you think they're preparing
462. 00:23:37:78 / 00:23:42:25 - those kids for what else have you been
463. 00:23:42:25 / 00:23:44:71 - seeing on TV alien nation and by the way
464. 00:23:44:71 / 00:23:46:81 - look exactly like the group of aliens
465. 00:23:46:81 / 00:23:51:31 - designated the Orange how about War of
466. 00:23:51:31 / 00:23:54:88 - the Worlds which plays out the reality
467. 00:23:54:88 / 00:23:59:73 - of John and Lear's Lear hypothesis
468. 00:24:00:53 / 00:24:03:02 - what do you think is happening with et
469. 00:24:03:02 / 00:24:07:01 - with V which is telling us that maybe we
470. 00:24:07:01 / 00:24:09:38 - may have to resist in just this manner
471. 00:24:09:38 / 00:24:11:21 - if it ever turns out that one of these
472. 00:24:11:21 / 00:24:15:19 - guys are bad guys and what happens in V
473. 00:24:15:19 / 00:24:18:02 - the bad guys back a one-world government
474. 00:24:18:02 / 00:24:20:51 - that takes over the world and the world
475. 00:24:20:51 / 00:24:23:00 - thinks it's wonderful don't they until
476. 00:24:23:00 / 00:24:26:83 - one lone CIA agent discovers the truth
477. 00:24:26:83 / 00:24:30:50 - and then people form little resistance
478. 00:24:30:50 / 00:24:35:51 - groups well gain let's form them before
479. 00:24:35:51 / 00:24:37:22 - it happens let's don't wait let happens
480. 00:24:37:22 / 00:24:38:00 - do it now
481. 00:24:38:00 / 00:24:53:84 - it's prevented thank you there is a lot
482. 00:24:53:84 / 00:24:55:79 - of supporting evidence that's out there
483. 00:24:55:79 / 00:24:57:83 - there are a lot of books I suggest you
484. 00:24:57:83 / 00:24:59:63 - we read Whitley streamer's book
485. 00:24:59:63 / 00:25:02:36 - communion suggest you read his book
486. 00:25:02:36 / 00:25:05:30 - transformation I suggest you read his
487. 00:25:05:30 / 00:25:08:90 - recent novel majesty and I suggest you
488. 00:25:08:90 / 00:25:11:39 - understand that the incident in there
489. 00:25:11:39 / 00:25:14:03 - that he is describing is true but
490. 00:25:14:03 / 00:25:17:06 - understand that the formations and the
491. 00:25:17:06 / 00:25:18:80 - government and the code words he using
492. 00:25:18:80 / 00:25:22:13 - are a part of a contingency plan called
493. 00:25:22:13 / 00:25:24:74 - majestic and that he got the information
494. 00:25:24:74 / 00:25:27:23 - from the research team of Moorish and
495. 00:25:27:23 / 00:25:32:15 - Iranian Friedman more stood up in front
496. 00:25:32:15 / 00:25:33:04 - of
497. 00:25:33:04 / 00:25:35:62 - MUFON symposium in Las Vegas on July the
498. 00:25:35:62 / 00:25:38:09 - 1st 1989 had admitted that he was
499. 00:25:38:09 / 00:25:40:22 - working for the United States government
500. 00:25:40:22 / 00:25:43:12 - that he had been recruited that he was
501. 00:25:43:12 / 00:25:45:37 - putting out disinformation to
502. 00:25:45:37 / 00:25:47:05 - researchers to keep them from finding
503. 00:25:47:05 / 00:25:49:70 - out the truth that he participated in
504. 00:25:49:70 / 00:25:52:07 - the TV show UFO cover-up live and at
505. 00:25:52:07 / 00:25:53:23 - least fifty percent of it was
506. 00:25:53:23 / 00:25:56:36 - disinformation about 50 percent of it
507. 00:25:56:36 / 00:25:58:84 - was true
508. 00:25:58:84 / 00:26:04:02 - etc etc etc anything you see that says
509. 00:26:04:02 / 00:26:08:14 - majestique is disinformation and it is a
510. 00:26:08:14 / 00:26:13:54 - lie the true name is majority majority
511. 00:26:13:54 / 00:26:16:99 - 12 operation majority there is an agency
512. 00:26:16:99 / 00:26:19:36 - called the majority agency for Joint
513. 00:26:19:36 / 00:26:24:16 - Intelligence let me see if I got any
514. 00:26:24:16 / 00:26:26:29 - other goodies to show you and then I'll
515. 00:26:26:29 / 00:26:28:22 - say a few final words to wrap it up I
516. 00:26:28:22 / 00:26:30:04 - think I do have some things that you
517. 00:26:30:04 / 00:26:32:83 - might like to see
518. 00:26:35:04 / 00:26:37:64 - and
519. 00:26:39:85 / 00:26:41:98 - I want to show you how this information
520. 00:26:41:98 / 00:26:44:07 - works not too long ago when I first
521. 00:26:44:07 / 00:26:47:74 - talking about what I knew John Lear
522. 00:26:47:74 / 00:26:50:98 - asked me to come to his home for an
523. 00:26:50:98 / 00:26:55:15 - interview with PM magazine I thought wow
524. 00:26:55:15 / 00:26:57:52 - this is incredible these people really
525. 00:26:57:52 / 00:26:58:80 - want to put her on the air I can't
526. 00:26:58:80 / 00:27:00:25 - believe it because it's never happened
527. 00:27:00:25 / 00:27:02:91 - in the past you see there's always been
528. 00:27:02:91 / 00:27:07:16 - an intense campaign of denial ridicule
529. 00:27:07:16 / 00:27:11:38 - debunking and character assassination so
530. 00:27:11:38 / 00:27:13:48 - I went there in all good faith and John
531. 00:27:13:48 / 00:27:15:22 - Lear and I knowing what had happened to
532. 00:27:15:22 / 00:27:17:14 - people in the past took the producer and
533. 00:27:17:14 / 00:27:19:50 - the camera crew aside and we said listen
534. 00:27:19:50 / 00:27:21:64 - this was about eight o'clock in the
535. 00:27:21:64 / 00:27:24:97 - morning we said listen we'll do this
536. 00:27:24:97 / 00:27:28:09 - provided one thing that you submit to a
537. 00:27:28:09 / 00:27:30:73 - complete briefing by each one of us on
538. 00:27:30:73 / 00:27:32:40 - everything that we know and all the
539. 00:27:32:40 / 00:27:34:00 - documents that we possess and the
540. 00:27:34:00 / 00:27:35:83 - videotapes and the maps that we will
541. 00:27:35:83 / 00:27:38:91 - show you and the letters that we have
542. 00:27:38:91 / 00:27:40:03 - from officials of the government
543. 00:27:40:03 / 00:27:43:65 - admitting that it is true etc etc etc
544. 00:27:43:65 / 00:27:48:88 - they agreed to that so we did it we
545. 00:27:48:88 / 00:27:50:95 - briefed them for approximately eight
546. 00:27:50:95 / 00:27:56:62 - solid hours with no breaks when we were
547. 00:27:56:62 / 00:28:00:22 - through they were convinced you see
548. 00:28:00:22 / 00:28:01:75 - because we prevented presented the
549. 00:28:01:75 / 00:28:04:60 - information to them without all the
550. 00:28:04:60 / 00:28:06:42 - other comments like I'm making tonight
551. 00:28:06:42 / 00:28:09:19 - and and for eight solid hours of
552. 00:28:09:19 / 00:28:12:54 - evidence not talk evidence things that
553. 00:28:12:54 / 00:28:16:09 - you can see and cannot doubt and then
554. 00:28:16:09 / 00:28:20:65 - they spent four hours filming us John we
555. 00:28:20:65 / 00:28:22:48 - are nine and we told them literally
556. 00:28:22:48 / 00:28:24:15 - everything we knew this was for a
557. 00:28:24:15 / 00:28:26:20 - 30-minute program and she said boy this
558. 00:28:26:20 / 00:28:27:16 - is going to be the great
559. 00:28:27:16 / 00:28:30:67 - show in the history of television and
560. 00:28:30:67 / 00:28:32:95 - John said you'll never get it on the air
561. 00:28:32:95 / 00:28:35:20 - and she says they've never since heard
562. 00:28:35:20 / 00:28:36:91 - anything that I've ever produced and
563. 00:28:36:91 / 00:28:38:29 - everything I've produced they put on the
564. 00:28:38:29 / 00:28:41:32 - air exactly like I bet it did it and I
565. 00:28:41:32 / 00:28:42:70 - said well I've got to agree with John I
566. 00:28:42:70 / 00:28:44:62 - really don't believe it'll air well it
567. 00:28:44:62 / 00:28:46:87 - aired and what I'm going to show you is
568. 00:28:46:87 / 00:28:50:01 - the results of what I have just told you
569. 00:28:50:01 / 00:28:53:32 - this is what aired and I want you to
570. 00:28:53:32 / 00:28:53:89 - watch it
571. 00:28:53:89 / 00:28:56:61 - and then you'll go back to your
572. 00:28:56:61 / 00:28:59:98 - television set with a different kind of
573. 00:28:59:98 / 00:29:02:89 - a viewpoint and a different knowledge I
574. 00:29:02:89 / 00:29:05:13 - hope
575. 00:29:33:49 / 00:29:36:44 - but very vocal minority in this country
576. 00:29:36:44 / 00:29:39:79 - it will make the claim that
577. 00:29:41:50 / 00:29:43:43 - extraterrestrials now generally they are
578. 00:29:43:43 / 00:29:55:70 - dismissed as cranks like John where we
579. 00:29:55:70 / 00:30:02:51 - will be tonight to discredit him because
580. 00:30:02:51 / 00:30:06:76 - it's all part of a giant cover-up
581. 00:30:20:47 / 00:30:24:50 - John leaders is an unbelievable story be
582. 00:30:24:50 / 00:30:26:36 - certain that we have been invaded by an
583. 00:30:26:36 / 00:30:28:04 - alien culture that they are
584. 00:30:28:04 / 00:30:30:62 - experimenting on us and that the US
585. 00:30:30:62 / 00:30:33:41 - government knows about in fact it's
586. 00:30:33:41 / 00:30:34:58 - their most guarded
587. 00:30:34:58 / 00:30:44:24 - Topsy's night in 1947
588. 00:30:44:24 / 00:30:46:73 - according to leaders technically a craft
589. 00:30:46:73 / 00:30:51:73 - crashed on America
590. 00:30:53:11 / 00:30:55:87 - military beside reported a crashed UFO
591. 00:30:55:87 / 00:30:59:33 - and then suddenly the top brass swarm to
592. 00:30:59:33 / 00:31:01:37 - the site witnesses were sworn to secrecy
593. 00:31:01:37 / 00:31:04:03 - and every speck of debris was literally
594. 00:31:04:03 / 00:31:07:10 - vacuumed from the dusty desert floor the
595. 00:31:07:10 / 00:31:09:40 - story was issued that same military
596. 00:31:09:40 / 00:31:13:17 - officials was nothing more
597. 00:31:20:46 / 00:31:24:58 - well it was not a little longer people
598. 00:31:24:58 / 00:31:26:67 - would be about that summer here since
599. 00:31:26:67 / 00:31:28:48 - come forth and say was not any more than
600. 00:31:28:48 / 00:31:31:17 - a fabrication the press off their backs
601. 00:31:31:17 / 00:31:32:95 - the evidence suggests it was a
602. 00:31:32:95 / 00:31:36:99 - spacecraft and the evidence the
603. 00:31:42:80 / 00:31:45:61 - government documents on earth via the
604. 00:31:45:61 / 00:31:47:52 - Freedom of Information Act suggest at
605. 00:31:47:52 / 00:31:49:72 - both craft and alien bodies had been
606. 00:31:49:72 / 00:31:50:71 - retrieved
607. 00:31:50:71 / 00:31:53:13 - however references are made and large
608. 00:31:53:13 / 00:31:55:32 - portions of the text have been censored
609. 00:31:55:32 / 00:31:59:40 - what is known is that in 1947 the United
610. 00:31:59:40 / 00:32:00:97 - States Air Force began a series of
611. 00:32:00:97 / 00:32:03:45 - codenamed projects and set up to monitor
612. 00:32:03:45 / 00:32:09:98 - UFOs the cockpit
613. 00:32:09:98 / 00:32:13:30 - at least 30 to 35 extraterrestrial
614. 00:32:13:30 / 00:32:16:13 - flying saucers we have collected in our
615. 00:32:16:13 / 00:32:19:58 - position at least provided 58 bodies
616. 00:32:19:58 / 00:32:20:87 - representing at least community
617. 00:32:20:87 / 00:32:24:36 - festivities people are being
618. 00:32:24:36 / 00:32:28:50 - and the data array here goes so far as
619. 00:32:28:50 / 00:32:30:27 - to claim that the US government has
620. 00:32:30:27 / 00:32:32:01 - established communication with this
621. 00:32:32:01 / 00:32:34:53 - alien power and actually collaborated
622. 00:32:34:53 / 00:32:36:75 - with them and even built underground
623. 00:32:36:75 / 00:32:39:42 - research facilities and top-secret areas
624. 00:32:39:42 / 00:32:41:94 - to house their little great scientists
625. 00:32:41:94 / 00:32:45:91 - and now says we are they have money
626. 00:32:45:91 / 00:32:48:51 - and they are not
627. 00:32:48:51 / 00:32:56:37 - realizes it or believe that is not the
628. 00:32:56:37 / 00:32:59:28 - aliens but John later is run among and
629. 00:32:59:28 / 00:33:02:01 - he's outraged by historian Moore himself
630. 00:33:02:01 / 00:33:03:94 - has been here as carefully and
631. 00:33:03:94 / 00:33:05:95 - meticulously researching the UFO
632. 00:33:05:95 / 00:33:08:78 - phenomena truly believes that UFOs exist
633. 00:33:08:78 / 00:33:11:64 - visit earth regularly and our government
634. 00:33:11:64 / 00:33:14:10 - knows about it and one of the reasons is
635. 00:33:14:10 / 00:33:16:80 - maintain a massive government stories
636. 00:33:16:80 / 00:33:19:33 - like leaders visa is only discredit the
637. 00:33:19:33 / 00:33:22:91 - truth come your colony upon diameters
638. 00:33:22:91 / 00:33:25:17 - absolutely state when he was about to be
639. 00:33:25:17 / 00:33:29:07 - captured by aliens all I can say is my
640. 00:33:29:07 / 00:33:31:14 - sources go right to the very top and
641. 00:33:31:14 / 00:33:33:63 - we're not true why would that be risking
642. 00:33:33:63 / 00:33:36:39 - my credibility my life
643. 00:33:36:39 / 00:33:39:67 - this information there is no doubt that
644. 00:33:39:67 / 00:33:41:86 - Lear understands the inner workings of a
645. 00:33:41:86 / 00:33:44:17 - US intelligence community he's the son
646. 00:33:44:17 / 00:33:46:12 - of the aerospace pioneer killed here
647. 00:33:46:12 / 00:33:48:43 - angry years flew covert missions over
648. 00:33:48:43 / 00:33:51:73 - Laos for this day he has done nothing
649. 00:33:51:73 / 00:33:55:74 - but collect the most outrageous stories
650. 00:33:55:74 / 00:34:00:27 - that are fully drawn on a grade by
651. 00:34:02:74 / 00:34:05:35 - the invaders government agency that
652. 00:34:05:35 / 00:34:09:42 - enforces our scans cover up like the
653. 00:34:09:42 / 00:34:11:59 - letter the science fiction
654. 00:34:11:59 / 00:34:14:05 - - for reality beyond our wildest
655. 00:34:14:05 / 00:34:17:38 - imaginations as John later set off the
656. 00:34:17:38 / 00:34:19:38 - deep end it's not important today you
657. 00:34:19:38 / 00:34:21:79 - believe this now that you follow it away
658. 00:34:21:79 / 00:34:24:34 - for future reference in among the year
659. 00:34:24:34 / 00:34:28:23 - maybe two years only she finally gets
660. 00:34:28:23 / 00:34:32:60 - out and you'll say my gosh
661. 00:34:34:28 / 00:34:37:59 - well I suppose anything is possible each
662. 00:34:37:59 / 00:34:39:00 - other by the way it's not the only
663. 00:34:39:00 / 00:34:40:86 - without connected individual who claims
664. 00:34:40:86 / 00:34:42:83 - to have had an encounter with a UFO
665. 00:34:42:83 / 00:34:45:38 - Michael che everyone lawyer recently
666. 00:34:45:38 / 00:34:47:34 - told his story of an encounter the
667. 00:34:47:34 / 00:34:49:38 - washington post and there's the Japan
668. 00:34:49:38 / 00:34:51:21 - Airlines pilot who claims to have seen a
669. 00:34:51:21 / 00:34:53:79 - UFO or Alaska last year and was able to
670. 00:34:53:79 / 00:34:57:32 - actually draw a picture of what he saw
671. 00:35:07:89 / 00:35:10:17 - the reason you only so John they're not
672. 00:35:10:17 / 00:35:11:76 - me is John they're got all this
673. 00:35:11:76 / 00:35:14:40 - information secondhand from his contacts
674. 00:35:14:40 / 00:35:17:46 - where I was a firsthand participatory
675. 00:35:17:46 / 00:35:19:49 - witness
676. 00:35:19:49 / 00:35:22:47 - therefore they put me on but it's a John
677. 00:35:22:47 / 00:35:25:23 - we are on them in a plenty lon
678. 00:35:25:23 / 00:35:27:42 - need a manner after spending 12 hours
679. 00:35:27:42 / 00:35:30:35 - with these people this is what you saw
680. 00:35:30:35 / 00:35:34:74 - and this is how they do okay there is a
681. 00:35:34:74 / 00:35:37:05 - campaign underway now to discredit with
682. 00:35:37:05 / 00:35:39:84 - a streamer I can tell you that Wiggly
683. 00:35:39:84 / 00:35:41:49 - streamers writing about what really
684. 00:35:41:49 / 00:35:44:61 - happened to him I don't know where the
685. 00:35:44:61 / 00:35:46:44 - streamer John Lear doesn't know wiggly
686. 00:35:46:44 / 00:35:49:08 - Street work he's not getting this stuff
687. 00:35:49:08 / 00:35:54:48 - from us believe me I have other one
688. 00:35:54:48 / 00:35:55:68 - other thing that I want to show you
689. 00:35:55:68 / 00:35:58:08 - which is about an organization called
690. 00:35:58:08 / 00:36:00:00 - yellow fruit is that you want to know
691. 00:36:00:00 / 00:36:05:64 - anything about yellow fruit okay let me
692. 00:36:05:64 / 00:36:08:15 - show you this
693. 00:36:39:61 / 00:36:42:52 - haven't he said they're not in my Lake
694. 00:36:42:52 / 00:36:47:05 - and so we minimized disclosure minimize
695. 00:36:47:05 / 00:36:51:19 - contact while Congress struggled to
696. 00:36:51:19 / 00:36:54:55 - control KCCI a another secret from them
697. 00:36:54:55 / 00:36:56:61 - operating out of the base
698. 00:36:56:61 / 00:36:59:42 - in this case
699. 00:37:01:67 / 00:37:04:53 - the Special Operations Division order
700. 00:37:04:53 / 00:37:07:77 - sov interpreted as an anti-terrorist
701. 00:37:07:77 / 00:37:10:17 - unit following the fatal rescue mission
702. 00:37:10:17 / 00:37:14:25 - in Iran much of what is known about this
703. 00:37:14:25 / 00:37:16:11 - and he is because of the investigative
704. 00:37:16:11 / 00:37:18:54 - work of this journalist Stephen Emerson
705. 00:37:18:54 / 00:37:21:36 - who obtained thousands of pages of s of
706. 00:37:21:36 / 00:37:23:64 - the secret documents through the Freedom
707. 00:37:23:64 / 00:37:25:44 - of Information Act Special Operations
708. 00:37:25:44 / 00:37:28:92 - Division became the new center for the
709. 00:37:28:92 / 00:37:30:42 - intelligence encounter terrorist
710. 00:37:30:42 / 00:37:32:91 - activities in the Pentagon in fact he
711. 00:37:32:91 / 00:37:36:53 - became a mini CIA before the Pentagon
712. 00:37:36:53 / 00:37:39:57 - established in the basement control half
713. 00:37:39:57 / 00:37:42:42 - a dozen new counterterrorism units names
714. 00:37:42:42 / 00:37:46:41 - such as sea spray reaction team yellow
715. 00:37:46:41 / 00:37:47:16 - free
716. 00:37:47:16 / 00:37:49:95 - intelligence Support Activity heavily
717. 00:37:49:95 / 00:37:52:17 - classified to this day the army does not
718. 00:37:52:17 / 00:37:54:21 - acknowledge their existence but all
719. 00:37:54:21 / 00:37:57:09 - extremely capable very aggressive in
720. 00:37:57:09 / 00:37:59:88 - accomplishing their mission position of
721. 00:37:59:88 / 00:38:01:68 - fighting terrorism and guerrilla
722. 00:38:01:68 / 00:38:04:68 - subversion around the world these units
723. 00:38:04:68 / 00:38:06:04 - were ready to go any
724. 00:38:06:04 / 00:38:10:36 - do anything the manorial panel on KGB
725. 00:38:10:36 / 00:38:11:53 - cars in West Germany
726. 00:38:11:53 / 00:38:14:14 - the tracking Pelican that US general
727. 00:38:14:14 / 00:38:25:15 - held by the brigade the CIA was with a
728. 00:38:25:15 / 00:38:27:94 - shadow of what it used to be and the
729. 00:38:27:94 / 00:38:31:23 - Special Operations Division
730. 00:38:32:28 / 00:38:34:63 - SOT you may have been stepping in the
731. 00:38:34:63 / 00:38:36:82 - world war but it was doing so with
732. 00:38:36:82 / 00:38:40:00 - enormous resources Tom golden was in
733. 00:38:40:00 / 00:38:42:16 - charge of financial control for the
734. 00:38:42:16 / 00:38:47:22 - subunit of Sode called yellow fruits
735. 00:38:55:85 / 00:38:58:01 - was offered and we had to find ways to
736. 00:38:58:01 / 00:39:01:06 - spend it basically
737. 00:39:03:82 / 00:39:06:76 - fall of 1983 some units of the S&P
738. 00:39:06:76 / 00:39:08:83 - participated in the US invasion of
739. 00:39:08:83 / 00:39:11:28 - Grenada
740. 00:39:18:83 / 00:39:21:81 - and the secret teams existence was known
741. 00:39:21:81 / 00:39:23:94 - to National Security Council Stafford
742. 00:39:23:94 / 00:39:26:25 - Oliver North and it's believed that
743. 00:39:26:25 / 00:39:29:78 - north work closely with CIA director JC
744. 00:39:29:78 / 00:39:32:49 - recognized how useful this super-secret
745. 00:39:32:49 / 00:39:35:52 - room could be to the CIA in Central
746. 00:39:35:52 / 00:39:39:78 - America because of a located in the
747. 00:39:39:78 / 00:39:41:28 - basement of the Pentagon team could be
748. 00:39:41:28 / 00:39:43:28 - to the circumvent the legislative
749. 00:39:43:28 / 00:39:45:99 - requirement that all covert operations
750. 00:39:45:99 / 00:39:47:31 - be reported to Congress
751. 00:39:47:31 / 00:39:50:04 - thus the SRT could become a convenient
752. 00:39:50:04 / 00:39:52:08 - vehicle to be used by the agency to
753. 00:39:52:08 / 00:39:54:66 - conduct operations which he couldn't get
754. 00:39:54:66 / 00:39:57:96 - approved or in funding operations for
755. 00:39:57:96 / 00:40:00:09 - which it has no money life support for
756. 00:40:00:09 / 00:40:03:81 - the Contras in Nicaragua one of the most
757. 00:40:03:81 / 00:40:06:78 - severe and scandalous projects and
758. 00:40:06:78 / 00:40:09:48 - remarked upon is US military was a
759. 00:40:09:48 / 00:40:12:00 - project called yellow fruit was a
760. 00:40:12:00 / 00:40:15:18 - backdoor CIA effort to aid the Contras
761. 00:40:15:18 / 00:40:17:40 - in Central America and to perform other
762. 00:40:17:40 / 00:40:19:95 - operations that Congress may never aware
763. 00:40:19:95 / 00:40:23:34 - of supporting the CIA saw yellow food
764. 00:40:23:34 / 00:40:25:68 - and Special Operations Division as a
765. 00:40:25:68 / 00:40:27:78 - magical fountain of support with
766. 00:40:27:78 / 00:40:30:39 - unlimited money
767. 00:40:30:39 / 00:40:36:49 - black money's basically another she will
768. 00:40:36:49 / 00:40:45:21 - have some of the unit's actually
769. 00:40:45:21 / 00:40:48:52 - participated in strengthening Nicaraguan
770. 00:40:48:52 / 00:40:50:98 - targets from party airfields and oil
771. 00:40:50:98 / 00:40:53:95 - fields in an attempt to disrupt and
772. 00:40:53:95 / 00:40:56:22 - possibly dislodge the Sandinista regime
773. 00:40:56:22 / 00:40:59:26 - the top Golden Buddha missile on
774. 00:40:59:26 / 00:41:03:04 - operation elephant intelligence
775. 00:41:03:04 / 00:41:04:84 - operations your advanced a certain
776. 00:41:04:84 / 00:41:07:86 - amount of money to moderate weather once
777. 00:41:07:86 / 00:41:11:02 - you spend that money then you must
778. 00:41:11:02 / 00:41:13:63 - submit about you two to account for what
779. 00:41:13:63 / 00:41:16:42 - I found was very unusual addition and
780. 00:41:16:42 / 00:41:18:60 - his people might have been advanced as
781. 00:41:18:60 / 00:41:22:45 - much as fifty thousand dollars and it
782. 00:41:22:45 / 00:41:24:06 - never submitted
783. 00:41:24:06 / 00:41:29:00 - I eventually went to my superiors and
784. 00:41:29:00 / 00:41:32:37 - reported what I believed to be abuse
785. 00:41:32:37 / 00:41:37:14 - funds a possibility that eventually was
786. 00:41:37:14 / 00:41:40:41 - a service to the leadership of the Army
787. 00:41:40:41 / 00:41:43:26 - in ordered an active investigation after
788. 00:41:43:26 / 00:41:45:99 - the Special Operations community in
789. 00:41:45:99 / 00:41:49:02 - general this is Harley to the fall
790. 00:41:49:02 / 00:41:51:48 - virginia headquarters for us from the
791. 00:41:51:48 / 00:41:54:09 - intelligence meter members of the sot
792. 00:41:54:09 / 00:41:58:62 - team in december to as of the members
793. 00:41:58:62 / 00:42:00:78 - are now serving prison sentences for
794. 00:42:00:78 / 00:42:04:20 - financial fraud was most important about
795. 00:42:04:20 / 00:42:06:18 - these trials was not the discovery but
796. 00:42:06:18 / 00:42:07:56 - another case of misuse of government
797. 00:42:07:56 / 00:42:10:80 - funds but the revelation that the SSDs
798. 00:42:10:80 / 00:42:13:65 - yellow three sort of des des blueprints
799. 00:42:13:65 / 00:42:15:93 - or what William Casey called the
800. 00:42:15:93 / 00:42:20:97 - enterprise and yellow food that a unique
801. 00:42:20:97 / 00:42:24:72 - access to equipment material offshore
802. 00:42:24:72 / 00:42:28:14 - bank accounts a secret clandestine army
803. 00:42:28:14 / 00:42:31:71 - / CIA aviation unit a clandestine ship
804. 00:42:31:71 / 00:42:34:19 - overseas to provide transportation
805. 00:42:34:19 / 00:42:37:61 - access to material and weapons
806. 00:42:37:61 / 00:42:40:98 - literacies that would later basically
807. 00:42:40:98 / 00:42:43:56 - erupted in the iran-contra affair and be
808. 00:42:43:56 / 00:42:45:60 - known as the enterprise and I believe
809. 00:42:45:60 / 00:42:48:18 - that you know from at a Special
810. 00:42:48:18 / 00:42:50:67 - Operations Division were both being read
811. 00:42:50:67 / 00:42:52:92 - by the CIA and the National Security
812. 00:42:52:92 / 00:42:55:47 - Council to serve as the
813. 00:42:55:47 / 00:42:58:26 - of the enterprise to perform operations
814. 00:42:58:26 / 00:43:00:63 - in Central America and elsewhere that
815. 00:43:00:63 / 00:43:03:29 - would never be I came out to Congress
816. 00:43:03:29 / 00:43:06:77 - lights please
817. 00:43:08:96 / 00:43:11:22 - now let me tell you who yellow for it
818. 00:43:11:22 / 00:43:15:51 - really is yellow fruit along with sea
819. 00:43:15:51 / 00:43:19:53 - spray are accountable for security of
820. 00:43:19:53 / 00:43:23:06 - the alien task projects they started out
821. 00:43:23:06 / 00:43:26:52 - as Delta teams attached to the National
822. 00:43:26:52 / 00:43:28:61 - recon organization at Fort Carson
823. 00:43:28:61 / 00:43:32:99 - Colorado over the years as their
824. 00:43:32:99 / 00:43:35:55 - expertise became known and they began to
825. 00:43:35:55 / 00:43:38:11 - use Delta teams for other things also
826. 00:43:38:11 / 00:43:41:54 - they branched off and became independent
827. 00:43:41:54 / 00:43:44:52 - from the National recon organization and
828. 00:43:44:52 / 00:43:48:03 - from the United States Army they then
829. 00:43:48:03 / 00:43:52:20 - evolved into a split organization
830. 00:43:52:20 / 00:43:54:93 - one-half of which became sea spray the
831. 00:43:54:93 / 00:43:58:53 - other half became yellow fruit sea spray
832. 00:43:58:53 / 00:44:01:05 - is responsible for the internal
833. 00:44:01:05 / 00:44:03:66 - perimeter security of the alien projects
834. 00:44:03:66 / 00:44:06:45 - yellow fruit is responsible for the
835. 00:44:06:45 / 00:44:09:75 - outer perimeter security of the alien
836. 00:44:09:75 / 00:44:13:58 - task projects if you attempt to get near
837. 00:44:13:58 / 00:44:16:23 - the boundary of area 51 you will meet
838. 00:44:16:23 / 00:44:19:29 - yellow fruit they will intimidate you
839. 00:44:19:29 / 00:44:21:51 - they will scare you they will flash guns
840. 00:44:21:51 / 00:44:24:39 - in your face on public land where you
841. 00:44:24:39 / 00:44:27:42 - have every right to be and they most
842. 00:44:27:42 / 00:44:30:08 - people will go away which is the prudent
843. 00:44:30:08 / 00:44:32:78 - thing to do
844. 00:44:35:36 / 00:44:40:89 - now if you get to the boundary of area
845. 00:44:40:89 / 00:44:43:98 - 51 and put one foot across you are now
846. 00:44:43:98 / 00:44:47:73 - the property of seaspray and no one who
847. 00:44:47:73 / 00:44:52:22 - sees seaspray ever sees anyone else
848. 00:44:54:71 / 00:44:57:11 - where do you think they get all this
849. 00:44:57:11 / 00:45:04:79 - money from drugs if you look at all of
850. 00:45:04:79 / 00:45:07:34 - the things that the secret teams have
851. 00:45:07:34 / 00:45:10:65 - been doing look at all the covert
852. 00:45:10:65 / 00:45:12:66 - operations that we've been performing
853. 00:45:12:66 / 00:45:15:02 - and then look at the budgets for these
854. 00:45:15:02 / 00:45:17:91 - things and you will see that Congress
855. 00:45:17:91 / 00:45:20:57 - has not even a lot of ten percent of the
856. 00:45:20:57 / 00:45:22:52 - money that would be required to carry
857. 00:45:22:52 / 00:45:25:78 - out what they have been doing
858. 00:45:28:70 / 00:45:33:20 - in the words of John Lear whom I
859. 00:45:33:20 / 00:45:35:32 - considered to be one of the greatest
860. 00:45:35:32 / 00:45:40:30 - Patriots in this country wake up America
861. 00:45:40:30 / 00:45:45:46 - you've been had thank you ladies do
862. 00:45:56:16 / 00:46:00:21 - we have information at the back table we
863. 00:46:00:21 / 00:46:03:36 - have some tapes by the way ladies doing
864. 00:46:03:36 / 00:46:06:12 - this is our only source of income while
865. 00:46:06:12 / 00:46:08:67 - we continue our research and do this is
866. 00:46:08:67 / 00:46:12:69 - the money that we give from people who
867. 00:46:12:69 / 00:46:15:15 - come to listen to this information and
868. 00:46:15:15 / 00:46:17:52 - the money the sale of materials and
869. 00:46:17:52 / 00:46:20:46 - tapes when possible when we have the
870. 00:46:20:46 / 00:46:22:38 - extra money we do make tapes which we
871. 00:46:22:38 / 00:46:24:09 - give out to people for free with the
872. 00:46:24:09 / 00:46:25:95 - stipulation that they never charge
873. 00:46:25:95 / 00:46:28:50 - anyone for tapes and that they make at
874. 00:46:28:50 / 00:46:31:02 - least five and pass them on to other
875. 00:46:31:02 / 00:46:34:74 - people if you purchase a tape from us we
876. 00:46:34:74 / 00:46:36:87 - want you to make copies and give them
877. 00:46:36:87 / 00:46:39:45 - free to other people if you purchase
878. 00:46:39:45 / 00:46:41:91 - documents for less we want you to copy
879. 00:46:41:91 / 00:46:44:01 - those documents and give them free to
880. 00:46:44:01 / 00:46:47:13 - other people but we need your help if
881. 00:46:47:13 / 00:46:49:59 - you can afford it please get the
882. 00:46:49:59 / 00:46:51:27 - information there's bibliography is
883. 00:46:51:27 / 00:46:53:76 - attached to documents to do the tapes
884. 00:46:53:76 / 00:46:57:42 - there's not I want you to go research
885. 00:46:57:42 / 00:47:00:54 - this material yourself start reading
886. 00:47:00:54 / 00:47:03:30 - start looking into it don't believe what
887. 00:47:03:30 / 00:47:06:03 - I'm telling you until you find evidence
888. 00:47:06:03 / 00:47:09:12 - to support it in your own research then
889. 00:47:09:12 / 00:47:12:87 - act do we still have some free tapes
890. 00:47:12:87 / 00:47:15:39 - back there Stan there's still some free
891. 00:47:15:39 / 00:47:17:07 - tapes I don't know how many we've given
892. 00:47:17:07 / 00:47:18:77 - out
893. 00:47:18:77 / 00:47:21:50 - okay also anybody who wants to order a
894. 00:47:21:50 / 00:47:24:14 - videotape of what happened tonight who
895. 00:47:24:14 / 00:47:27:02 - do they see who do they see to order
896. 00:47:27:02 / 00:47:31:09 - tapes Oh Stan see mr. Barry
897. 00:47:48:67 / 00:47:58:46 - thank you all love peace happiness now
898. 00:47:58:46 / 00:48:04:81 - we'll take questions and answers yes sir
899. 00:48:04:81 / 00:48:09:34 - that's okay let me make this one
900. 00:48:09:34 / 00:48:13:70 - statement first when you consent to ask
901. 00:48:13:70 / 00:48:16:13 - a question you are consenting to have it
902. 00:48:16:13 / 00:48:18:31 - included on the videotape it is implied
903. 00:48:18:31 / 00:48:20:90 - permission to tell you that because the
904. 00:48:20:90 / 00:48:23:35 - videotape is going to be disseminated do
905. 00:48:23:35 / 00:48:33:28 - whoever once okay eisenhower treat alien
906. 00:48:35:74 / 00:48:38:64 - a representation of the totally didn't
907. 00:48:38:64 / 00:48:43:27 - make ammonia okay the question ladies
908. 00:48:43:27 / 00:48:47:83 - miss you wants to know what the treaty
909. 00:48:47:83 / 00:48:51:94 - was between nice and Howard and the
910. 00:48:51:94 / 00:48:54:54 - alienation that we made the treaty with
911. 00:48:54:54 / 00:48:58:96 - number two did the parties to the treaty
912. 00:48:58:96 / 00:49:00:97 - include just one race or were they
913. 00:49:00:97 / 00:49:02:53 - representing all the different races of
914. 00:49:02:53 / 00:49:04:33 - aliens and what was the third question
915. 00:49:04:33 / 00:49:07:03 - for the alien front what are the alien
916. 00:49:07:03 / 00:49:10:69 - projects there's a lot of alien projects
917. 00:49:10:69 / 00:49:13:39 - the first question the terms of the
918. 00:49:13:39 / 00:49:15:61 - treaty were that we would keep their
919. 00:49:15:61 / 00:49:19:11 - presence on earth a secret we would not
920. 00:49:19:11 / 00:49:21:97 - interfere in their affairs they would
921. 00:49:21:97 / 00:49:24:40 - not interfere in our affairs and we were
922. 00:49:24:40 / 00:49:26:14 - particularly interested that they not
923. 00:49:26:14 / 00:49:28:24 - interfere in anything that would affect
924. 00:49:28:24 / 00:49:31:90 - our future we were really interested in
925. 00:49:31:90 / 00:49:37:39 - that point another term of the treaty
926. 00:49:37:39 / 00:49:38:89 - was that they would furnish us with
927. 00:49:38:89 / 00:49:43:35 - advanced technology we would in turn
928. 00:49:43:35 / 00:49:46:24 - allow them to abduct human beings on a
929. 00:49:46:24 / 00:49:49:06 - limited periodic basis for medical
930. 00:49:49:06 / 00:49:51:88 - examination and leave monitoring of our
931. 00:49:51:88 / 00:49:55:11 - development only we have since over the
932. 00:49:55:11 / 00:49:57:31 - years found out they've gone way beyond
933. 00:49:57:31 / 00:49:57:64 - that
934. 00:49:57:64 / 00:50:01:86 - way beyond it and are doing in fact very
935. 00:50:01:86 / 00:50:05:20 - terrible things to a select few human
936. 00:50:05:20 / 00:50:08:44 - beings that are abducted all around the
937. 00:50:08:44 / 00:50:12:97 - world the third part of our the second
938. 00:50:12:97 / 00:50:14:44 - part of your question is did they
939. 00:50:14:44 / 00:50:18:01 - represent one race are all of the races
940. 00:50:18:01 / 00:50:20:59 - of aliens no this group represented one
941. 00:50:20:59 / 00:50:23:95 - specific race at the time that I saw the
942. 00:50:23:95 / 00:50:26:74 - documents we have evidence now that they
943. 00:50:26:74 / 00:50:29:50 - may be also they may have also entered
944. 00:50:29:50 / 00:50:30:10 - into
945. 00:50:30:10 / 00:50:32:98 - with other races of aliens and we do not
946. 00:50:32:98 / 00:50:34:60 - know with the terms of those agreements
947. 00:50:34:60 / 00:50:38:47 - if indeed there are agreements are the
948. 00:50:38:47 / 00:50:40:15 - answer to the third part of your
949. 00:50:40:15 / 00:50:42:64 - questions there are many projects that
950. 00:50:42:64 / 00:50:44:71 - are really too many going to answer one
951. 00:50:44:71 / 00:50:45:43 - question
952. 00:50:45:43 / 00:50:46:99 - but there's projects to exchange
953. 00:50:46:99 / 00:50:50:70 - technology there's genetic engineering
954. 00:50:50:70 / 00:50:55:14 - there is minor troll manipulation going
955. 00:50:55:14 / 00:51:00:55 - on there are test flight of the alien
956. 00:51:00:55 / 00:51:02:65 - craft there's a stupid space program
957. 00:51:02:65 / 00:51:04:54 - that has actually built a base on the
958. 00:51:04:54 / 00:51:06:49 - moon and a colony on Mars
959. 00:51:06:49 / 00:51:10:24 - these exists we have documents that can
960. 00:51:10:24 / 00:51:12:31 - prove it we have the letters from people
961. 00:51:12:31 / 00:51:15:16 - who participated in the projects there
962. 00:51:15:16 / 00:51:17:32 - is a book called we discovered alien
963. 00:51:17:32 / 00:51:19:33 - bases on the moon written by a man by
964. 00:51:19:33 / 00:51:21:01 - the name of Fred the stepping stone
965. 00:51:21:01 / 00:51:24:28 - which includes actual photographs NASA
966. 00:51:24:28 / 00:51:27:07 - photographs in that book that show all
967. 00:51:27:07 / 00:51:29:32 - the bases that show the alien craft on
968. 00:51:29:32 / 00:51:32:50 - the moon the show of its facilities in
969. 00:51:32:50 / 00:51:34:57 - the craters the dome is as far as the
970. 00:51:34:57 / 00:51:38:80 - structures they are some of the exact
971. 00:51:38:80 / 00:51:40:99 - same photographs which I viewed between
972. 00:51:40:99 / 00:51:43:96 - 70 and 73 which were a part or portfolio
973. 00:51:43:96 / 00:51:46:02 - which made up the information that I saw
974. 00:51:46:02 / 00:51:48:31 - it does not include all of the
975. 00:51:48:31 / 00:51:50:29 - photographs which I saw but there's a
976. 00:51:50:29 / 00:51:55:36 - pretty good representation there going
977. 00:51:55:36 / 00:51:58:05 - to go on and on
978. 00:52:00:38 / 00:52:03:33 - if you see someone do you have a
979. 00:52:03:33 / 00:52:08:13 - metaphysical bookstore in town they
980. 00:52:08:13 / 00:52:13:61 - should be able to find that book for you
981. 00:52:14:54 / 00:52:15:84 - friend
982. 00:52:15:84 / 00:52:28:80 - Stickley she wants to know if it's
983. 00:52:28:80 / 00:52:30:33 - possible to force an honor of the
984. 00:52:30:33 / 00:52:32:91 - Federal Reserve yes it is it is not only
985. 00:52:32:91 / 00:52:35:52 - possible but it is happening
986. 00:52:35:52 / 00:52:38:19 - the momentum now is being together a
987. 00:52:38:19 / 00:52:40:02 - bill is being introduced into the
988. 00:52:40:02 / 00:52:43:68 - Congress shortly to do exactly that
989. 00:52:43:68 / 00:52:45:84 - to audit the Federal Reserve Federal
990. 00:52:45:84 / 00:52:48:18 - Reserve has never been audited if and
991. 00:52:48:18 / 00:52:51:96 - when it is ever audited this country's
992. 00:52:51:96 / 00:52:54:84 - in for a rude awakening now I suggest
993. 00:52:54:84 / 00:52:56:43 - that you write your Congressman to get
994. 00:52:56:43 / 00:52:59:04 - behind this bill insist but at the chest
995. 00:52:59:04 / 00:53:01:92 - also include another measure insisting
996. 00:53:01:92 / 00:53:03:60 - that they put another bill through
997. 00:53:03:60 / 00:53:06:42 - Congress to nationalize the Federal
998. 00:53:06:42 / 00:53:09:15 - Reserve cancel the debt and print our
999. 00:53:09:15 / 00:53:11:01 - own money so that you can't hold
1000. 00:53:11:01 / 00:53:14:94 - yourself the reason we own somebody
1001. 00:53:14:94 / 00:53:16:89 - not federal money that print for us
1002. 00:53:16:89 / 00:53:18:51 - loaning it to us and it's not worth
1003. 00:53:18:51 / 00:53:20:25 - anything anyway it's like me printing
1004. 00:53:20:25 / 00:53:21:86 - paper giving it to you and saying you
1005. 00:53:21:86 / 00:53:23:73 - owe me your ranch because I can't use
1006. 00:53:23:73 / 00:53:26:79 - some paper with my name on it I mean
1007. 00:53:26:79 / 00:53:30:27 - it's insane it is it's insane it's
1008. 00:53:30:27 / 00:53:32:40 - absolutely insane and how we've stood
1009. 00:53:32:40 / 00:53:33:35 - for it all these years
1010. 00:53:33:35 / 00:53:36:00 - I'll never know and I'm just as much to
1011. 00:53:36:00 / 00:53:44:86 - blame as anyone else yes ma'am party
1012. 00:53:47:33 / 00:53:53:60 - murder who why was Nelson Rockefeller
1013. 00:53:53:60 / 00:53:55:58 - murder viable
1014. 00:53:55:58 / 00:54:00:83 - why was he murdered I never done up to
1015. 00:54:00:83 / 00:54:06:38 - that level to find out I don't know I'm
1016. 00:54:06:38 / 00:54:09:17 - afraid that that is quite the normal way
1017. 00:54:09:17 / 00:54:13:85 - of getting rid of people nowadays I know
1018. 00:54:13:85 / 00:54:15:59 - an awful lot about Nelson Rockefeller
1019. 00:54:15:59 / 00:54:17:66 - but I do not know why he was murdered
1020. 00:54:17:66 / 00:54:20:12 - I do believe though as you do obviously
1021. 00:54:20:12 / 00:54:23:44 - that he was murdered
1022. 00:54:25:25 / 00:54:27:41 - and when Kissinger may have Henry
1023. 00:54:27:41 / 00:54:30:36 - Kissinger was Rockefellers man
1024. 00:54:30:36 / 00:54:33:85 - Rockefeller bought Henry Kissinger back
1025. 00:54:33:85 / 00:54:39:41 - in 1953 when he gave him $50,000 gave
1026. 00:54:39:41 / 00:54:41:99 - him $50,000 for that moment on Henry
1027. 00:54:41:99 / 00:54:54:85 - Kissinger belonged to rock Authority all
1028. 00:54:54:85 / 00:54:56:75 - I can add quite a bit to that I was
1029. 00:54:56:75 / 00:55:00:05 - trying to dwell most important things
1030. 00:55:00:05 / 00:55:02:99 - that is an important issue but people
1031. 00:55:02:99 / 00:55:04:84 - are catching on to that and maybe they
1032. 00:55:04:84 / 00:55:07:11 - don't need to be promised over but in
1033. 00:55:07:11 / 00:55:10:04 - 1957 due to the fact that we have
1034. 00:55:10:04 / 00:55:15:44 - discovered certain things were happening
1035. 00:55:15:44 / 00:55:17:93 - and the aliens are they obviously to
1036. 00:55:17:93 / 00:55:20:63 - predict the future they say but we can't
1037. 00:55:20:63 / 00:55:22:43 - believe that because we don't know we
1038. 00:55:22:43 / 00:55:27:70 - have anything incorrectly or not but the
1039. 00:55:27:70 / 00:55:30:17 - large body of the most prominent
1040. 00:55:30:17 / 00:55:31:57 - scientists in the world met in
1041. 00:55:31:57 / 00:55:34:31 - Huntsville Alabama in 1957 the study the
1042. 00:55:34:31 / 00:55:36:56 - matter study some of these questions we
1043. 00:55:36:56 / 00:55:37:43 - had
1044. 00:55:37:43 / 00:55:40:73 - and told us specifically the benevolent
1045. 00:55:40:73 / 00:55:43:13 - aliens who were concerned about what we
1046. 00:55:43:13 / 00:55:45:83 - were doing to the earth they arrived at
1047. 00:55:45:83 / 00:55:47:51 - the conclusion that with or without
1048. 00:55:47:51 / 00:55:50:24 - predictions from anyone by our shortly
1049. 00:55:50:24 / 00:55:52:85 - after the year 2000 the earth would not
1050. 00:55:52:85 / 00:55:57:29 - be survivable would not be able to exist
1051. 00:55:57:29 / 00:56:02:93 - here simply because the projected
1052. 00:56:02:93 / 00:56:07:49 - increase in population we would not be
1053. 00:56:07:49 / 00:56:09:74 - able to keep up with food supply for the
1054. 00:56:09:74 / 00:56:13:10 - masses of people the burning of the coal
1055. 00:56:13:10 / 00:56:16:46 - the fossil fuels would continue to pour
1056. 00:56:16:46 / 00:56:19:58 - carbon dioxide into the atmosphere along
1057. 00:56:19:58 / 00:56:22:25 - with other police the burning of sulfur
1058. 00:56:22:25 / 00:56:25:13 - as coal would increase the incidence of
1059. 00:56:25:13 / 00:56:27:37 - acid rain and destroy the forests
1060. 00:56:27:37 / 00:56:29:48 - forests of the only thing to keep the
1061. 00:56:29:48 / 00:56:31:13 - balance between oxygen and carbon
1062. 00:56:31:13 / 00:56:34:46 - dioxide since then it's not just acid
1063. 00:56:34:46 / 00:56:38:47 - rain we have been feeding the forests
1064. 00:56:38:47 / 00:56:41:00 - unbelievable great there's almost no
1065. 00:56:41:00 / 00:56:42:89 - rain forest out on the face of this
1066. 00:56:42:89 / 00:56:43:40 - planet
1067. 00:56:43:40 / 00:56:48:38 - now the rate of evolution is
1068. 00:56:48:38 / 00:56:50:36 - unbelievable at one point we actually
1069. 00:56:50:36 / 00:56:52:22 - had rivers in this country that would
1070. 00:56:52:22 / 00:56:53:82 - burn if you little man
1071. 00:56:53:82 / 00:56:56:91 - and the whole week the rivers are a part
1072. 00:56:56:91 / 00:56:59:91 - of it it's incredible
1073. 00:56:59:91 / 00:57:01:53 - there are whole rivers that were nothing
1074. 00:57:01:53 / 00:57:03:90 - but so sites we're getting better at
1075. 00:57:03:90 / 00:57:06:45 - doing that but we've got to get even
1076. 00:57:06:45 / 00:57:07:41 - better and better
1077. 00:57:07:41 / 00:57:09:72 - we've got to stop using fossil fuel
1078. 00:57:09:72 / 00:57:12:03 - we've got to stop we've got to do
1079. 00:57:12:03 / 00:57:13:50 - whatever it takes even if it goes back
1080. 00:57:13:50 / 00:57:16:44 - to the simpler lifestyle we've got to do
1081. 00:57:16:44 / 00:57:18:75 - that simply because the earth very
1082. 00:57:18:75 / 00:57:22:61 - fragile place
1083. 00:57:35:58 / 00:57:39:66 - it's an energy question to the
1084. 00:57:39:66 / 00:57:41:28 - government that the elite have taken
1085. 00:57:41:28 / 00:57:43:35 - care of their own survival in case the
1086. 00:57:43:35 / 00:57:46:53 - earth does so-called self-destruct they
1087. 00:57:46:53 / 00:57:54:27 - have places that they can go yes because
1088. 00:57:54:27 / 00:57:58:85 - it puts out sulfur dioxide absolutely
1089. 00:57:58:85 / 00:58:01:77 - have to give attention to creating for
1090. 00:58:01:77 / 00:58:05:10 - them it's because the only answer is to
1091. 00:58:05:10 / 00:58:10:59 - stop driving cars that's the truth there
1092. 00:58:10:59 / 00:58:32:01 - is a benefit I'm not sure that they
1093. 00:58:32:01 / 00:58:33:36 - wanted there's no evidence to do
1094. 00:58:33:36 / 00:58:34:98 - attempted to take it from us I think
1095. 00:58:34:98 / 00:58:38:01 - they want to live here with us I think
1096. 00:58:38:01 / 00:58:39:78 - there's things here that they want I
1097. 00:58:39:78 / 00:58:43:80 - think that they find us mystifying in
1098. 00:58:43:80 / 00:58:45:75 - certain way is there some aliens who do
1099. 00:58:45:75 / 00:58:47:70 - not have the ability to love or get
1100. 00:58:47:70 / 00:58:51:09 - angry they don't have emotions they are
1101. 00:58:51:09 / 00:58:53:67 - very goal-oriented very scientific they
1102. 00:58:53:67 / 00:58:55:17 - go about their business they don't
1103. 00:58:55:17 / 00:58:56:64 - understand it wouldn't get hurt
1104. 00:58:56:64 / 00:58:59:26 - understand this when they cry they looks
1105. 00:58:59:26 / 00:59:01:42 - we love someone and they seem to be
1106. 00:59:01:42 / 00:59:07:15 - studying very so the devoting a lot of
1107. 00:59:07:15 / 00:59:08:05 - attention to it
1108. 00:59:08:05 / 00:59:10:06 - for some reason there are other ones who
1109. 00:59:10:06 / 00:59:11:59 - are just here to watch they're not
1110. 00:59:11:59 / 00:59:13:06 - interfering in anything you won't
1111. 00:59:13:06 / 00:59:15:70 - interfere they're just looking they're
1112. 00:59:15:70 / 00:59:16:45 - just watching
1113. 00:59:16:45 / 00:59:17:74 - they're just studying they don't
1114. 00:59:17:74 / 00:59:19:72 - interfere with anybody bother anyone
1115. 00:59:19:72 / 00:59:22:54 - there are some here doing unfortunately
1116. 00:59:22:54 / 00:59:26:13 - some bad things yes sir
1117. 00:59:29:72 / 00:59:33:09 - can you speak up with
1118. 00:59:37:32 / 00:59:41:94 - and also we know we're thinking we know
1119. 00:59:41:94 / 00:59:44:91 - what they told us for instance the group
1120. 00:59:44:91 / 00:59:46:50 - we have the treaty with told us they
1121. 00:59:46:50 / 00:59:48:39 - came from a planet that would revolve
1122. 00:59:48:39 / 00:59:49:74 - around a red star of the constellation
1123. 00:59:49:74 / 00:59:52:19 - of Orion which would called aodocs
1124. 00:59:52:19 / 00:59:55:92 - well wherever they came from before they
1125. 00:59:55:92 / 00:59:57:27 - came from where I'm going to tell you
1126. 00:59:57:27 / 00:59:59:79 - they came from they really came from the
1127. 00:59:59:79 / 01:00:01:53 - planet Mars and they may have come from
1128. 01:00:01:53 / 01:00:04:17 - somewhere else before that but I know
1129. 01:00:04:17 / 01:00:08:19 - for a fact they came here from Mars and
1130. 01:00:08:19 / 01:00:13:11 - Mars we have found lady - down the
1131. 01:00:13:11 / 01:00:15:27 - remains of an ancient civilization on
1132. 01:00:15:27 / 01:00:17:40 - the planet Mars that have at least
1133. 01:00:17:40 / 01:00:22:94 - reached the Bronze Age and we have found
1134. 01:00:22:94 / 01:00:25:77 - that someone has been living underground
1135. 01:00:25:77 / 01:00:28:14 - on Mars I think it's these people who
1136. 01:00:28:14 / 01:00:33:45 - came here from Mars tomorrow space is
1137. 01:00:33:45 / 01:00:35:33 - not something new we knew about that
1138. 01:00:35:33 / 01:00:41:76 - lady before May 22nd 1962 when our first
1139. 01:00:41:76 / 01:00:43:86 - base program we sent to Mars landed
1140. 01:00:43:86 / 01:00:45:19 - before it landed
1141. 01:00:45:19 / 01:00:48:19 - made quite a few revolutions around the
1142. 01:00:48:19 / 01:00:50:71 - planet Mars in the atmosphere it was a
1143. 01:00:50:71 / 01:00:57:43 - wing probe it actually landed on the
1144. 01:00:57:43 / 01:00:58:51 - surface of the planet
1145. 01:00:58:51 / 01:01:04:93 - on May the 22nd 1962 in contrary to what
1146. 01:01:04:93 / 01:01:07:90 - you've been told we knew and
1147. 01:01:07:90 / 01:01:11:53 - photographed the face on Mars the
1148. 01:01:11:53 / 01:01:14:89 - parapets Romanians of cities and many
1149. 01:01:14:89 / 01:01:18:13 - many other things at that time by the
1150. 01:01:18:13 / 01:01:23:01 - letter here in my case yes sir
1151. 01:01:24:70 / 01:01:28:54 - alternative free is absolutely true now
1152. 01:01:28:54 / 01:01:30:06 - in the book you'll find some
1153. 01:01:30:06 / 01:01:33:46 - misinformation because as they reveal
1154. 01:01:33:46 / 01:01:35:85 - these things to the public they also put
1155. 01:01:35:85 / 01:01:38:10 - into things that can be proven false in
1156. 01:01:38:10 / 01:01:40:78 - case they ever want to renege on it and
1157. 01:01:40:78 / 01:01:42:67 - you have to remember that the first
1158. 01:01:42:67 / 01:01:45:88 - purpose of the contingency plan known as
1159. 01:01:45:88 / 01:01:49:99 - majestic was to test the reaction of the
1160. 01:01:49:99 / 01:01:53:26 - public to the truth with supposedly true
1161. 01:01:53:26 / 01:01:55:45 - information which could be proven false
1162. 01:01:55:45 / 01:01:56:98 - at a later date because false
1163. 01:01:56:98 / 01:02:00:15 - information is mixed in with it
1164. 01:02:00:15 / 01:02:04:06 - everybody understand how that works
1165. 01:02:04:06 / 01:02:07:48 - yes is there any way to tell whether
1166. 01:02:07:48 / 01:02:10:27 - there are good an alien's or bad aliens
1167. 01:02:10:27 / 01:02:14:62 - are there any way to contact or places
1168. 01:02:14:62 / 01:02:17:95 - to go where you can see them there I
1169. 01:02:17:95 / 01:02:20:47 - can't take the responsibility of telling
1170. 01:02:20:47 / 01:02:22:33 - you who is good and who is bad because I
1171. 01:02:22:33 / 01:02:24:04 - can't make that determination there are
1172. 01:02:24:04 / 01:02:27:25 - so much lies at so much deception mixed
1173. 01:02:27:25 / 01:02:29:32 - in with the good aliens and the bad
1174. 01:02:29:32 / 01:02:31:51 - aliens that I cannot determine who is
1175. 01:02:31:51 / 01:02:34:03 - who and what is one and what is the
1176. 01:02:34:03 / 01:02:36:34 - deception at what is reality and I
1177. 01:02:36:34 / 01:02:38:77 - advise all of you to take extreme
1178. 01:02:38:77 / 01:02:41:32 - caution as making any kind of judgment
1179. 01:02:41:32 / 01:02:43:45 - because the bad ones will present
1180. 01:02:43:45 / 01:02:45:55 - themselves to you as being good to
1181. 01:02:45:55 / 01:02:48:97 - manipulate you the good ones will lie to
1182. 01:02:48:97 / 01:02:51:37 - you to manipulate you to reach their
1183. 01:02:51:37 / 01:02:53:65 - ends which they think is good for you
1184. 01:02:53:65 / 01:02:56:65 - some of them has a policy that they want
1185. 01:02:56:65 / 01:02:58:81 - interfere with you no matter what the
1186. 01:02:58:81 / 01:03:01:92 - only thing to give us
1187. 01:03:08:94 / 00:00:00:00 - you
Part 4
1. 00:00:24:20 / 00:00:38:12 - understand how that works or places to
2. 00:00:38:12 / 00:00:42:18 - go where you can see them there I can't
3. 00:00:42:18 / 00:00:43:98 - take the responsibility of telling you
4. 00:00:43:98 / 00:00:45:72 - who is good and who is bad because I
5. 00:00:45:72 / 00:00:47:64 - can't make that determination there's so
6. 00:00:47:64 / 00:00:50:79 - much lies and so much deception mixed in
7. 00:00:50:79 / 00:00:53:19 - with the good aliens and the bad aliens
8. 00:00:53:19 / 00:00:55:38 - that I cannot determine who is who and
9. 00:00:55:38 / 00:00:58:07 - what is one and what is the deception at
10. 00:00:58:07 / 00:01:00:84 - what is reality and I advise all of you
11. 00:01:00:84 / 00:01:03:60 - to take extreme caution is making any
12. 00:01:03:60 / 00:01:06:21 - kind of judgment because the bad ones
13. 00:01:06:21 / 00:01:08:19 - will present themselves to you as being
14. 00:01:08:19 / 00:01:11:85 - good to manipulate you the good ones
15. 00:01:11:85 / 00:01:14:16 - will lie to you to manipulate you to
16. 00:01:14:16 / 00:01:16:14 - reach their ends which they think is
17. 00:01:16:14 / 00:01:18:84 - good for you some of them has a pedo
18. 00:01:18:84 / 00:01:20:78 - policy that they want interfere with you
19. 00:01:20:78 / 00:01:22:99 - no matter what
20. 00:01:22:99 / 00:01:27:18 - with us now somebody's sent up a notes
21. 00:01:27:18 / 00:01:28:93 - as I am very concerned about the
22. 00:01:28:93 / 00:01:30:36 - statement you made that there is
23. 00:01:30:36 / 00:01:33:18 - deception coming from good and bad what
24. 00:01:33:18 / 00:01:36:10 - deception is coming from good et's is
25. 00:01:36:10 / 00:01:38:22 - this possibly a lack of spiritual
26. 00:01:38:22 / 00:01:41:64 - understanding on your part no it's a
27. 00:01:41:64 / 00:01:44:67 - it's a part of in-depth investigation
28. 00:01:44:67 / 00:01:46:84 - and questioning and finding out the
29. 00:01:46:84 / 00:01:49:92 - truth rather than accepting what I hear
30. 00:01:49:92 / 00:01:54:22 - and what I see that is what is the
31. 00:01:54:22 / 00:01:56:77 - result of for instance would you say
32. 00:01:56:77 / 00:02:01:14 - that the good aliens who led the Jewish
33. 00:02:01:14 / 00:02:07:17 - tribes out of Egypt were good or bad why
34. 00:02:07:17 / 00:02:09:81 - didn't they say didn't they leave them
35. 00:02:09:81 / 00:02:13:42 - didn't they give them food and they give
36. 00:02:13:42 / 00:02:16:87 - but they saved them didn't they didn't
37. 00:02:16:87 / 00:02:18:73 - they say when you say that was a good
38. 00:02:18:73 / 00:02:22:06 - act but how did they accomplish it they
39. 00:02:22:06 / 00:02:25:61 - deceived them they said that they were
40. 00:02:25:61 / 00:02:27:94 - God
41. 00:02:31:80 / 00:02:34:44 - aliens that came to Earth in the ancient
42. 00:02:34:44 / 00:02:38:48 - times told the people they were gods
43. 00:02:38:48 / 00:02:41:25 - generally they helped them but they
44. 00:02:41:25 / 00:02:43:53 - deceived them they lied I'm not capable
45. 00:02:43:53 / 00:02:45:30 - of telling what's aligned what's a
46. 00:02:45:30 / 00:02:47:64 - deception and I'm still even God I still
47. 00:02:47:64 / 00:02:50:39 - believe in Jesus I'm a devout Christian
48. 00:02:50:39 / 00:02:53:19 - but I know that much of what is in the
49. 00:02:53:19 / 00:02:56:46 - Bible is a alien origin because I have
50. 00:02:56:46 / 00:03:00:38 - done my research and it is with oh
51. 00:03:00:38 / 00:03:03:42 - there's much of our religious history is
52. 00:03:03:42 / 00:03:07:80 - a manipulation I still believe in God I
53. 00:03:07:80 / 00:03:10:44 - still believe in Jesus I am still a
54. 00:03:10:44 / 00:03:14:18 - Christian I'm hanging on in my faith
55. 00:03:14:33 / 00:03:20:40 - because I believe that they have used
56. 00:03:20:40 / 00:03:22:50 - our faith and the truth in some way to
57. 00:03:22:50 / 00:03:25:14 - manipulate us to whatever way they
58. 00:03:25:14 / 00:03:28:05 - wanted us to go I think they wanted to
59. 00:03:28:05 / 00:03:31:07 - hasten our cultural and our civilization
60. 00:03:31:07 / 00:03:34:98 - into a development in a right direction
61. 00:03:34:98 / 00:03:38:16 - but they did it by deceiving us which is
62. 00:03:38:16 / 00:03:40:64 - not good
63. 00:03:41:90 / 00:03:44:40 - a person who's deceived ultimately finds
64. 00:03:44:40 / 00:03:46:01 - out that they have been deceived when
65. 00:03:46:01 / 00:03:47:73 - they find out they've been deceived they
66. 00:03:47:73 / 00:03:49:88 - ultimately hate the person of the season
67. 00:03:49:88 / 00:03:53:79 - and that is the ultimate end result of
68. 00:03:53:79 / 00:03:54:59 - deception
69. 00:03:54:59 / 00:03:57:40 - yes ma'am
70. 00:04:11:65 / 00:04:14:40 - write a letter and your own handwriting
71. 00:04:14:40 / 00:04:17:68 - expressing your own figures and concerns
72. 00:04:17:68 / 00:04:20:76 - and then follow it with a phone call and
73. 00:04:20:76 / 00:04:26:44 - demand an answer you have to keep you
74. 00:04:26:44 / 00:04:29:91 - must continue doing that as other people
75. 00:04:29:91 / 00:04:33:28 - begin to do it with you they are willing
76. 00:04:33:28 / 00:04:35:71 - to be forced to answer I did the same
77. 00:04:35:71 / 00:04:39:40 - thing you did only I said 536 poverty's
78. 00:04:39:40 / 00:04:41:47 - to every senator every representative I
79. 00:04:41:47 / 00:04:44:59 - get six answers five of those answers
80. 00:04:44:59 / 00:04:45:72 - said that they were sending the
81. 00:04:45:72 / 00:04:47:41 - information and five others to my
82. 00:04:47:41 / 00:04:50:03 - congressman as a congressional courtesy
83. 00:04:50:03 / 00:04:52:72 - the six letter was from my congressman
84. 00:04:52:72 / 00:04:54:58 - saying I don't know what this is all
85. 00:04:54:58 / 00:04:57:38 - about everything
86. 00:05:12:12 / 00:05:15:15 - crazy there's no family right welcome to
87. 00:05:15:15 / 00:05:20:67 - the club no one knows about that other
88. 00:05:20:67 / 00:05:22:44 - than myself and John we are we should
89. 00:05:22:44 / 00:05:25:08 - call Fuchs we've been called mentally
90. 00:05:25:08 / 00:05:28:14 - deranged we have been laughs now what
91. 00:05:28:14 / 00:05:29:73 - they make jokes about us on television
92. 00:05:29:73 / 00:05:36:27 - and on radio I don't care I'm going to
93. 00:05:36:27 / 00:05:39:54 - persist until we get results the reason
94. 00:05:39:54 / 00:05:41:67 - we're not getting results now is because
95. 00:05:41:67 / 00:05:44:91 - you and I are the only ones writing you
96. 00:05:44:91 / 00:05:51:24 - and our when he and she and he and he
97. 00:05:51:24 / 00:05:53:82 - and her and she and everybody in here
98. 00:05:53:82 / 00:05:55:95 - starts writing and their friends start
99. 00:05:55:95 / 00:05:59:22 - writing and Holly then what do you think
100. 00:05:59:22 / 00:06:00:80 - is going now
101. 00:06:00:80 / 00:06:04:13 - they're going to answer but not until
102. 00:06:04:13 / 00:06:08:67 - not into that's why we need all of you
103. 00:06:08:67 / 00:06:11:31 - with us we need to be marching right
104. 00:06:11:31 / 00:06:14:55 - alongside us mail like share more about
105. 00:06:14:55 / 00:06:16:74 - this country and the Constitution in the
106. 00:06:16:74 / 00:06:19:17 - United States that I do about my life
107. 00:06:19:17 / 00:06:22:38 - because if they succeed in what they
108. 00:06:22:38 / 00:06:23:82 - have planned for us
109. 00:06:23:82 / 00:06:29:13 - I haven't read early did it and also I
110. 00:06:29:13 / 00:06:32:34 - was raised that if you know you're right
111. 00:06:32:34 / 00:06:35:55 - you stand up and fight no matter what
112. 00:06:35:55 / 00:06:38:79 - happens no matter what happens that's
113. 00:06:38:79 / 00:06:43:55 - got to be done John Wayne talked me down
114. 00:06:43:55 / 00:06:47:87 - it's pretty far reaching out yes sir
115. 00:06:49:81 / 00:06:54:09 - how many well I am only personally aware
116. 00:06:54:09 / 00:06:58:09 - of four that's what's called the V's
117. 00:06:58:09 / 00:07:00:27 - along those greatest which came here
118. 00:07:00:27 / 00:07:02:09 - from Mars which we have a treaty with a
119. 00:07:02:09 / 00:07:03:65 - group called the Nordic in the group
120. 00:07:03:65 / 00:07:19:86 - called the orange Neverland yes if you
121. 00:07:19:86 / 00:07:22:65 - move into a new neighborhood okay and I
122. 00:07:22:65 / 00:07:24:38 - belong to one gang that she belongs to
123. 00:07:24:38 / 00:07:25:18 - another game
124. 00:07:25:18 / 00:07:28:21 - she's a very nice-looking lady isn't she
125. 00:07:28:21 / 00:07:30:75 - and she comes up and tells you hey man
126. 00:07:30:75 / 00:07:32:81 - you moved into this neighborhood watch
127. 00:07:32:81 / 00:07:37:00 - out for old bill over there builds me up
128. 00:07:37:00 / 00:07:39:53 - but I'll help you and I'll protect you
129. 00:07:39:53 / 00:07:41:78 - and I won't let bill do anything to you
130. 00:07:41:78 / 00:07:43:52 - why did you get rid of all your knives
131. 00:07:43:52 / 00:07:46:31 - and guns and don't ever lock your doors
132. 00:07:46:31 / 00:07:53:27 - what do you do there you go see I aim to
133. 00:07:53:27 / 00:07:55:88 - make the right decision when they turn
134. 00:07:55:88 / 00:07:57:87 - down the initial offer because they were
135. 00:07:57:87 / 00:08:00:02 - faced with so many uncertainties and so
136. 00:08:00:02 / 00:08:03:33 - many different things happening and
137. 00:08:03:33 / 00:08:05:69 - alien races from other planets I mean my
138. 00:08:05:69 / 00:08:07:68 - god the technology
139. 00:08:07:68 / 00:08:10:62 - they have and you want us to disarm are
140. 00:08:10:62 / 00:08:13:59 - you got bats in your belfry I think at
141. 00:08:13:59 / 00:08:16:13 - that time their decision was right
142. 00:08:16:13 / 00:08:18:93 - there's a cellar of the American people
143. 00:08:18:93 / 00:08:20:63 - was wrong their decision made a treaty
144. 00:08:20:63 / 00:08:22:32 - with an alien race without the advice
145. 00:08:22:32 / 00:08:23:61 - and consent of the Senate and the
146. 00:08:23:61 / 00:08:26:33 - Constitution for the wrong it's illegal
147. 00:08:26:33 / 00:08:28:94 - lying to the American people all these
148. 00:08:28:94 / 00:08:29:34 - years
149. 00:08:29:34 / 00:08:33:64 - simulated mess controlling us literally
150. 00:08:33:64 / 00:08:36:27 - ripping up the Constitution and Buddy
151. 00:08:36:27 / 00:08:44:03 - Holly North's shredder is wrong all
152. 00:08:44:03 / 00:08:47:37 - based upon an assumption that if we knew
153. 00:08:47:37 / 00:08:50:13 - the truth we would flip out and that a
154. 00:08:50:13 / 00:08:52:77 - small handful of men of better caliber
155. 00:08:52:77 / 00:08:54:24 - in this country than the people of this
156. 00:08:54:24 / 00:08:58:23 - country did and they are all part of a
157. 00:08:58:23 / 00:08:59:79 - group who wants to subvert the
158. 00:08:59:79 / 00:09:01:77 - Constitution in the first place to
159. 00:09:01:77 / 00:09:04:58 - create a one-world economic system under
160. 00:09:04:58 / 00:09:09:00 - a one-world government with a very few
161. 00:09:09:00 / 00:09:10:86 - people at the top will be all the power
162. 00:09:10:86 / 00:09:15:02 - all the money all the strange
163. 00:09:17:63 / 00:09:21:19 - the aliens planet OC Jets over 250 years
164. 00:09:21:19 / 00:09:25:12 - ago yes
165. 00:09:30:66 / 00:09:34:95 - and with all due respect we must stick
166. 00:09:34:95 / 00:09:37:41 - to the most pressing problems at first
167. 00:09:37:41 / 00:09:40:29 - right now confronted with what we're
168. 00:09:40:29 / 00:09:42:84 - confronted with I can't be concerned
169. 00:09:42:84 / 00:10:07:80 - with a whole the people have been
170. 00:10:07:80 / 00:10:12:69 - abducted have some ultimate mission we
171. 00:10:12:69 / 00:10:17:76 - know that they are compelled to move to
172. 00:10:17:76 / 00:10:19:50 - certain places some of them are
173. 00:10:19:50 / 00:10:22:74 - compelled to stay in the same place when
174. 00:10:22:74 / 00:10:24:75 - they are made of their area resists they
175. 00:10:24:75 / 00:10:26:55 - leave they're made that's how bad that's
176. 00:10:26:55 / 00:10:29:39 - how much they're compelled to do it
177. 00:10:29:39 / 00:10:31:50 - never is equal to love for children
178. 00:10:31:50 / 00:10:33:12 - women love their children which is
179. 00:10:33:12 / 00:10:35:28 - totally against the maternal instinct I
180. 00:10:35:28 / 00:10:36:87 - mean the maternal instinct it's just
181. 00:10:36:87 / 00:10:39:15 - totally against it we would just don't
182. 00:10:39:15 / 00:10:42:62 - do that sort of thing it's it's not
183. 00:10:42:62 / 00:10:45:63 - there's there's a level of mind control
184. 00:10:45:63 / 00:10:49:55 - that work here that is terribly
185. 00:10:49:94 / 00:10:51:92 - disconcerting
186. 00:10:51:92 / 00:10:55:11 - they are implanted they have a specific
187. 00:10:55:11 / 00:10:57:30 - goal to accomplish in the future and
188. 00:10:57:30 / 00:10:59:28 - most of them know that they have
189. 00:10:59:28 / 00:11:01:64 - something that they're supposed to do
190. 00:11:01:64 / 00:11:03:73 - but they don't know
191. 00:11:03:73 / 00:11:06:30 - and we don't either the government is
192. 00:11:06:30 / 00:11:09:81 - terribly afraid that when somebody pulls
193. 00:11:09:81 / 00:11:11:91 - a switch sometime in the future these
194. 00:11:11:91 / 00:11:14:23 - abductees are going to go out crippled
195. 00:11:14:23 / 00:11:17:99 - communications and blow up bridges and
196. 00:11:17:99 / 00:11:20:67 - the government's are prey to this I
197. 00:11:20:67 / 00:11:22:14 - don't think that's what it's about
198. 00:11:22:14 / 00:11:24:22 - it may be what it's about that it
199. 00:11:24:22 / 00:11:28:74 - concerns me that the Abdi's are seeing
200. 00:11:28:74 / 00:11:33:75 - an obvious criminal act as being a good
201. 00:11:33:75 / 00:11:37:02 - thing for instance they're asleep in
202. 00:11:37:02 / 00:11:39:60 - their bed someone comes and kidnaps them
203. 00:11:39:60 / 00:11:42:42 - out of their bed these people that
204. 00:11:42:42 / 00:11:46:38 - kidnapped them are so little different
205. 00:11:46:38 / 00:11:48:73 - than us that it's got to strike total
206. 00:11:48:73 / 00:11:50:82 - fear into them they are totally
207. 00:11:50:82 / 00:11:54:63 - paralyzed in mobile now most people have
208. 00:11:54:63 / 00:11:57:16 - never been totally helpless in their
209. 00:11:57:16 / 00:11:59:19 - lives and I'm telling you that that is
210. 00:11:59:19 / 00:12:01:35 - the greatest terror that you were ever
211. 00:12:01:35 / 00:12:03:66 - feel is when you are totally at table
212. 00:12:03:66 / 00:12:07:02 - saying you know it now these people are
213. 00:12:07:02 / 00:12:09:36 - taken into an alien environment in a
214. 00:12:09:36 / 00:12:13:53 - craft the floats in the air and around
215. 00:12:13:53 / 00:12:15:22 - the room and they all describe this room
216. 00:12:15:22 / 00:12:17:28 - exactly the same there is no difference
217. 00:12:17:28 / 00:12:19:35 - between the descriptions none of the
218. 00:12:19:35 / 00:12:22:23 - nobility of it most of them have never
219. 00:12:22:23 / 00:12:24:33 - heard of abductions are UFOs or
220. 00:12:24:33 / 00:12:27:30 - spacecraft or aliens or anything they
221. 00:12:27:30 / 00:12:29:94 - never read these books and until just a
222. 00:12:29:94 / 00:12:31:50 - few years ago there weren't any books to
223. 00:12:31:50 / 00:12:33:99 - read about abductions because this is a
224. 00:12:33:99 / 00:12:37:86 - recent thing that's been coming up so we
225. 00:12:37:86 / 00:12:39:08 - know that they're telling us the truth
226. 00:12:39:08 / 00:12:42:06 - we should not a redress them we have
227. 00:12:42:06 / 00:12:44:28 - tons of evidence and descriptions and
228. 00:12:44:28 / 00:12:46:64 - the stories are always the same and
229. 00:12:46:64 / 00:12:49:91 - sperm and OVA is harvested from them
230. 00:12:49:91 / 00:12:52:53 - scoops of flesh are taken out of their
231. 00:12:52:53 / 00:12:56:41 - body which needs pop marks they are
232. 00:12:56:41 / 00:13:00:06 - surgically operated apart they are
233. 00:13:00:06 / 00:13:04:70 - implanted some females are accredited
234. 00:13:04:70 / 00:13:07:14 - after the third or after the end of the
235. 00:13:07:14 / 00:13:09:97 - first trimester they're abducted again
236. 00:13:09:97 / 00:13:13:32 - and the fetuses taken from them and the
237. 00:13:13:32 / 00:13:16:53 - abductors perceive this experience as
238. 00:13:16:53 / 00:13:18:54 - having been a good experience and no
239. 00:13:18:54 / 00:13:22:95 - harm was done to this yet and this is
240. 00:13:22:95 / 00:13:25:74 - the conscious mind talking listen to
241. 00:13:25:74 / 00:13:28:14 - what their subconscious mind is telling
242. 00:13:28:14 / 00:13:32:13 - them their subconscious mind is causing
243. 00:13:32:13 / 00:13:34:65 - them to exhibit all of the same symptoms
244. 00:13:34:65 / 00:13:39:18 - of a rape victim are a hostage victim
245. 00:13:39:18 / 00:13:41:63 - who has been held for a long time
246. 00:13:41:63 / 00:13:45:77 - commonly called had herses syndrome
247. 00:13:45:77 / 00:13:48:04 - where he began to it
248. 00:13:48:04 / 00:13:51:82 - with you our captors now this is
249. 00:13:51:82 / 00:13:55:72 - obviously great physical and emotional
250. 00:13:55:72 / 00:13:57:97 - and spiritual harm has been done to
251. 00:13:57:97 / 00:14:00:67 - these people yet their mind has been
252. 00:14:00:67 / 00:14:02:62 - controlled to the extent that they
253. 00:14:02:62 / 00:14:05:80 - perceive this experience as having been
254. 00:14:05:80 / 00:14:11:14 - a good way that deeply concerns me I
255. 00:14:11:14 / 00:14:12:94 - don't know about you but I'm really
256. 00:14:12:94 / 00:14:16:12 - concerned about that and they are and
257. 00:14:16:12 / 00:14:18:61 - have been given some task to perform in
258. 00:14:18:61 / 00:14:21:25 - the future they know that they have this
259. 00:14:21:25 / 00:14:23:98 - job to do they don't know what it is
260. 00:14:23:98 / 00:14:26:53 - they're supposed to do some of them have
261. 00:14:26:53 / 00:14:28:59 - been given tremendous knowledge
262. 00:14:28:59 / 00:14:30:82 - knowledge that they never possessed
263. 00:14:30:82 / 00:14:33:55 - before ever learned at school don't even
264. 00:14:33:55 / 00:14:35:38 - know what it is they know a lot of
265. 00:14:35:38 / 00:14:40:93 - instances yes ma'am
266. 00:14:40:93 / 00:14:43:75 - here needs to know that we are sovereign
267. 00:14:43:75 / 00:14:45:64 - beings under God and we have the right
268. 00:14:45:64 / 00:14:48:04 - to say no that's right we both do you
269. 00:14:48:04 / 00:14:50:26 - mean God that you don't want to be
270. 00:14:50:26 / 00:14:53:44 - abducted that you cannot see me against
271. 00:14:53:44 / 00:14:55:39 - my free will and if you find yourself
272. 00:14:55:39 / 00:14:58:23 - unable to speak in such a situation
273. 00:14:58:23 / 00:15:00:97 - mentally make that declaration and they
274. 00:15:00:97 / 00:15:05:95 - can't not take you on the universal what
275. 00:15:05:95 / 00:15:07:72 - she's saying is true and people who have
276. 00:15:07:72 / 00:15:10:39 - done that and really believed and what
277. 00:15:10:39 / 00:15:12:87 - they were saying have not been inducted
278. 00:15:12:87 / 00:15:15:67 - people have tried to pull that off we
279. 00:15:15:67 / 00:15:16:83 - didn't believe what they were saying
280. 00:15:16:83 / 00:15:23:14 - we're taking anyway it's physical it's
281. 00:15:23:14 / 00:15:25:33 - been a detective it's proven to exist by
282. 00:15:25:33 / 00:15:29:74 - magnetic resonance imaging you do need
283. 00:15:29:74 / 00:15:31:66 - when you're checking this to find an
284. 00:15:31:66 / 00:15:34:24 - implant you need a medical doctor are
285. 00:15:34:24 / 00:15:36:85 - certain who is adept at finding small
286. 00:15:36:85 / 00:15:39:79 - horn objects in the human body such as a
287. 00:15:39:79 / 00:15:42:27 - physician who gained experience to be
288. 00:15:42:27 / 00:15:45:52 - about war locating small shrapnel
289. 00:15:45:52 / 00:15:47:70 - fragments in the human body and removing
290. 00:15:47:70 / 00:15:51:16 - it they are the ones who can find these
291. 00:15:51:16 / 00:15:53:47 - implants the quickest might never been
292. 00:15:53:47 / 00:15:54:01 - found
293. 00:15:54:01 / 00:15:56:56 - yes many of them
294. 00:15:56:56 / 00:15:59:23 - and I'll be I'll be the license number
295. 00:15:59:23 / 00:16:05:77 - la me arse walking yes sir young sir
296. 00:16:05:77 / 00:16:07:56 - yeah
297. 00:16:07:56 / 00:16:09:73 - transfers of Technology you know it
298. 00:16:09:73 / 00:16:11:98 - strikes me that the government everybody
299. 00:16:11:98 / 00:16:14:56 - be interested in these technologies down
300. 00:16:14:56 / 00:16:21:64 - the road you know filtered out from the
301. 00:16:21:64 / 00:16:23:74 - National Laboratories into the defense
302. 00:16:23:74 / 00:16:26:68 - ability of complex and then out to the
303. 00:16:26:68 / 00:16:28:51 - public are they working on other if you
304. 00:16:28:51 / 00:16:30:10 - read about the diverse sources for these
305. 00:16:30:10 / 00:16:33:24 - things are air engine
306. 00:16:34:90 / 00:16:38:84 - they're not working among anything so
307. 00:16:38:84 / 00:16:42:44 - the oil is gone the oil companies are
308. 00:16:42:44 / 00:16:45:79 - only my guess
309. 00:16:46:42 / 00:16:53:38 - yes sir what do you have to say ladies
310. 00:16:53:49 / 00:16:56:23 - also is there anything discoveries the
311. 00:16:56:23 / 00:17:00:04 - aliens that look exactly like people yes
312. 00:17:00:04 / 00:17:02:53 - the Nordic and ER had both look like
313. 00:17:02:53 / 00:17:06:04 - people I mean you couldn't tell I will
314. 00:17:06:04 / 00:17:08:58 - go that far enough if they could pass if
315. 00:17:08:58 / 00:17:11:58 - they want to minority are described as
316. 00:17:11:58 / 00:17:14:49 - being very beautiful
317. 00:17:32:99 / 00:17:35:13 - ladies and gentlemen and he brought up a
318. 00:17:35:13 / 00:17:36:98 - good point they want to know about
319. 00:17:36:98 / 00:17:39:84 - recreates group I'm going to tell you
320. 00:17:39:84 / 00:17:41:70 - right now the building minors case is a
321. 00:17:41:70 / 00:17:44:64 - real case it's not a phony case it's not
322. 00:17:44:64 / 00:17:46:17 - folks it is real
323. 00:17:46:17 / 00:17:51:63 - in fact the documents that you saw with
324. 00:17:51:63 / 00:17:56:31 - the string intelligence the model we
325. 00:17:56:31 / 00:17:58:08 - built and placed it in the barn and
326. 00:17:58:08 / 00:18:00:09 - photographers were sent up there with
327. 00:18:00:09 / 00:18:02:01 - intelligence agents who open the barn
328. 00:18:02:01 / 00:18:06:96 - door and said see the building fires
329. 00:18:06:96 / 00:18:11:04 - gaze is really people are readable the
330. 00:18:11:04 / 00:18:13:59 - craft are real some of their craft we
331. 00:18:13:59 / 00:18:16:98 - have with area 51 and our flying I have
332. 00:18:16:98 / 00:18:19:41 - on a videotape right now with me here
333. 00:18:19:41 / 00:18:19:77 - tonight
334. 00:18:19:77 / 00:18:23:48 - you want me to like show it to you
335. 00:18:23:87 / 00:18:26:49 - evidence right before your very eyes
336. 00:18:26:49 / 00:18:29:97 - that will prove to you that these craft
337. 00:18:29:97 / 00:18:33:30 - on this videotape are reveal you can see
338. 00:18:33:30 / 00:18:36:75 - for yourself - no way nobody possible
339. 00:18:36:75 / 00:18:41:00 - that these photographs can be faked
340. 00:19:02:57 / 00:00:00:00 - you