The discovery that the gray spots
around polar dunes on Mars are shadows cast by surface features measuring
upwards of 25 meters high and numbering over 11,000 in the 14 images analyzed
[1] leads one to question the nature of these ìmoundsî. How did they
form? What are they composed of? Are they a mineral deposit or life
form? This study proposes possible answers to those questions through the
analysis of additional image details. One of the best clues providing
insight into the nature of the ìmoundsî are the ring shadows in observed in five
MGS MOC images.
MOC E20-01114 MOC
M20-00416 MOC SP2-50805 MOC SP2-53807 MOC M19-01495
Through detail
analysis of these rings and two other MOC images containing elliptical shadows,
the height to width ratio, height above ground, internal structure, ring
thickness to diameter relationship and several other features are
2 Ring Shadows and Planetary
As many planetary nebulae appear as rings, the phenomenon
of ring images are familiar to astronomers. In the case of these nebulae,
the ring is actually a hollow shell of expanding gas that is emitting and
absorbing light relatively uniformly. But in a viewerís line of sight more
light is emitted along the periphery, so the outer ring is brighter. And
because this light must travel further through the shell of gas (see Fig 2) more
of the short wavelength light is re-absorbed by the gas, resulting in the
nebulae rings often appearing in reddish coloration.
STScl-2003-11 NASA STScl-2002-25
rings on Mars are most likely caused by the same phenomenon. The ìmoundsî
are spherical with a layer that partially absorbs the light passing through
it. The absorption layer absorbs more light at the periphery and causes a
ring-like shadow on the ground.
As can be seen in the
ring images above, in each example the direction of orientation of the ring
lines up with the direction of sunlight (yellow arrows). Also the effect
of dune slope on shadow is very apparent as noted by blue arrows.
And in
another similarity to planetary nebulae, the line of the dunes is visible
through the center of the ring, as are stars through the center of planetary
3 Height to Width Ratio
In the
case of the ring shadows, the width, as well as shadow length, are large enough
to be measured. This allows the height-to-width ratio of the shape to be
Ring shadows were
measured for length and width in five of the NASA MOC images by inserting the
images into Microsoft Excel and using the line tool. With the incidence
angle provided in the NASA ancillary data and the corresponding average shadow
length, the average height of the mounds was derived (Shadow Length * TAN
Incidence Angle) for each MOC image. The results, shown in Chart 1,
indicate a fairly consistent height to width ratio with the average ranging from
53% to 67% between the five images.
However, due to
the shape of the ìmoundî, the derived height-to-width ratio can be considerably
off. To correct for the error in derived height the profile of the shape
must be determined.
4 Graphical Method of Determining
In calculating the height of an object by using sun angle
and measured shadow length, the shape of the object can greatly influence the
resulting derived height. As shown in the figure below, a low elliptical
object with a height-to-width ration of .5 will result in a derived height of
11.2 at an incidence angle of 79.7, but will result in a derived height of 15.4
at an incidence angle of 60.8.
To graphically determine heights H1 to H3
(reference Fig. 5) an ellipse with width equal to the average width of rings in
image SP2-49306 was sized (vertically) to fit within the parallel lines of the
sun angle and the intersection with average shadow length (L1A & L1B).
Average shadow length and width measurements from image SP2-49306 were used as a
starting point since the sun angle of 79.77 provides the closest measure of true
After the shape was fit, a
vertical line was projected from Point L1A up to Point H1 (the length of this
line equals the previously derived height). The procedure was repeated for
sun incidence angles of 75° and 60°, drawing the lines tangent to the shape and
projecting vertical height lines from Points L2A and L3A. As can be seen,
height H2 and H3, are considerably higher than the true height of Shape
Repeating the graphical method for Shape 2 and Shape 3 provides a
rough method of determining the profile of the shadow causing shapes. By
comparing the height to width (H/W) ratios of the three shapes above to the H/W
ratio derived using measured data, the third shape is the closest match.
5 Zone of Disturbance
direct images of the shadow producing shapes do not appear to be visible, a
close examination of the area around the ring shadows does reveal subtle
evidence of the source. Dune slope has a very smooth appearance (either
light or dark depending on sun angle in relation to slope), while areas of flat
ground have a distinctive mottled pattern. Surrounding some rings is
an area that I will call the disturbance zone, in which the dune and flat
ground patterns are both disrupted. This is not easy to see in a printed
image, but the NASA MOC image downloaded as a 4,714 KB .gif file and imported
into Microsoft Excel was clear enough to view it. In the middle image of
the series below, phantom lines have been circled around the disturbed
zone. And in the third image, contrast has been increased to 85% and
brightness decreased to 38%, which has the effect of causing the disturbed
ground pattern to turn dark.
The diameter of the
disturbance zones around five rings in the image above was measured. This
measure can be expressed as an average ratio of zone diameter to outer diameter
of ring. The result is a ratio of 1.67. This relationship is
important as it is needed to derive the absorption layer
6 Absorption Layer Thickness in
Relation to Ring Diameter
In planetary nebulae there is a set
volume of gas in the shell, or absorption layer, so as the nebulae expands the
thickness of the absorption layer shrinks in relation to the diameter. To
determine if the absorption layer of the shadow rings was a constant thickness,
random, or varied with diameter, the ring thickness of the clearest ring images
were measured. Although better tools for image analysis at this level of
detail probably exist, for this study MOC image E20-01114 and image SP2-53807
were imported into Microsoft Excel and the line tool was used to measure inner
and outer diameters.
The change from dark to light at the
boundaries of the ring shadow is a gradual transition rather than a discrete
ON/OFF. Lacking sufficient resolution to determine I.D. and O.D. by
measuring image intensity and setting limits to a predetermined value,
considerable tolerance uncertainty is unavoidable. But by visually
selecting the same shade of gray with care, every effort was made at
Results of 12 measured spots show thickness, ½ (O.D. ñ
I.D.), having a wide variance, ranging from 3.40 to 13.12 meters.
Comparing ring thickness to ring O.D. shows some correlation within image set %
to % for image E20-01114 and % to % for SP2-53807. But if all
12 data points are considered together the result is % +/- %, which seems
to indicate there is no direct relationship between thickness and
One measure
of the ring shadow that can be determined with some certainty is that sunlight
travel-length through the absorption layer must be equal at the I.D. and O.D. of
the ring shadow. With the actual boundary of the absorption layer being
XOD and XID, the light paths LID and
LOD (red lines) must be equal for the shadow intensity to be
This fact
allows Lmin, which occurs at the center of the ring, to be compared
to Lmax, which occurs at the tangent to
2*SQRT((XOD/2)2 - a2)
2*SQRT((XOD/2)2 - b2) ñ 2*
SQRT((XID/2)2 - b2)
Lmax = 2*
SQRT((XOD/2) 2 - (XID/2)2
Lmin = (XOD ñ
Setting the equations for LOD and
LID equal gives us:
= 2*SQRT(( SQRT((XOD/2)2 - b2) -
SQRT((XOD/2)2 - a2))2 +
b2 ).
Since XOD (the zone of disturbance) was measured
in the prior section, and was found to be 1.67 * Ring OD, then XID,
Lmin and Lmax can be solved and the ratio of
Lmin/Lmax for each ring can be compared.
The path length ratio
variation is fairly small within MOC images, being 64.4% +/- 2.6% for rings in
image E20-01114, and 73.9% +/- 3.1% for image SP2-53807. The larger
variation between images can be explained by the angle of solar
inclination. For one image it is 60.86° and the other it is 75.05°.
If the shape were a perfect sphere, the angle of inclination would not affect
the absorption path calculation. But as determined in section 4 Graphical
Method of Determining Profile, the profile is more likely to fit the form of
Shape 3, and this shape does affect the path calculation.
For a perfect sphere the sunlight through the center is always
normal to the sphere and the path length through the absorption layer does not
change. For an angled profile, the path increases in length as the sun
angle goes lower.
Assuming a profile slope
of 38° for the absorption layer (this being equal to the maximum angle of sun),
and setting thickness equal to one (1), then path length can be solved for angle
q, where q equals sun angle + 38°. For the 60.86 and 75.05 angles of
inclination in E20-01114 and SP2-53807, path lengths equal 1.252 and 1.085
Dividing Lmin
values by the correction factor yields an Lmin/Lmax ratio
for E20-01114. This can be used to adjust the path length for
Lmin in SP2-53807 and recalculate the ratio. As can be seen in
the plot, for ring thickness varying from 13 to 3 meters, the
Lmin/Lmax ratio (blue line at top) is a consistent
This implies that the
thickness is being regulated by some form of feedback mechanism that holds the
relationship between shortest light path and longest light path to a set
ratio. Since a biological organism is the only thing imaginable that has a
need of, or is capable of, controlling its size in order to regulate the
absorption of sunlight, and because the shape and size of the absorbing spheres
is so similar to earth trees, I will start referring to them as trees.
7 An Earth Analogy
To better visualize
what a tree with a thin canopy would look like from space, a projected image was
drawn to show how it might look. Using the estimated MOC viewing angle and
the solar incidence angle from MOC2-147, a tree with a height to width ratio of
50% was projected in the manner the MOC would image it.
The canopy shadow is projected down to
the ground at the sun angle, while the tree trunk is imaged directly at the
angle of the MOC. At the 3m/pixel resolution of this MOC image, details
like branches blur into the background.
As can be seen
below, the projected image is a close match to spots from the MOC2-147
8 Thin
Radiating Streaks
Earth satellites with similar resolutions to MGS
MOC, such as IKONOS, are actively being used to monitor and catalog natural
resources such as plant growth rates, type of vegetation, and year-to-year
changes. An attempt was made to find images similar to the Mars ring-like
shadows, but lacking a budget to access image catalogs nothing similar was found
in public photos.
Although no ring image was located,
information regarding issues of radiating streaks in digital satellite imagery
was found. Objects such as trees and bushes cause thin radiating lines in
unfiltered images. Special algorithms are used to remove these high
frequency spikes, while still retaining enough detail to delineate individual
Per "A Remote Sensing Tutorial for Natural Resource Managers" high
frequency noise exhibited as thin radiating lines, can be a problem with
remote sensing of trees and shrubs. The ring shadows in MOC image
SP2-50805 and E20-01114 also exhibit radiating streaks, which imply a
structure similar to trees and shrubs on earth.
In the Mars Orbital Camera images, as
reported by NASA: “Many of the dark spots [in image SP2-50805] have thin,
dark streaks that radiate in several different directions.”
Although it
was theorized that the streaks were caused by passing winds that mobilized some
of the dark sand at each location. The thin, upward-pointing rays run
perfectly straight, whether on flat ground or curved dune surfaces. Even
if the wind blew the sand in a straight line over the dune surface, from
space the line would appear to curve (bend this piece of paper and you'll
see how the line above becomes distorted). It is more likely that the thin
streaks are digital noise, and indicates that the inner structure of the Martian
trees is similar to trees on earth.
9 Reflected
Ring vs. Shadow Ring
In MOC image M19-01495 two circular white
rings are visible at the base of one dune. As well as being white rather
than black, these rings are not distorted by the dune slope in the manner of
shadow rings. That is because these white rings are most likely formed by
sunlight reflecting off frost on the foliage, and since the rings not shadows on
the ground, the dune slope does not affect their
It is fortunate the MOC
captured this reflected ring image because it provides additional insight into
the nature of the trees. For an object to reflect a ring requires a
certain structure or organization. A simple spherical crown would reflect
a bright spot the way a dune reflects sunlight (note: bright area on dune in
image above).
One possible shape is a sphere with its top
removed. Since the ground is visible in many ring images, this could very
well be the configuration. Both these rings have a section of the ring
missing in the same location. Since this roughly coincides with the
windward facing side of the dune, perhaps wind has blown the frost loose or has
distorted the tree in this zone. The biological advantage of this
configuration seems rather unlikely. Also, because the circle is
flat, it would not strongly reflect sunlight up to the MOC.
Another tree
configuration that better satisfies all the visual clues is a layered structure
similar to Balsa or Spruce. Some layers would be at an angle that
would trap sunlight, while other layers would be at an optimal angle to reflect
light up toward the MOC.
Because upper layers would
block the reflected sunlight on the sunny side of the tree, the resulting
reflection would look like a ìCî. The gap in the ìCî would face the sun if
the MOC viewpoint were directly overhead, but the gap would align more towards
the viewpoint if it were at an angle.
Tree Trunk Slant Due to Wind
Barchen dunes form in areas where the
winds blow consistently from one direction. Trees on earth exposed to
steady wind tend to grow/lean with the wind. If trees on Mars slant with
the wind, the tree trunk would appear to point above the prevailing wind
direction when viewed from the MGS MOC camera. As can be seen in the image
below, that is exactly the case.
The apparent angle between
wind direction and tree trunk direction (q) depends on the MGS viewing angle and
degree of tree slant. Assuming MOC viewpoint is 90 degrees to wind
direction, then
TAN(q) = TAN(camera angle) * TAN(tree slant
If camera angle is 15 degrees and tree slant is 19.4 degrees, the apparent
angle (q) equals 37.5 degrees, which matches the measured angle for
q. This is an oversimplification, but demonstrates the
11 Tree Trunk Size
In the images
where tree trunks can be clearly seen, the tree trunk diameters appear to be
large in relation to crown diameter, at least in comparison to common Earth
trees. If we consider that image resolution ranges from 1.42- to
5.24-m/pixel, the trunk diameters must be at least 5.2 meters for them to appear
in the lowest resolution image.
Although the margin of error is
high due to measurement fidelity, two trunks diameters were directly
measured. The MOC2-072 image was chosen to do this because at 1.42
meters/pixel it has the highest resolution of the four images with visible
trunks. The resulting average trunk diameter was 5
As a third method of roughly determining trunk
diameter, rings in image SP2-53807 could be lined and scaled. As shown in
the image below, the boundaries of the trunk were determined and the percent of
overall ring diameter estimated. In this case it was 20%, and considering
the average ring diameter for image SP2-53807 is 25.5 meters, the average trunk
diameter would then be 5.1 meters.
Plotted against
an assortment of big tree record holders, the crown diameters of the Martian
trees (blue bars) are average specimens, while only the Arizona Sycamore and the
Baobab trees exceed the trunk/crown diameter ratio of the Mars trees.
12 Sand Drifts Originating at Base of
All of the spots in image MOC2-169 exhibit a ray that points
toward the upper left corner of the image. Drifting sand rather than
digital noise causes these rays. Like snow drifting from fence posts and
piling up against a snow fence, the dark sand in the MOC2-169 image displays
similar traits. The remaining streak and blotch portion of the spots
do not have the characteristic ray-like sand drift shape of the upper-left
pointing rays. They also do not have the corresponding "snow fence" dark
sand collections in the directions they are pointing.
Signs pointing to dark sand
drifting from trees:
· In
each and every instance, the starting point (thick end) of the rays
originate from the base, or bottom, of the spots -- as would be expected if sand
were drifting from the leeward side of tree trunks.
· Dark lines (indicated by
red lines below), which are presumably areas where dark sand falls out of
the wind as it slows at the foot of the dunes, match up correctly with wind
direction (red arrows).
· Slight variability in
direction of rays. Looking closely at the red arrows, it can be seen that
local variation in ray direction matches surface features that would lead to
local variation in wind direction.
Based on images beamed back by every Mars Lander, life on
Mars today seems like an impossible phenomenon. But if we follow NASAís
ìFollow the Waterî mantra, the Landers have all touched down in the parched
Sahara, missing the water-logged Polar Regions. As reported by the NASA
2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft, the Polar Regions of Mars are believed to contain
up to 50% water ice in the upper one meter of soil. [] The Mars Odyssey image
bellow shows the distribution of water over the planet ñ deep blue being highest
and red being lowest. The locations of the Landers and the dune
spots/rings have been added to the image. As can be seen, the locations
where the spots/trees have been found, all lie within the blue zone of high
water concentration.
In addition to an ample
source of water, frozen CO2 is present at the poles, as well as
sunshine 24 hours per day during the growing season. Mars is considerably
colder than Earth, but even Earth plants have adapted to extreme cold
conditions. In very hardy arctic woody plants, such as Betula, Populus
and Salix their survival depends upon tolerating extracellular ice
formation and cell dehydration (Sakai and Weiser 1973, George et al. 1982,
Larcher 1982, Ashworth 1996). These species can survive immersion in
liquid nitrogen (-196°C) when fully cold acclimated (Sakai 1960).
Everything needed for life is present and images returned by the Mars
Global Surveyor Mars Orbiting Camera have enabled the following details of
possible tree-like life to be observed or derived:
· Location at base of dunes is
similar to desert plant life on
· Tree shadows orient
with sun direction
· Sand
drifts are seen originating from base of leeward side of
· Tree trunks appear to
slant with the wind
· Crown
shadow distortions, caused by dune shape, match dune/tree
· Trunk and crown size
similar to trees on earth
Height to width ratio is 50%
Profile of tree is somewhat like a diamond with 38° side
· Tree crown is hollow
at the center, which causes ring
· Absorption layer
thickness is controlled by the relationship of light travel distance through the
shortest and longest path
· The
true crown diameter is approximately 1.67 times the visible ring shadow
· When frosted CO2,
the trees can reflect a bright white ìCî shaped
· Possible layered
structure like Spruce and Balsam
Written by:
Alan D. Moen
Weisenweg 13.
Angelbachtal, Germany