Truman UFO Photographs
Only a few months
after coming to office, Truman authorized
the first successful test of an atomic bomb,
at Alamogordo, New Mexico, July 16, 1945. It
is generally believed by many UFOlogists
that the discovery and use of the atomic
bomb led to the appearance of UFOs. (photo:
Truman Library)
August 19, 1948, Truman hosts the
18th meeting of the National Security
Council. Many of these men were believed to
have helped Truman form the policies that
would eventually govern how the UFO subject
was classified and studied. Left to Right,
clockwise: Cornelius V. Whitney, Assistant
Secretary of the Air Force; Kenneth C.
Royall, Secretary of the Army; Sidney W.
Souers, Executive Secretary of the National
Security Council; Arthur M. Hill, Chairman,
National Security Resources Board; Rear
Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Director of
Central Intelligence; Major General Alfred
M. Gruenther, Director, Joint Staff, Joint
Chiefs of Staff; unidentified, possibly
Robert Blum, Office of the Secretary of
Defense; James V. Forrestal, Secretary of
Defense; George C. Marshall, Secretary of
State; President Harry S. Truman; and W.
John Kenney, Under Secretary of the Navy.
(Photo: Truman Library) |
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