Canadian Program Director
Discusses Communication With Aliens
In 1950 I was attending a rather slow-moving broadcasting
conference in Washington D.C. and having some free time on my hands, I circulated around
asking a few questions about flying saucers, which stirred up a hornets nest. I
found that the U.S. government had a highly classified project set up to study them, so I
reasoned that with so much smoke maybe I should look for the fire. Wilbert Smith, Official Director of the Canadian Governments
UFO Investigation - 1950-1954 In a just recovered 1961 interview
with television station CJOH, the former head of the official Canadian Government UFO
investigation, Wilbert Smith, was
asked a number of questions about what he had learned during his days of investigating
flying saucers for the government. Among the many questions was one about whether or not
communication had taken place between space people and people of this planet,
and if communication had occurred how was it done? The question of communication addressed to Smith
was important, not only because he headed up the official government investigation into
UFOs from 1950 1954, but because Smith was one of the foremost communications
experts of the day. Smith worked as the chief radio
engineer for the Canadian government, going on in 1956 to head up the countries radio
regulations department. More importantly, he was in charge of monitoring 50,000 radio
frequencies in Canada, and ran the Top Secret Radio Ottawa where spies would
radio in to intelligence services. Smiths reply to the interviewer
regarding the subject of talking to aliens was positive. Some of the communications
have been on a face-to-face basis but I have not been so honored myself. Some of the
communications have been by ordinary radio, and I have received a few messages by this
means. But by far the majority of the communications are by what we call Tensor Beam
transmission, which uses a type of radio with which we are only vaguely familiar, and
which I couldnt possibly attempt to describe now. However, the mental images of the
person wishing to transmit are picked up electrically amplified and modulated into a
tensor beam, which is directed to the person to whom the transmission is addressed, and
within whose brain the mental images are recreated. The transmissions are therefore very
precise, and independent of language. I have had some experience with these transmissions
myself and can say that they are like nothing within the conventional experiences of earth
people. In the rest of the interview Wilbert
Smith discusses what the aliens look like, the effect of the extraterrestrial idea on
religion, secrecy, and a number of other topics. It should be noted in the interview that
Wilbert Smith never used the word UFO. This is because from the very beginning Smith was
aware that the phenomena was extraterrestrial, and that UFO was a word developed by the
U.S.A.F. in 1952 to muddy the waters for investigators. According to Smiths son Jim
Smith, shortly before his death in 1962 Wilbert called his son in, and told him that he
had in fact seen the alien bodies from a crash, and had been shown a crashed flying saucer
outside of Washington D.C., while conducting the official Canadian investigation. The 1961
interview continues. Q: Do you believe that flying saucers
are real? A: Yes. I am convinced that they are
just as real and tangible as most things we deal with in our every day lives. Q: Why do you think they are
real? A: Because thousands of people have
seen them, many under circumstances, which virtually preclude misinterpretation, many of
these sightings have been coordinated with radar fixes. Photographs have been taken and
physical evidence has been accumulated. Q: Have you ever seen a flying saucer
yourself? A: I have seen several objects which
I concluded were flying saucers simply because they couldnt be anything else. Q: Would you please describe such a
sighting? A; Last year, I think it was August
16, (Echo 1 was launched August 12, Q: Where you able to see any shape of
the object? A: No. Just a bright white light,
with the intense blue light with it. Q: You said earlier that there was
physical evidence, and that pictures existed supporting the reality of flying saucers.
Would you please explain? A: There have been over a hundred
books and very many magazines published in the last ten or twelve years, the majority of
which are predominately accounts of sightings, pictures, and descriptions of the physical
evidence, which has accumulated. In the limited time available I could not possibly cover
more than one or two such cases. However, here are a couple of interesting ones. (Two book
quotes) Q: Have you, yourself actually
handled any material believed to be from a flying saucer? A: If by that you mean material
substance showing evidence of fabrication through intelligent effort and not originating
on this planet, I have. But I cannot say from my own knowledge that it was ever part of a
flying saucer. Unfortunately, most of my contacts in this direction were through
classified channels, which for some particular reason, which I could never fathom,
insisted in Classifying these matters, and I am not at liberty to discuss them
further. Q: What about pictures? A: I am naturally very skeptical
about pictures since they are so very easy to fake, so unless I have taken the picture
myself and participated in its developing, I would not like to offer any of them as
authentic. I have taken a few myself, but Im afraid that they are not very
impressive. There are however, many pictures available, which, whether they are fakes or
not, do check quite well with the many visual descriptions. Here are a few. (Shows a few
photographs) Q: How long have you been studying
flying saucers? A: I suppose I have always known that
there were other intelligent beings in the universe other than ourselves, and that sooner
or later they would visit us. In 1947 when the first wide spread publicity on flying
saucers came about, I thought this was something worth thinking about and maybe
investigating. However, I didnt get around to active participation until 1950, when
I was attending a rather slow-moving broadcasting conference in Washington D.C. and having
some free time on my hands, I circulated around asking a few questions about flying
saucers, which stirred up a hornets nest. I found that the U.S. government had a
highly classified project set up to study them, so I reasoned that with so much smoke
maybe I should look for the fire. So I set about gathering as much sighting data as I
could get a hold of and analyzing it, from which I concluded that there was a 91%
probability that the saucers were real, and a 60% probability that they were alien craft
of some kind. Q: What is the official
view of flying saucers? A: I dont even know if there is
one, in Canada. In the United States there have been so many contradictory statements made
that I doubt if anyone could sort them out. However, I dont think it really matters
much anyway because the saucers are here and our opinions regarding them are not going to
change matters. It has been my experience that no one who takes even a little time to
study the evidence available publicly remains skeptic very long. This is quite apart from
those who have had access and studied the larger files of evidence collected by private
and semi-official organizations. Q: How widespread is the interest in
flying saucers? A: I really dont know, but I
think that most people are prepared to take them in their stride, along with atomic energy
and earth circling satellites. I have encountered very few really died in the wool
skeptics. Judging from the large number of saucer clubs, one or two in each city, and the
number of publications available I would say that the interest was considerable. Q: Since you say that you have been
active in the study of flying saucers for over ten years, what have you found out about
them? A: that is a tall order and would
take a good many hours. Most of it is available in reliable bookstores anyway, so I only
propose to cover the highlights here. There is much evidence that people who build and fly
flying saucers are people very much like us. They have been seen on many occasions and
there are many claims of personal contact having been established with them.
Communications with these people tell us that they are our distant relatives; that we are
descendants of their colonists on this planet, and that they still regard us as brothers
even though we dont often act like it. There is much evidence that the technology of
these people is quite a bit ahead of ours, and that through study of the behavior of the
saucers and from the alleged communications we have been able to piece together some of
this technology, and it is amazing to say the least. We are informed that these people are
really civilized, in that they regard all men as brothers; that they do not have wars, and
live under conditions of personal freedom of which we cannot conceive. Q: Have you any indication of why the
saucers are here at this time? A: there is much evidence in history,
legend and the Bible, that flying saucers have visited this planet on many occasions in
the past and that the present visitation is nothing new; it is simply a bit more intense
than in the past and we have better news dissemination means now. I think that these
people from elsewhere are concerned with our playing with atomic energy, and about our
plans for space travel and interplanetary exploration and conquest. I am sure that they do
not hold us in very high esteem, and are worried about what we might do if we ever got
loose in space armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons. Q: Have you any ideas about how
flying saucers operate? A: As I said before, the technology
of these people from elsewhere is quite a bit ahead of ours, and they have an
understanding of the realities of this universe that we are just approaching. We have
started at the effects and speculated towards the causes, whereas they started at the
cause and worked towards the effects, with the result that they are not nearly so
self-limited in science as we are. Our observations indicate that the
saucers can hover indefinitely in one place, or they can dart off with very high
accelerations. Also, they can change direction quickly; all this with utter disregard of
the laws of inertia, as we understand them. From this we conclude that they must
understand these laws better that we do and have found ways of getting around the
situation. Our own work along these lines, aided by tips from outside, indicates that the
trick is through gravity control wherein the earths gravity field is bent to
accommodate the action required. Q: That sounds quite technical, but
could you explain it further. A: Im afraid not, and I am sure
that you will appreciate the reasons, which should be fairly obvious. Q: I know this may be a hot question,
but how do you think flying saucers affect religion? A: As far as I can determine, these
people from elsewhere are a great deal more religious than we are. They believe in a
Supreme Creator, the brotherhood and divinity of Man, and a plan for the evolution of all.
To these people, their religion is a matter of daily reality, not just Sunday profession,
and they certainly seem to practice what we preach. I can find no contradictions with any
of the religions of this planet. Q: Do you have any idea where these
people come from? A: I am informed trough the many
alleged contacts that these people come from everywhere; that there is no place in the
universe where men can live that he does not live. Q: How about traveling about in the
universe? Doesnt it take a terribly long time? A: I am afraid our ideas about
certain things are due for a severe revision in the not to distant future. I am informed
that time is not at all what we think it is, but is in fact variable. Also, that the
velocity of light is not at all a limiting velocity. It merely appears so to us because we
cant see any faster. I understand that these people from elsewhere can and do travel
about a great deal and Im sure they dont take years and years to do it. Q: You seem to have a great deal of
inside information about these things; what are you doing about it? Are you bringing it to
the attention of the scientists? A: I have made no secret of the
information with which I am entrusted, and will gladly pass it on to anyone who is
sincerely interested and wants to learn. But I feel that I have no obligation whatsoever
to force this knowledge on anyone or to interfere in his or her chosen pattern of
thinking. I know these things to be true, and all the opinions to the contrary arent
going to change things. When the time is right they will be accepted. In the meantime, I
am NOT a missionary. I am concentrating my efforts on increasing my own understanding and
the understanding of those who work with me in this area. _______________________________ I wish to thank Nick Balaskas who recovered
this interview from the files of the late Wilbert Smith. The Smith files are held in the
nations capitol at the University of Ottawa. Further Wilbert Smith quotes on
communicating with aliens, crashed flying saucers, the government cover-up, hardware, and
a host of other UFO related topics can be found at: http://www.presidentialufo.com/quotes.htm