The Philosophy of the Saucers W. B. Smith Possibly One of the most interesting
aspects of the study of flying saucers, beyond the reality that they are real and
extraterrestrial, is their philosophy. What manner of creatures builds and flies them?
What do they look like? How do they think? Are their ideas and ideals similar to ours?
Could we understand them? All these and many other questions plague the serious
investigator. If we are to rely on sighting data
alone we are bound to get a one-sided idea of these creatures. For example, we see saucers
traveling at terrific speeds and then suddenly stop or change direction. Under our
concepts of physics no creature of flesh, blood and bone could withstand the tremendous
forces, which would be associated with such actions. Therefore, we are likely to assume
that the Saucerians must either be some manner of robot or a creature the like of which we
have never encountered. If Tables Reversed
Again, it is hard to understand why
any race of creatures having the tremendous power at their disposal which we see
demonstrated by the saucers, should be content to fly rather aimlessly over the globe,
without doing something more definite. If the tables were reversed, we would most
certainly would. After a brief reconnaissance we would land and announce to the natives
that we are taking over. The fact that the saucerians have made no such move appears to
indicate that they must regard us in the same general category as the other flora and
fauna native to this planet, and to them our civilization is co primitive as to be
indistinguishable from that of the lower animals and insects. We could go on speculating in this
manner for quite a while without coming anywhere near the truth. Fortunately the people
who come from elsewhere in the flying saucers seem fit to make contact with people of
earth, and to impart such information and understanding as the contact were capable of
assimilating or passing along to others. There have been many published instances of
contacts with these people from elsewhere and people of this earth, and a very great more
that have not been published. As is the case in any new and romantic field, there are
those who exaggerate, but it is not too difficult to establish that the vast majority are
honest and authentic, For instance, when a dozen or so independent contacts having no
common connection, and each believing that he or she has been favored above all others to
receive this message, all tell the same message, even to the names and descriptions which
tally perfected, one has little choice but to believe that they are telling the truth. Magnificent Philosophy
Furthermore, when the material given
to us through the many channels is all assembled and analyzed, it adds up top a complete
and elegant philosophy which makes our efforts sound like the beating of jungle drums. The
people tell us of a magnificent Cosmic Plan, or which we are part, which transcends the
lifetime of a single person or a nation, or a civilization, or even a planet or a solar
system. We are not merely told that there is something beyond our immediate experience; we
are told what it is, why it is, and our relation there-to. Many of our most vexing
problems are solved with a few words; at least we are told of them if we have the
understanding and fortitude to apply them. We are told of the inadequacies of our science
and we have been given the basic grounding for a new science, which is at once simpler and
yet more embracing than the mathematical monstrosity, which we have conjured up. We have
been told of a way of life, which is utopian beyond our dreams, and the means of obtaining
it. Can it be that such a self-consistent, magnificent philosophy is the figment of the
imaginations of a number of misguided morons? I do not think so. If the only evidence we had was
philosophical, we might justifiably suspect it, but when coupled with the reality of the
observations, thousands of them, we cannot dismiss it so easily. This is especially true
when we consider that the science that has been passed to us from the people from
elsewhere explains in a manner which we have been quite unable to do why the saucer behave
as they do, and how it is that they can do things which to us are virtually impossible.
The science and performance check perfectly. Again, we have been told where our
scientific ideas are wrong, or inadequate, and experiments have been suggested and carried
out, and in every case the alien science has been vindicated. You
cannot Make Him Drink We may ask, if all this is known, why
has it not been publicized? Why are these matters not being studied instead of atomic
bombs? The answer: it has been published. Books have been written and hundreds of
thousands of copies sold. There are available many periodicals containing this material,
which may be had for quite a nominal sum. Reports have been prepared by serious
investigators and presented “through proper channels.” It is truly said that one
can lead a horse to water but one cannot make him drink! Those who are in control of our
society are satisfied with it the way it is and resist any attempt to change anything,
which is likely to disturb the equanimity of their lives. There are those who can’t
be bothered to get the facts and make up their own minds. They would rather dismiss the
whole matter as nonsense, because someone who holds their respect says it is nonsense.
There are those who fear for their social security, and will therefore have no part in
anything, which might place it in jeopardy. There are those who say our science works, and
gives us things that we would not otherwise have. What is wrong with that? Why discard it?
There are probably as many private reasons for not facing up to the facts, as there are
people who refuse to do so. However, it is consoling to realize that, through the humble
and often criticized comic strip and science fiction stories, the younger generation is
being conditioned to accept the reality of people from elsewhere, and when given the
opportunity to do so avidly assimilate all they can get on flying saucers and the people
who fly them. The FutureThe question may well be asked, what
of the future? This question has been posed many times, and to the people from outside.
The answer; we don’t know for sure but are aware of trends. We ourselves are also
aware of trends, but considering our limited means for gathering data we must of necessity
do a vastly inferior job of predicting events. Our experience has been that when they
choose to do so, the people from outside can be quite accurate in their predictions. We may summarize the entire flying
saucer picture as follows. We have arrived at a time in our development when we must make
a final choice between right and wrong. The people from elsewhere are concerned about the
choice we will make, partly because it will have repercussions on them and partly because
we are their blood brothers and they are truly concerned with our welfare. There is a
cosmic law against interfering in the affairs of others, so they are not allowed to help
us directly even though they could easily do so. We must make our own choice of our own
free will. Present trends indicate a series of events, which may require the help of these
people, and they stand by ready and willing to render that help. In fact, they have
already helped us a great deal, along the lines that do not interfere with our freedom of
choice. In time, when certain events have transpired, and we are so oriented that we can
accept these people from elsewhere, they will meet us freely on common ground of mutual
understanding and trust. We will be able to learn from them and bring about the Golden Age
all men everywhere desire deep within their hearts.