May 29, 2000
The Role of the Presidency in the
Politics of Disclosure
Part III - The Case for and against Gore
Stephen Bassett
Washington, DC In 1945 as WWII ended and the Cold War began -
world human population was 2.3 billion. It
had taken several million years to achieve that level.
The Cold War symbolically ended in 1989 world population was 5.2 billion. Today it is 6.1 billion.
This grand
conflict was certainly unlike any before it. It
was not the longest war in history, but it was the most expensive. Its cost estimation is a complex work in
progress. However, factoring in all related
expenditures by the United States and its allies plus the Soviet Union, and including the
costs of environmental cleanup and disarmament, you get a figure somewhere between $15 and
$20 trillion in 2000 dollars. This is an
amount greater than the cost of all the wars waged in all of history.
Thus, in a period in which the population of
the planet added 3.8 billion, the first world nations committed $15+ trillion in treasure
to an ideological difference of opinion. None
of this money was available to feed, clothe, heal or educate the additional arrivals.
During the nuclear age, tens of thousands
have died as a result of an atomic explosion. Tens
of millions of have died as a result of the
gap between human need and the resources required to serve it. By starvation, environmental degradation,
disease, territorial wars over resources, genocide, and countless other derivative causes,
the Cold War generated a profound level of suffering and death it just didnt
get the credit.
While we were
focusing our fear and apprehension on the next nuclear bomb which never detonated, the
population bomb exploded and laid waste to millions of the weakest and poorest of the
human family. That this aspect of the Cold
War took place outside the U. S. borders only dampened the awareness of the American
public to its reality and ensured it would not be a factor in the policies created to
pursue the conflict.
Like the general interest in UFOs,
population concern tends to move in and out of fashion.
Talk show legend Johnny Carson single handedly created a significant upswing in the
70s due to his personal interest and repeated guest appearances on the Tonight Show
by Paul Erhlich, one of the leading environmental and population theorists. More importantly, there are few areas of
controversy which are as verboten for politicians to engage as the UFO/ET issue one
of them is population control/reduction.
The U.S. Census Bureau predicts a world
population of 9.1 billion by 2050 using very conservative growth projections. Beyond then, one would best not project, since
the earth has hinted at methods by which further growth will not be permitted regardless
of the degree of our need to breed. And these
methods are of a type that only a Wes Craven could properly appreciate.
We grouse about the intrusive images of
starving children that interrupt our channel surfing.
If the trend toward 9.1 billion humans in 2050 proceeds, one should be prepared for
all Sally Struthers, all the time. Unless
there is a profound change in world view by the leaders and citizens of the advanced
nations, the first half of the 21st Century will produce a level of suffering,
death, and deprivation surpassing even the best our last century could generate.
Because the population problem and possible
solutions are verboten as political discourse, those with legitimate concern usually
proffer environmental front issues to indirectly address the question. As in the case of the extraterrestrial presence,
there is always a price when the truths surrounding any controversy are kept out of the
political arena.
The 50-year death march to 9.1 billion human
beings packed into a world of diminishing resources begins next year.
Which brings us to Vice President Albert
Arnold Gore, Jr. It is already well known that Patrick Buchanan has the finest
19th Century mind in America. He
will not become the president. The question
before us is, which candidate has a 21st Century mind? Who either has or can acquire a worldview
commensurate with the new set of problems the human race is about to encounter? And make no mistake, one of those problems
will be adjusting to the knowledge we are being engaged by extraterrestrial beings more
advanced and with a complex agenda.
Actually, there is an easy answer
Heather Harder. But she will not become the
president either. This leaves Gore and
Ralph Nader. As it happens, Green Party
aside, Nader is very much a 20th Century guy.
However, he is progressive and resonates with the disenchanted left. So much so, he might well play the same
role as Perot in 1992, only this time on the Democrat side, and elect George W. Bush
president. In politics, like nowhere
else, what goes around, comes around.
To assess Gore as a potential president, the
following books are suggested: The World
According to Al Gore Joseph Kaufman, Inventing Al Gore Bill
Turque, and Gore: A Political Life Bob Zelnick, in ascending order of
critical intensity.

But do not even think of voting for this man
unless you have read, Earth in the Balance, his environmental/ theological/
political manifesto.
Written just after the near fatal accident of his young
son, it is a highly unusual book for a political careerist, which Gore most certainly is. Outside of a few years as a journalist, he has
been a professional politician following a path set out
by his senator father. Gore does not
want to write this book if he is following the rules of modern political strategy. Here he
goes where others fear to tread. Does he have
the worldview to take on an issue as difficult as the UFO/ET reality?
This book and Gores intellectual
interests would seem to make that case. But
there are serious problems elsewhere.
It is difficult to read about Gores
career without thinking of The Candidate, a movie starring Robert Redford which
gets hauled out of the vault every election year along with The Seduction of Joe Tynan
with Alan Alda. The American public has
come to believe the political process is fundamentally corrupting. No matter what degree of intellectual sincerity
and vision you enter with, it will be stripped away by the time you leave. Al Gore may be the poster child for this cynical
The public is fairly fed up with ludicrously
expensive, winning-is-everything politics. Gore
has embraced both adjectives with a passion. As
a result, his willingness to touch the UFO/ET problem on moral/ethical grounds, knowing it
will damage him politically and hurt his party, is most certainly in doubt.
He is well aware of President Clintons
interest in the UFO subject, including the briefings of Clinton staffers and the charge
given to Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell by Clinton to look into the matter at
the DOJ. He was witness to these activities going over like lead trial
balloons, and this includes the efforts of Rep. Steven Schiff of New Mexico. Further, Gore has never shown much interest in
challenging the military/intelligence community.
If he has, in fact, lost his ability to say
what he means and mean what he says regardless of the political consequences, there is not
much prospect of his taking up the disclosure mantle as president.
However, Gore has shown courage at times. He volunteered for Vietnam against his own
personal views because it would have hurt his fathers senate campaign had he stayed
out, which he most certainly could have done. He
was one of ten Democrats who voted with the Republicans in support of President
Bushs Gulf War resolution. It was a
risky vote of conscience. It came at a time
when he had withdrawn from the coming 1992 presidential campaign and was completing work
on Earth in the Balance. It was
the zenith of Al Gores career as a man apart from the corrupting influence of paying
for and winning elections.
Because of his service in Vietnam, the Gulf
War vote, and unchallenged devotion to family values, he is viewed far more favorably than
Clinton by the military and intelligence careerists who are conservative and republican in
the majority. Should he win the election,
they may consider dealing with Gore on disclosure rather than riding out another four
years of government witness leakage and pressure by the UFO/ET activists and the media.
William Clinton had the opportunity to make
the UFO/ET disclosure his presidential legacy.
It would now appear he has chosen to make Al Gore his legacy. Perhaps he feels that disclosure under Gore will
reflect back on him a two-for-one.
Bush or Gore, take your pick. Regardless of who you choose, you will have
to let him know in unambiguous terms you want the UFO cover-up to end, now. You might consider starting with the
campaign. It is long past time for candidates
for the highest office in the country to be repeatedly ask about the UFO/ET reality until
they respond in depth without insulting anyones intelligence. Long past.
Copyright © 2000 Stephen Bassett