Larry W. Bryant (, the "LWB
Chronicles" columnist for the web site of, provides the
following chapter excerpt from his forthcoming book "UFO Politics at the White House:
Citizens Rally 'round Jimmy Carter's Promise" (published by the Invisible College
Press --
Chapter 6. Carter Hears More from the UFOvox Populi
[AUTHOR's Note: The Carter UFO-disclosure promise reverberated across the seas, drawing
favorable response from all walks of life and across all cultural boundaries. As you can
see from the first letter of this chapter, some of that response originated from
unexpected quarters.
Today, we know that Puerto Rico has become a hot spot for UFO activity -- and that its
legislators have a renewed opportunity to take the lead in demanding greater access to the
U. S. government's Pandora's Box of hard-core UFO data.]
1-25. April 5, 1977; Dear Mr. President:
As a member of the Commonwealth (of Puerto Rico) House of Representatives, I wish to make
you aware of a matter of some importance to the United States, to Puerto Rico, and to the
rest of the world as well.
I refer to the controversial sightings of UFO's around the world. As a presidential
candidate you told the National Enquirer (June 8, 1976), "If I become President, I'll
make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the
public and the scientists" because "I am convinced that UFO's exist, because I
have seen one."
"One thing is for sure," the Enquirer quoted you as saying, "I'll never
make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky!"
Inspired by your views on this interesting matter, four young members of our House of
Representatives, Hon. Antonio Fas Alaamora, Hon. Roberto Rodriguez, Hon. Freddy Valentin,
and myself, introduced a resolution -- H.R. 151 -- whose sole purpose is to create a House
special committee to gather statements from citizens who may have evidence on the
existence of this type of scientific phenomena.
Our resolution has stirred controversy from several sectors in our community, as well as
serious response. The former, probably because the whole UFO affair has been derided by
those who make fun of any reports on UFO sightings.
Although there are other important problems to which we devote our time in search for
permanent solutions, we feel H.R. 151 covers important ground. An opinion from you on the
matter could help to enlighten those among our citizens who have declined to treat the
subject with the seriousness it deserves.
With my best wishes for success in your highly important commitment to America's future, I
Very truly yours,
Enclosure [photo-copy of the resolution, in Spanish, as depicted below]:
Sva. Asamblea la. Sesion
Legislative Ordinaria
R. de la C. 151
17 de marzo de 1977 -
Presentada por los Representantes Fas Alzamora, Mudoz Arjona y Valentin
Referida a la Comisio'n de Asuntos Internos --
Para crear una Comisio'n Especial que investigue las alegadas apariciones de
"OVNIS", objetos voladores no identificados sobre Puerto Rico y todo lo
relacionado con este asunto.
Durante los pasados aBos ha salido a la luz publica una serie de informaciones sobre
supuestas apariciones de "OVNIS", objetos voladores no identificados sobre
Puerto Rico. Si bien es cierto que se iniciaron algunas investigaciones privadas sobre
este hecho, no es menos cierto que al pueblo de Puerto Rico nunca se le ha dado
conocimiento final y concreto de si las alegadas apariciones de los "OVNIS" son
meros rumores o realidad.
El pueblo de Puerto Rico tiene derecho a conocer a fondo sobre este particular. Tiene por
lo tanto, la C`mara de Representantes de Puerto Rico la^ obligacion de hacerse eco del
clamor de la diudadanta y de investigar todo lo relacionado sobre los "OVNIS"
sobre Puerto Rico que
tanta inquietud ha causado en nuestra "Isla del Encanto".
Seccion 1.- Se crea una Comision Especial de siete (7) representantes, cuatro (4) de ellos
pertenecientes al partido de mayorta y tres (3) de ellos partenecientes al partido de
minoria, para que investigue las alegadas apariciones de "OVNIS", objetos
voladores no identificados sobre Puerto Rico y todo lo relacionado con este asunto.
Seccion 2.- La Comision debera rendir a este cuerpo un informe contentivo de sus
conclusiones y recomendaciones a la mayor brevedad posible.
[LWB Note (11/30/01): Indeed, the above excerpt does exemplify the worldwide scope of the
UFO problem, one that apparently will vex many a head of state in years to come.]