Paradigm Research Group

                    Update - November 30, 2002
     [Sent to combined PRG/X-PPAC/D2003 Mail Lists]


Spielberg's "Taken" miniseries begins on Monday night.
The schedule is out and quite interesting.  Sci Fi Channel
will air each episode three times a night PLUS the episode
from the night before.  That is 78 hours of "Taken" over
a period of 12 days.  They aren't just airing this miniseries -
they are burning it into the public's brain.  Also, this
approach with ensure that "Taken" will likely be the most
home-copied program in history.  Millions of copies of the
program will be made in the first two weeks.

It is important to be of two minds with this program.  There is
no question that considerable license has been taken (pun
intended) with the known facts to produce dramatic effects
that will create ratings.   Some of the viewers will be
confused.  This is unavoidable.  It is the trade off for the
advocacy funding, CFI, the Washington representation.

The Roswell documentary has brought key research to a
much broader audience.  The "Abduction Diaries" was
balanced.  These diaries can easily be expanded.

The press simply need to be told that the known facts
about the extraterrestrial presence are in partial measure
not accurately reflected in the fictional work.  Period. 
There is nothing new about that.  It has happened many
times with many issues.  If they want to understand the
facts about abductees/contactees/experiencers, the books
and the research are there for their perusal 

Even if "Taken" had not strayed one iota from researched
elements of the phenomena, it would still be fiction and
the disclosure process must not be driven by fiction.
There are actually people in this country who are more
comfortable with the state of the nation because they
like what they see on "West Wing."   This is madness
and a trend which does not need to be repeated with
disclosure.   Real policy, real truth, real hearings, real
engagement, real journalism, real governance.
Accept no substitute.

That said, having attended the SciFi / CFI original
press conference, the GWU symposium, the New York
symposium and the Washington, DC screening (which
was absolutely first class), there have not been any red
flags about the Sci Fi Channel's motives and agenda.
I believe they want to make money AND serve the public's
interests.  If anything happens to change my view, you
will know immediately.

IUFO Conference - Laughlin, NV - February 2-8, 2002

Given all that has happened in the past year and all that may
happen over the next two months, I strongly encourage
all to consider being in Laughlin Nevada for the winter IUFO
conference.  There will be a particular need for side meetings
between researchers and activists, as well as a need to get as
many interviews done with any media and documentarists in
attendance.  The timing is just about perfect.  It is still PRG's
view that Disclosure can and should happen in the first half
of 2003.

I will be in Laughlin the entire week of February 2 - 8 and will
likely book additional time before and after the conference for
possible meetings in Arizona, New Mexico and California.  
Please contact PRG if you want to set up a meeting or media
interview for that time period.

Photos for the PRG/D2003 Gallery

If anyone has any photos from the Bay Area UFO Expo that
would look good in the PRG photo gallery, please email or
mail a high resolution copy to PRG.  Also, if anyone has any
photos relating to the D2003 campaign or from last year's
IUFO conference in Laughlin, same request.    Thanks.

Some new photos are up at the PRG Gallery at:

The D2003 Gallery will go up as soon as a few more photos
come it.

Pre-disclosure Indicators

All future PRG updates will include this section in which any
items which PRG views as "pre-disclosure" indicators will be
listed with dates where applicable.   A "pre-disclosure" indicator
is an event which would seem appropriate if formal disclosure is
close at hand.

A section will soon go up at the D2003 website where these
indicators will be archived and expanded upon.  Feel free to
forward to PRG any items you consider as candidates.

Postponement of the mini-series "Taken" until after the
mid-term elections

May 2002
James Garvin, chief scientist for the NASA Mars Exploration
Program  initiates an unexpected approach to Richard
Hoagland and Peter Gersten.  Invitations to future meetings
and to submit proposals to NASA are extended.

October 2002
Two separate sources confirm to PRG that Discovery
Communications has withdrawn and not excepting
new pro-UFO documentaries.   This is quite unusual.
Discovery Communications is controlled by cable
magnate, John Malone out of Denver, through his
interest in Liberty Media Corporation.

October 22, 2002
Former White House Chief of Staff to Clinton, John Podesta,
inserts himself into the issue.

November  2002
Berkeley physicist and proponent of "warp drive," Jack
Sarfatti receives a huge funding infusion, an invitation to
a White House dinner and a request from Senate Majority
Leader, Tom DeLay, to serve on a committee.

November 29, 2002 
UK opens its own 'X-file',9061,850145,00.html


                      Paradigm Research Group
                         Phone: 301-990-4290
                          Cell: 202-431-2459
                     4938 Hampden Lane, #161
                         Bethesda, MD 20814

  "There is almost no limit to what you can accomplish,
           if you are willing to give away the credit."

       "Intellectual passion is found at the intersection
                      of fact and implication."